Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1310: : Lord of Black Jade [9]

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Chapter 1310: The Lord of Black Jade [9]

"You have been with me for so long, no matter what you are busy, you should be paid well, you can say it." In this world, the most difficult thing for him is to lose the person he loves. Besides, there is nothing more. Things made him feel difficult.

"I think that you are the emperor of the Northern Kingdom, and you have a huge force. You must have a very powerful refining pharmacist. I need a special remedy." I smiled at the moonlight and finally got the courage to say.

"The refining pharmacist is not awkward, you talk about what kind of medicine." Looking at her sly expression, the wind could not help but laugh.

The moon touched the nose and said: "It is special because I just glanced at it. It is the legendary metaphysical drug, called ‘seven broken Dan’.”

After she entered the secret room of Xuanyuan, she accidentally saw it in the scrolls scattered on the floor. One of the volumes was broken, which is obviously Xuanyuan’s frequent reading.

Even Xuan Xuan repeatedly thought about it, and she did not dare to expect someone to refine it.

Sure enough, after listening to the wind, I sighed for a while, then asked: "I have never heard of seven broken Dan, what is this medicine?"

"Seven broken Dan, as the name suggests, can break the painful seven emotions and reinvent the spirit, but even the people who created this kind of remedy have not succeeded in refining." The sound of the moonlight gradually faded.

"Can you have a prescription?" Feng Lianyi is also the first to hear about this kind of remedy, reinventing the spirit, is not to rely on the medicinal herbs to create a person, this anti-day behavior, is it really possible?

"I remembered it!" Moonlight turned quickly to find a pen and paper. She has always been obsessed with it. After reading it all the time, she can clearly remember it. This ability is even surprising to herself.

Wind and wing took a pen and paper to her, holding a brush on the moon and night, and brushing it down on the paper to write it. It was all in one go, and there was no pause.

After writing it, she dried the ink and handed it to him. He looked carefully. The more he looked, the more shocked he was. It took a long time to say: "It’s too deep and complicated. The person who created this kind of remedy must be a madman. ""

"Maniac?" smiled at the moonlight night, remembering that the beast was said to be boundless, and nodded: "Yes! That person is definitely a madman, she has created a lot of weird things!"

"Oh, why haven't I heard of it? Who is she?" Wind and wing can't help but be interested. He has such a wonderful talent in the world, he can't help.

"She is Xuanyuan!" He said that she was a peerless master more than a hundred years ago. There should be everything about her in the world.

I didn’t expect the wind wing to hear the name, but just shook his head in confusion, he had never heard of it.

The person surnamed Xuanyuan only had the Xuanyuan questioned in the past. He knew a little about it. I don’t know what the relationship between Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan asked.

Moonlight was a little surprised, how could the master not hear about it, she thought about it: "You haven't heard of her name, then you must have heard of ‘the beast is boundless’!”

She didn't even think of it. When she heard the words 'The Beasts Without Borders', the response of the wind and wing would be so big. For almost a moment, the expression with a smile would be frozen. The beautiful face was pale and colorless, and the hand was pinched. The prescription was also dropped on the ground.

I was shocked by the moonlight night and asked: "What happened to you?"

The wind shook his head swayingly, and then, regardless of etiquette, grasped her hand: "What does the relationship between the beast and the enemy have to do with her?"

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