Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1299: : Battle of the beast [8]

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Chapter 1299: Battle of the Beast [8]


When I wake up, the moon stars are thin outside the window, and the moonlight is reflected in the snow, which is extraordinarily bright.

Moonlight ran out of the window and practiced under the moon, which was the best for her.

Since the day I came back from the Palace of the Immortals, after a few days of good days, I was approaching the wedding of the North Moon County and Lolo. I recently had a very busy wind, except for the power of the Southern Wing. And there is only Warcraft that is called Lie, asking him to clean up.

I don't know how he dealt with evil spirits. I only know that since that day, I have not seen them appear.

Tonight, there was a feast in the Queen Mother. Feng Lianyi was invited to participate. Because she was always asleep, she didn’t follow him to the palace. I couldn’t think of waking up. So late, he hasn’t returned yet.

Bored in the snow, I made a roll in the snow, and through the moonlight, I turned out to be human, and now I have time to go to the Seventh Tower to see it. I want to save the white dragon named Red Candle. Make some preparations.

This cautious personality seems to be in line with it.

Wearing the wind-winged dress for her, simple and neat night-loading, very easy to move, she turned out from the wall of the museum, walking in the streets and lanes in the moonlight.

At this time, the street was quiet and silent. No one was there. The dogs and cats slept, and the whole city was empty and far-reaching.

Standing on the road leading to Lingyang College, I took a deep breath at the moonlight night. There is no shadow under my feet. The soul will not have a shadow. The mood is somewhat depressed. The girl wants to continue walking. Suddenly, at the end of the long street, A long shadow slowly came over.

A moonlit night, I can’t think of the night owl than her alone!

Out of curiosity, she flashed a little, and stood behind the building, looking at the shadow from the gap in the cracked wood.

It’s a girl’s figure, wearing a red dress, a person walking in the middle of the night, so bold, it seems to be a master!

The moonlight is slightly skewed and finally shines on the girl's face. The delicate facial features, the thin willow eyebrows, the clear eyes of the water, the nose and the nose are high, the lips are like petals, the pink and the crystal, the pointed little face is a little thin, the eyebrows There is a bit of arrogance between the cold and the arrogance.

"North Moon County Lord?" Months and nights can not help but whispered, the moment of seeing that face is really a surprise!

So late, how can she come out alone?

Although Linhuai City is an imperial capital, but any bright place, there will be darkness, and her identity is so special, it is not bad to be stared by someone with a heart!

Look at her like that, look a little embarrassed, a person swaying on the street, presumably because of any grievances.

She bites her teeth on a moonlit night. Although she doesn't have a good heart, she thinks that the North Moon County owner is old-fashioned. He is so good to her. If she is injured, I think he will be very upset.

I am personally blessed, and I can’t accept it in vain.

Thinking of this, she walked out from behind the house and raised her smile and shouted: "North Moon County Lord!"

The girl slowly raised her head, and the eyelids slowly lifted up. The whole movement was slow and somewhat strange, because she was close to it, and she could see her face so pale on the moonlight night!

"What's wrong with you?" The moonlight exclaimed, and my heart suddenly flashed a weird feeling!

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