Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1403: : Do not break or stand [2]

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Chapter 1403: Do not break or stand [2]

Patigraphed on a moonlit night, said: "Let the people of the Bujier family come over."

When he finished, he turned and jumped on the back of the ice magical bird, and left with the anger.

Only the sleeping teenagers in the foggy woods, the dreams of the past, gradually disappeared in the sleep as if they were foggy.

Late at night, no stars, no moon, Linhuai City Hall

A little bit of red light fluttered from the wall of the pavilion, but disappeared in an instant.

The black cavalry guarded in the dark was too late to find it wrong, and everything was over.

The entire Linhuai City was plunged into sleep, but in the room of the shack, the room was still lit with fire all night. The whole room was surrounded by special enchantments, and the room suddenly burst into strange red light. Suddenly silenced.

Just a burst of red light was accidentally leaked out of the enchantment.

The red light is too strong, faintly murderous, a cluster of light swimming in the room, like a sharp edge, a little careless, it will be divided into countless pieces.


A white hem was cut down by a red light and landed on the ground. At this time, the red light rose like a mad, fiercely hitting the edge of the enchantment!

"Still not obedient." The soft sigh rang in the red light. After a moment, a slender hand came out of the red light. In the palm of his hand, a white lotus flower slowly bloomed.

Where the flowers bloom, a breeze whirls out of the petals, entangles the red light, and then squeezes quickly.

The red light is fierce, but the white wind is forced. Under the struggle of both sides, the enchantment is shaking and smashing. It seems that the next moment will be crushed.

Finally, the white wind took the upper hand and successfully pressed the red light into a refining furnace with a golden lotus bloom on the surface.

The slender hand made a seal on the medicine stove, and they sealed the red light in the medicine stove, and they could not get out if they were struggling.

Slightly wiped the fine sweat on the forehead, the wind and the scorpion hanging down the wing slightly raised, under the thick eyelashes, the purple scorpion gently slammed out the window, a smile on the corner of the lips slowly.

"Come in." Lift it up and remove the enchantment.

The window was pushed open, a black girl sat on the window sill, the night wind blew her black hem, and she turned her face and looked heavy: "Is it really difficult?"

"Generally." He smiled slyly and waved at her, and she jumped down the window sill and walked to his side.

"If it's really impossible, don't be embarrassed." Moonlight sat down opposite him, watching the net lotus fire, and gently licking his lips.

They have already found all the medicines, including the blood of the night king, according to Xuanyuan's prescription to refine the seven broken Dan, but unfortunately, the medicinal properties of those herbs are too fierce, plus the blood of the night king, it is simply the energy of destroying the earth.

That kind of power is terrible, and even the anger is far away, not afraid to approach.

When the West and the Ula sent the blood of the Night King together, they also took the words of the Night King:

"How about the seven broken Dans who can reshape the spirits? Why do she dare to do things that go against the sky, are they not afraid of heaven?"

Heavenly condemnation?

She does not believe in the demon and the demon, only believes in all miracles, all created by themselves!

Therefore, after she listened, she just laughed and said that life is alive. If there is a war and a war, what is the point?

Seven broken Dan can become, she is naturally happy.

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