Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1325: : Ling beast recognizes the Lord [4]

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Chapter 1325: The Spirit Beast Recognition [4]

The illusion of illusion did not find any abnormality. When he suddenly felt that the moonlight on his head was completely blocked, he returned to God. However, he had already been licked by the moon and eyes, so that he could not make a little bit of it. The sound is coming!

"Oh." Moonlight sneered, "Crashing into my hand, peeling you off first, braised!"

I was so scared that I immediately shed tears and slammed down, looking at her pitifully.

That poor look can not help but make people feel soft, moonlight night on the green stem on his head, said: "You are a dream animal, I know your ability, don't want to play tricks!"

He nodded quickly, and this night, he let go of the hand that grabbed his mouth.

Locking the moon is surrounded by guards. It is not easy to escape. I think about it for a while, and I look down at it: "I heard that the dream animal can weave any illusion. As long as it happened in the world, you can make it. Reproduce?"

Under the fence, he naturally did not dare to lie and nodded honestly.

Although it can reproduce the past, but in the past, he could not see it because she did not have a spirit and could not use blood as a medium.

Deep dreaming must use blood for coal.

There is no martyrdom for him on the moon night, just ask: "What was the former North Moon County lord?"

The sly eyes that just cried, turned red again in a flash.

"Don't cry! Open the illusion and let me see!" Moonlight night.

I immediately shut up and didn't dare to cry. I raised my little finger and pointed to the green stem on the head that she was holding.

Moonlight is not afraid of his calculations. Here these people, she is very clear, they will not hurt.

They just want to figure out some things, and she just happens to have some doubts to solve.

He was also an honest guy. She let go of her hand and did not start her illusion to trap her. Instead, she walked two steps in place, then sat on the cushion and the green stem on her head trembled.

There was a wave of volatility in the air, as the layers of the cockroaches spread out and reached the moonlit night.

She glanced, suddenly like walking into a room full of sunshine, she looked up, standing in front of a slim, but tall and proud girl back, red hair in the wind, there is a kind of say no The thrilling out!

"Phoenix North Moon..." She muttered, and the girl suddenly turned around, and between the hair dancing, she only saw a strange mask.

In the raised hand, a white sword was slowly formed.

The red-haired girl, also looking at her, through the mask's gaze, was first ruthless, then the cold light dissolved a little, turning into a three-point smile.

Slowly raise your hand and take off the mask on your face, revealing a delicate face.

With a smile, but still stunned eyes, slightly rising lips, showing the confidence and grace of a super strong!

Although it is exactly the same face as the owner of Beiyue County, she can even see that this red-haired girl is definitely not the weak and wide county owner.

She is a girl who will give her admiration when she sees it.

That confident smile is as dazzling as the sun in the sky.

Moonlight can not help but squint, raise your hand to block the light in front of you, do not know why, suddenly feel that the eyelids are swollen, some sour feelings have to rush out.

The phoenix who took off the mask looked at her, because she was in a illusion, and she did not speak.

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