Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1412: : Reshaping the spirit body [1]

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Chapter 1412: Reshaping the Spirit [1]

Here, it seems that there is no one but him.

Looking at the sky and the cliff, he raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth and gently said: "The southern wing is located in the south, and the terrain is always flat. This steep mountain wall is the first time I saw it."

The empty wind screamed around, and his voice disappeared into the wind.

Such a low voice, in such a strong wind, is not easy to be heard, but he still said so low and slow, calm and comfortable.

"I have said that he is very smart, and most people can't lie to him." The soft voice rang in the wind.

The wind and the corner of the wing were slightly raised, and as he suspected, he could not be brought thousands of miles away in a flash.

If there is such a power, the day is a thousand miles, and there is nothing to be said, unless it is the **** of heaven.

Unfortunately, there is no **** in this world!

Therefore, he is now in a illusion.

Realistic and dangerous fantasy!

Looking up, looking in the direction of the sound, the place was smeared with a red coat, and then a enchanting man came out ugly.

Slightly raised an eyebrow, the wind and the wing did not smile slowly.

Ever since I saw you, for the first time, I saw him showing such an ugly expression for the first time.

"You actually laughed?" He glanced at him coldly and shouted: "Warcraft's ‘killing’, do you know how powerful?”

"How good is it, they have already come in." Feng Lianyi said faintly, this light is not disguised, he has always been so calm.

Hey, he’s so angry that he jumped his feet and said loudly: “If you are trapped inside for three days, you will not be killed by the sinister traps!

"Month is not here." Wind and wing raised his head and smiled, suddenly said one.

Awkwardly stunned, and then silenced, shouted: "The person who hates you this kind of falsehood..."

"Because it is a soul, it is impossible to kill her with her." He ignored the words he said, and the wind and the wing said and looked around.

"Yeah." He nodded. In such a dangerous place, he frowned for the first time and thought very seriously.

Feng Lianyi thought that he was thinking about how to get out of here. After all, he was once like a detachment, and he was enchanted by God.

Well, he should know a lot about killing the land.

However, waiting for a half-sound, he suddenly looked up, the enchanting face, very tangled.

"Hey!" shouted at the back of the wind wing.

The wind wing turned and looked at him.

When I was awkward, I said, "I have a problem, I have never understood."

The wind and the wing did not speak, observing every subtle change around, but waiting for it to continue.

Pouting: "Hey! Are you listening?"

"Yeah." Lazyly responded, a hurricane in the sleeves slowly overflowed, flowing into the killing, but the vitality just touched the air in the killing, his hand was like a bee sting A sudden pain.

The wind is immediately retracted.

He looked at the empty air in an incredible way, and it was really amazing.

In the ear, the voice of the cymbal is still screaming: "On the appearance, I am not worse than you; on strength, you probably can't compare with me; to talk about her, I am with her every day, I don't want to understand, Does she like you in the end?"

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