Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1421: : Reshaping the spirit body [10]

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Chapter 1421: Reshaping the Spirit [10]

He just had a low voice and asked again: "Where is she?"

Lei roared, no matter what, there is a contract, he will not let go.

Lu Ya, however, sighed softly and whispered: "It seems that I don't say where the gimmick is. Today you and I will be buried here."

"You can't..." Lei Nu just wanted to talk, but he saw Lu Ya slightly raised his hand and pointed to the rear of the direction of the dark road.

If it is true, the people in the dark fog will no longer care for them. When they blink, they disappear in front of them.

Lei roared for a while, suddenly furious, a shot on Luya's shoulder: "Bad boy!"

Lu Ya’s slight flash, severely injured Lei Fur, it’s impossible to hit him naturally, and it’s easy to get out.

"I am going to take the order of the King of the Night to bring you and the Prince to go back. I only know that I am going to act." Lu Ya is not salty and said, "It is a mistake to let go of the girl. It is better to take this opportunity to recycle her." Soul."

"This king promised to protect her!" Lei roared.

"That's you, I didn't agree." Luya said faintly, under the brim, a pair of thin cold eyes glanced around in a circle, finally set in the woods, behind a stone beast, smiled.

"It seems that this time I can finally take the seat of the prince down." Lu Ya said with a smile, completely ignoring the anger of a pair of flaming eyes staring at him.

"Bad boy! Help the king to pass!" Lei roared.

Lu Yadao said: "I don't help, if Lei Wang is able to go by himself, then go."

"Bad boy, can you not do it?!" Lei Fur did not expect that this gentle person would have the courage to sing against him, so the voice was shocked when he was shocked.

"Adult, as a high priest, in the secluded world, I am equal to you, where is there any anti-reverse?" Luya said faintly, knowing that he left, it is temporarily safe, and slowly Go to the woods just seen.

The huge stone beast stood in front of his eyes and opened his wings. It seemed that he would come to attack him at any time.

But Lu Ya knows that this stone beast has no soul, just a body, sealed in this place.

Therefore, he did not fear to bypass the stone beast. Sure enough, a golden tiger was licking his teeth in the direction of him, and the tiger glared at him fiercely.

Behind the tiger, a young girl leaned against the stone beast, and her arms were tightly guarded with a small yellow thing.

Just outside a fierce battle, the three people were obviously scared. At this moment, he saw him appear, and the tiger snorted.

Lu Ya’s slight glimpse, a smile on the pale face of the hat: “The red tiger, the fourth-order beast, if it is completely evolved into adulthood, it is a bit tricky.”

There was a sneer in the slender eyes. Under the gray robes, a long but pale and thin hand was extended. The fingers turned flexibly, and the thunder fire suddenly rushed out and slammed the tiger's body to the side!

It was so powerful when he looked at him, and the girl looked up and was shocked.

Have both thunder and fire attributes? On the mainland of Calta, in addition to Moline, the first time I saw people with dual attributes!

Of course, except for those who use the beasts of the North and the Moon, and all five elements can be manipulated.

This girl is Aria. When she sees this extraordinary shot, she knows that this person is not an ordinary person. She immediately embraces her arms and turns and runs.

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