Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1369: : Undead Tree [4]

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Chapter 1369: Undead Tree [4]

The twilight flashed, and the coldness of the whistling, but released a fierce breath!

The ice magical bird is a glimpse, and it is slowly growing, this breath, so familiar atmosphere!

In the body of the red candle, there was a sudden surge of excitement, and she looked at the moonlit night with surprise.

Under the radiance of snow, she fluttered with blue eyes and a red hair in her ear.

Under the chill of the ice spirit illusion bird, the temperature of the surrounding air has been reduced countless times in a flash!

The black energy that lingered in front of him suddenly changed some of the general, and some humanized slowly retreated.

On the girl's face, there is a faint ice-cooled arrogant smile!

Suddenly, when there is only a dozen steps away from the black energy, the moonlight does not hesitate to lift the snow shadow knife, and the cold knife body pulls a long residual image in the air, as if it is substantial, tight Follow the moonlight night!

The hair is all flying, and the moon-blue ice-blue scorpion reflects the light of snow and ice, deeper, really shocking, completely rich in lacquer black!

Gritted teeth, letting the spirits mad out of the body, and increasingly weakly support her human form.

Life and death win and lose, all in between!

As she lifted the sword and slowly fell down, the surrounding air seemed to be slightly distorted by a great force.

Although no one noticed it at the moment of thrilling, the distortion of the space is real!

Under the shadow of Huang Huang, the life of Wanshou will not show weakness. In a flash of black energy, a huge palm will be formed, and it will be photographed from above!

Hunting winds instantly blow up the huge trees around you! Dropped several trees in succession!

The ice magical bird is against the wind, but still stunned to death.

On the moonlight night, a bite of teeth, a toe on the toes, a burst of ice on the back of the ice magical bird, she jumped up.

Looking up, the huge black palm pressed fiercely, and she coldly took the corner of her mouth, and the snow shadow knives also greeted fiercely!

The white ice and cold gas suddenly slammed into the seemingly indestructible black energy!

The vitality is constantly being taken away from the body. The two black and white elements are difficult to divide at first, and then gradually compress to form a huge rotating ball!

In the middle of compression, the face of the moon and night is also more and more ugly, a sullen, ice-blue eyelids are occupied by black, completely turned into a dark!

"Master!" The red candle screamed and wanted to rush to the rescue, but was stopped by the ice spirit illusionary bird without mercy.

At this moment, when the soul of the moonlight and the beasts of the moon and the beasts are in a state of war, the outsiders must not bother to disturb, otherwise they will suffer in vain!

The red candle also understood this truth, so he just bit his lip, clenched his fist and looked worriedly.

In the air, the moon and night bite the teeth, barely stubbornly squatting, staring at the black energy.

She is very clear in her heart that this is a very risky behavior. Such a move is undoubtedly a challenge to the beastless. If it rises up and resists, it must be unable to resist with her soul power.

Only, she is betting!

Since there is a contract, the beast of the beast is absolutely loyal to her! However, for her at this time, this powerful black jade will also give birth to a rebellious heart.

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