Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1339: : Ling Beast recognizes the Lord [18]

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Chapter 1339: The Spirit Beast Recognition [18]

Those blue bats that had been violently chasing them, suddenly stupid, all the direction of the squat, neatly headed toward the fire below, and then rushed into the sea of ​​flames together!

Countless blue bats committed suicide in the sea of ​​fire. This scene is spectacular, and even watching the moonlight night, can not help but marvel.

He was happy to dance, she suddenly found out that this guy, when it was useless, was a nasty potato. When it was useful, it was quite popular.

Without the threat of blue bats, they flew out of the sea of ​​flames in extreme heat, and returned to the interior of the seventh tower with sweat.

The stone door was firmly closed, and the ice magical bird took them directly to the highest level.

He should be there. She saved the red candle and must help her to heal immediately. If she stayed in the sea of ​​fire, I am afraid there are hidden dangers. She can’t be assured.

On the contrary, she still has some trust. After all, he has helped her many times and is still risking his life.

Naturally, his personality of love and hatred, if you want to avenge revenge, she will not stop.

Potatoes will grieve you first!

I sat happily on the legs of the moonlight night, squinting at her praise, and suddenly saw the moonlight night and looked down at him. The smile on his face seemed a bit... terrible!

He immediately bit his finger and looked at her slyly.

From the night of the night, I took out a few cakes and rewarded him with a few cakes. I also touched his head and said, "It’s hard for you."

It’s hard for you for a while.

How can you think that you have been sold by your master? I only feel that I have made a merit, so I reward him with delicious food!

The little beans that are easy to be deceived, happily holding the pastry began to smash.

Moonlight suddenly felt a bit guilty...

"Master, the above seems to be..." The red candle is weak, but among them, it is still the highest rank, the strongest, and far away, and it feels a lot of unusual strength.

The ice magical bird was naturally alert. When she heard her opening, she immediately slowed down and hovered in the darkness, waiting for the moon and night to make a decision.

The soul's perception is also very strong, and the beastless nature is extremely sensitive to all kinds of powerful vitality, so she closes her eyes a little and immediately changes her face!

Above the Seventh Tower, there are many different stocks of different strengths, mixed with each other, faintly fluctuating, Yuan Yulu, in general, although not moving, can still be very embarrassing!

"Hide the breath of your body!" said the moonlit night, and then tried to suppress the vitality of the beasts in the body.

Even if this was done, when they first appeared, the weak temperament was leaked out, so the above powerful stocks all paused, and then they rushed in their direction!

"After!" Moonlight night, and then pointed to the side, said: "Go there!"

There is the wall of the seventh tower. There is no hiding place at all. Although the ice magical bird does not understand what she wants to do, she flies at the fastest speed.

When the moonlit night was near the wall, suddenly the wrist moved, and I took out a few pieces of paper from the ring and sealed it!

Although she doesn't know what the spell is, she knows that people like Huang Beiyue will not put some messy things in the ring, she is a baby in this ring!

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