Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1401: :Playing Heaven [12]

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Chapter 1401: Lord of the Sky [12]

Lolo nodded with a smile: "Master is in my heart, always..." The blush on his cheeks was a bit bright. He thought about it, or changed his mouth and said: "...the most special."

I looked at him on a moonlit night. After all, I took a slap in the head, and when I looked up again, the ice-blue eyes were faintly flashing with a firm coldness.

Lolo looked at it, and the heartbeat seemed to have stalled for a moment. He looked at the moonlight night, the curvature of her mouth condensing, and the movement of her pat on her head.

Seemingly understood, Lolo slowly took a step back and shook his head and murmured: "Master, you, you can't do this..."

"I am for you." The moonlit night opened coldly.

The black clothes fluttered on the trees, and the chilly atmosphere gradually dominated the surrounding air.

Suddenly the black dress disappeared on the branch. When it appeared again, it was already in front of Lolo, and a hand was gently placed on his shoulder. She leaned her face and whispered in his ear.

"I will never hurt you."

In the cold atmosphere, with a misty taste of the mist, slowly into the nose.

Lolo breathed a stagnation, and suddenly wanted to push this breath close to him and push it away!

But he... can't bear it.

The hands trembled a little, and the hand holding the sword could not be lifted.

"Master..." The choked voice was blocked in the throat. "This is my thing."

The hand on his shoulder suddenly tightened, holding him in his arms, and closed his eyes apologetically at night.

"Stupid child, if a person is always in front of you, you will never grow up."

"You should be a giant tree, not a precious grass under the shadow."

He raised his head between her arms, his eyes wide open, and in the watery scorpion, he suddenly reflected an image of a sword under the moon.

The sword in the hands of a young man is precise and serious, but has no power. A black cloak man walked up, holding his hand, in the same sword style, took a few strokes, the cold on the sword front, forming a chilling afterimage in the moonlight.

The power, from that simple one-shot style, bursts out, and the chill is chilling, and the cold and murderous seems to freeze the surrounding air.

The expression of the teenager was full of horror and admiration, and the blush on the cheek was stunned by the moonlight.

When the black man finished pointing, he let go of his hand and retreated to the side, and continued to hold hands and watch the battle coldly.

Her face could not be seen under the cloak, but the cold eyes of a pair of forced people were hidden.

He is leaning his head. This is the memory of Lolo Bugier who he saw with illusion. It is the most profound part of his memory.

These memories will soon disappear.

The green rhizome on the head gently shakes.

Lolo became weaker and weaker in the moonlight night, and the tears in his eyes finally slipped out.

"Master, Master, if I am not Lolo Bugier, can I be a grass around you?"

I licked my lips on the moonlit night, and then said coldly and ruthlessly: "If you are not Lolo Bugier, we will not know."

Cruel, cold-blooded, this is her usual nature.

If you are destined to despair, you should not leave any hope.

The laws of this world are always so cruel.

In my heart, I flashed a touch of sorrow and grief, but soon, she was forced to suppress it.

After listening to her words, Lolo slowly smiled, smiled at everything, looked away, understood...

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