Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1334: : Ling beast recognizes the Lord [13]

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Chapter 1334: Spiritual Beast Recognition [13]

He nodded in difficulty.

"Then I can't kill you." Moonlight said helplessly, she could understand the grief and helplessness in her words, but she is only a soul now.

"Warcraft is the body of eternal life. It is impossible to kill. You can only choose the seal. You are so powerful, I can't seal it."

She spread her hand faithfully, and she also hopes to become a strong person on her beautiful face.

"My current ability is at best the strength of the human fourth-order summoner, and I will not seal it." She frowned, could not help him, could not solve his pain, she could not do anything.

It seems that I know everything about her now, so he doesn't say anything more, just in the dark pupil, a slight glimpse of God's temptation.

God willing…….

"You have been very special since childhood. Asking the sky has high hopes for you. He can't do it. Maybe you can do it." The pale mouth raised slightly, and the handsome man slowly showed a smile.

Listening to the silence in the moonlight night, Xuanyuan asks the heavens, is the human being who has contracted with him, the former owner of the beastless, and perhaps he has some relationship with Xuanyuan.

"Maybe you can..." He said slowly, dark in the darkness of the pupil, a hint of red but fiercely struggling, he frowned and tried to suppress the trace of evil red.

The thrilling moonlit night, busy holding his hand, the black energy flowed out of her hand, slowly plunging into his eyes, like the commanding general, the sword fell, the red enchanting fell !

The eyelids are still dark in color, and on his forehead, he has been soaked with sweat.

It seems to be a little gratified to smile, as the eyebrows of the painting slowly loosen.

"Maybe you can really...end the pain of our family," he murmured.

"Do you hate her?" The moonlit night couldn't help but open the door. "The woman who created the beastless, Xuanyuan."

The detached hand shivered slightly, and it seemed that she was surprised to know that Xuan Zhenzhen, the woman’s everything, as early as that time, was wiped out!

On the mainland of Calta in the later generations, there was no news about her at all. Even those of the older generation, who had experienced the vicissitudes of the past, tacitly forgot her existence.

She is like a taboo in the past, sealed in the depths of everyone's mind.

"Yes, tell me." Seeing that he had doubts, he had to add one sentence at night.

"It turned out to be him." Hearing the name of the deaf, he was relieved.

If you are embarrassed, you may know Xuanyuan, and the black water is imprisoned for 17 years. When he comes out, he thinks of her.

With his eyes open, he looked at the black stone wall with a slight stunned look. After a while, he shook his head.

"If the moon is full, it will be a loss, and the object will be reversed. This is the punishment that our family should bear. If there is no Xuanyuan, can we escape the destiny that has been obliterated by God?"

The moonlight night is the most, and it seems very bleak to say the word of God from his mouth. However, she does not like the oppressive words of ‘God’.


God is on, what is it?

She is the soul who should have gone to hell, but she is not, she is going to go against the sky, reinventing the spirit and being born!


She doesn't believe in the sky, she doesn't fear the sky, she is always mysterious and illusory, she is not afraid!

The only thing she is afraid of is the human heart.

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