Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1432: : Great wreck [1]

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Chapter 1432: Great Destruction [1]

Driving the ice magical bird to hide in the woods slowly flying, closing the eyes and opening the moonlight night, then whispered? : "It's near!"

A moment away from taking away the little fox, she had no time to save the little fox, but she had to put a little bit of her own strength on the little fox, a faint glimmer of energy, she would not pay attention, but she could track her along the way. Come with him.

The scope of Warcraft's knowledge is very wide, and it can cover a city. Anything in it can't escape their eyes.

So I felt a close, and walked down from the back of the ice magical bird on the moonlight night, and let him and the red candle return to the space of the beast.

Her own words, hiding the atmosphere is very easy, after all, this is the old line before she came to the world!

God does not know that the ghost is close to the target, and then one hit will kill! Never lost!

The shade was thick, and the sun did not penetrate in a little bit. The ground was dead leaves, and a thick layer was piled up. However, the moon and night walked on it, but the sound did not come out!

There are no living creatures except the plants around, including the bugs!

The pressure of detachment is too strong, even if the ants are desperately trying to escape.

Moonlight screened with breath, every few steps to quietly change a breath, this ability is previously professional training, she can stay in the water for a long time, the lungs are reduced to the lowest limit!

Here, with the help of vitality, it is easier to turn her into an invisible person.

Quietly approaching the increasingly powerful pressure, as the distance is shortened, the pressure exerted on the heart by the pressure is not small.

However, for her super-powerful people, the impact is not too big!


It was the sound of the water, and a faint mist floated out of the woods.

I thought about it in the moonlight night. According to her understanding of the surrounding terrain, there should be a hot spring nearby.

Wouldn't it happen to be in the shower? That's better!

While thinking about it, the moonlight night also accelerated the pace, and finally stopped in the warm mist, eyes looking through the sly water vapor, she was, she could not help but breathe a cold breath.

It was as if she had guessed the hot springs, the stones of different sizes were scattered on both sides, and the black ganoderma lucidum grew strangely in the stone.

Those ganoderma lucidum grow very fast, growing from a small mushroom into a flowerpot-sized ganoderma lucidum, but only three seconds before and after.

The grown Ganoderma lucidum is also rotted and rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, slowly turning into a thick black juice, flowing into the hot spring pool along the gaps of the stones, the original clear water, now It is a thick black.

The rotten smell of rotten, mixed with the unique aroma of Lingzhi filled in the air, very pungent smell, smelling dizzy.

I covered my nose and mouth on the moonlit night and frowned and continued to look.

In the hot spring, slowly raise a slender arm, climb a stone by the pool, and then a head floats out of the water. It moves slowly and hardly climbs the stone. It is very difficult to slap half a body on the stone.

It’s like running out of strength, so I’m panting there and I’m not moving.

Many wounds on the back, like burning by the flames, no scars, all broke open and bleeding, the wounds were gradually expanding, and the flesh opened, vaguely seeing the muscles moving.

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