Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1397: :Playing Heaven [8]

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Chapter 1397: Lord of the Sky [8]

After that, she also left quickly.

The wind in the early spring is still chilly.

Lolo stood up for a moment and was ready to leave. Suddenly a mercenary of the Bujier family hurried in and came over at first sight.

"Master Lolo, the mercenary group that came out of the floating forest was robbed!"

"What?" Lolo looked up. He grew so big, was he the first time that he heard that the Bujier family's mercenary group would be robbed?

The Bugier family is deeply rooted in the mainland of Karta, and its power is huge. Every time the mercenary group sent to the floating forest is led by the strong, and each mercenary has at least six stars, which is not long. They start?

"The man is very powerful! The leader of Zhuohe is not his opponent at all!"

"You mean there is only one person?" Lolo was even more surprised. He had turned and strode out, his face was frosty.

Great courage!

"Yes, it’s a very tall man. We just got out of the foggy forest and met him in the foggy forest!"

"I am going to see what kind of master!" The voice of the boy, with a rare anger.

Foggy forest

"Ha ha ha! Just rely on these few people, but also as the opponent of the king?" A laughter like the sound of Hong Zhong rang in the woods, and suddenly flew countless birds.

In the forest, the mercenary group of more than 20 people fell to the ground and mourned. The surrounding area was traced by lightning. The trees were broken. The grass on the ground was not born, and the fog filled all over the place was scattered.

The smell of scorching flesh is permeated in the air.

"You, who are you?! How dare you rob the Bulgir family's mercenary group, are you tired of living!" A middle-aged man lying on the ground and whose clothes were burned in half was hard to say.

"What kind of Bujier family? This king has never heard of it! I have handed in the 'Ziyin Emperor Dragon'! I don't want to open the ring today!" A tall and mighty figure jumped from the tree and suddenly shocked. The ground shakes the mountain.

The powerful pressure of radiation has formed an absolute threat to the hearts of these fallen mercenaries!

Who is this powerful strength?

The middle-aged man inadvertently protects the Nayong in his hand and said: "What is the 'Purple Magic Dragon?' Is your mistake made?!"

"It’s not so easy to lie to the king! The taste of ‘紫幻帝龙涎’, the king will smell it all the time, chasing it all the way, if you don’t hand it out, the king will take you first!”

The tall body went to the middle-aged man, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his hand, faintly glaring at the middle-aged man’s frightened expression.

"You, you..." Seeing that Leiguang is getting closer and closer to himself, the horrible arrogance is tightening the air, making people breathless.

The middle-aged man is guarding the Naduan, the purple illusion emperor is the patriarch who sent them out to look for it. It is said that the refining of the medicinal herbs of the North Moon County is the most important medicinal material. If you lose it, the patriarch blames the sin for the small, let the emperor know, then it can be...

"Hey! I will not give up if I die, then I can only kill you. The king himself robbed it!" Lei Guang suddenly glared, and his eyes would affect the middle-aged.

Suddenly a figure flashed like a cheetah, and a sword with a blue glow collided with the thunder, then slammed back, and by the way, the middle-aged man was seriously injured.

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