Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1276: : the person of the contract [5]

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Chapter 1276: The Contractor [5]

"No need." The North Moon County owner shook his head, and the maid who followed her came to the gallery. When the wind saw it, he no longer insisted. He watched the maid help her and took her away.

I finally sent away the crying county owner. I jumped onto the piano table at the moonlight night and looked at the blood on the strings. I was trying to speak. I didn’t expect the wind to connect with the wings first: "Come out."

Who else is there?

Moonlight night looked up in shock, and as I saw the shadow of the cloister, a black boy slowly came out, pale as snow, and the black platycodon flower in the corner of his eye was close to the petals, as if he was sleeping.

When she saw this person, she felt numb in her heart, and quickly fled to hide behind Yaoqin, secretly revealing a head and looking at the boy.

Every time I saw him, I always felt very scared. I don’t know if it was killed by him in my life. It’s terrible.

In the blizzard, two people stood face to face, the wind and the smile on the wing had already been collected, and the ink lotus was also expressionless.

"She is already married, you still follow her, go back to Guangyao Temple." The cold wind blew, his voice was like the snow in the wind, cold and ruthless.

This person, killing the moon, makes her soul disappear, if the heart does not hate him, how is it possible?

Moline snorted and then slowly said: "She, not the same."

"She has changed her character, but she is still the owner of the North Moon County." Feng Lianyi looked at him. "Molian, you brought her back."

The pale lips moved slightly, and the expression of Mo Lian’s forbearance was a bit painful. “Why disappeared? Month”

"Because you killed her." The wind and the wing have no feelings, and the heart is also a sharp pain.

She disappeared, and from this world, she disappeared completely.

His words completely let the ink lotus face the painful face broken, the huge pain and fear spread, and his pale face was distorted. He raised his hand and stroked his eyes, as if to block the eyes. The pain that crawled out of him can pull him into hell.

Standing on the moonlight night, watching this scene, the complex taste that can't be said in my heart, I feel that the wind is too cruel, and the so-called disappearing Phoenix North Moon is the person they care about!

Wind and wings will hurt, and ink will hurt.

However, I immediately thought that the North Moon was killed by Mo Lian, and that he personally let her disappear into the world, so that the wind and the wing will never lose love, it is not difficult to understand his cold and bloody.

If it is her, she will kill Murion revenge at all costs.

Although this terrible teenager is not so easy to kill.

I didn't want to see his expression of pain and remorse. The wind and the wing only looked at him coldly, and then went to the room and closed the door.

Waiting for me!

It’s terrible to hide in the moonlight night behind Yaoqin, and it’s terrible to leave her with this horrible teenager!

Moonlight walks behind Yaoqin, and the hairs of the little foxes are all upright.

In the midst of fear, the boy named Merlin suddenly flashed a black thunder and then quickly patted his head.

Don't you want to commit suicide?

Under the horror of the moonlight night, I couldn’t help but shouted: "Wait a minute!" Then the fluffy body rushed to the ink lotus and slammed on his elbow, and the black thunder slammed him on the cheek. , broke into the flower stand.

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