Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1268: : Lingyang Seven Towers [13]

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Chapter 1268: The Seven Towers of the Spirits [13]

How fast is the shadow of the dragonfly? The blink of an eye has appeared behind the ice spirit magical bird. Although this ice ostrich is powerful, it is a trivial matter to subdue him. Therefore, he just raises one hand, his fingertips turn lightly, and there are countless afterimages. Formed, in the blizzard, bloomed one after another, a red flower.

The petals are not fully contained, but they flew silently to the ice magical bird.

However, what he did not think was that when the moon and night ran quickly into the triangular array formed by the six towers, the figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the ice magical bird that followed closely flew in, the huge snow and ice. The body disappeared from the front of the cockroach!

The safflower flying in the snow flew in without a hitch, hitting a tower, and immediately tied it up and blossomed.

I am stunned.

I have encountered countless weird things in my life, but I have never been so shocked!

"Little girl" he whispered, and the figure flew past, like just the safflower, flew into the triangle of the six towers, and the moonlight and the ice magical bird, but not even a shadow !

How can this be? Not to mention the moonlight night, the single ice magical bird is so huge, if you use the illusion to hide the body, it is impossible to escape his eyes!

But the **** calm around! Even the snow fell, and the quiet voice seemed to echo in the ear!

Snow fluttering in the sky, but only disappeared from her shadow!

"Moonlight night!" He shouted, and as soon as the voice came out, the entire Lingyang College was shaking. The seven towers shook and trembled, and it seemed to be dumping.

Here, the elders in the Lingyang Academy naturally felt in the first time. When the sound of the cymbals came out, they saw a little gray shadow in front of the snow. In a moment, the director of Canghe appeared. Outside the triangle array.

The white beard fluttered in the wind, and the celestial wind bones were like the world's celestial celestial beings. He touched the beard and glanced at the triangle, but suddenly saw the demon red figure, the blossoming red flower rushed in his body. Withered, and in full bloom

The red umbrella of the left hand slowly opened, and the bottom of the eye was a strange demon red. He slowly lifted it, and the evil spirits filled his eyes and looked coldly at the director of Canghe.

The director of Canghe breathed abruptly, almost fell from the back of his summoned beast, quickly retreated a long distance, and a black sword appeared in his hand, watching with vigilance: "It's you! You actually It has appeared again!"

"Where did she go?" The red umbrella in the hand of the hand swayed gently, and countless flying flowers flew toward the director of Canghe.

The director of Canghe was shocked and stunned, and he desperately arranged several enchantments in his body.

But those red flowers are like playing with him. When they fly to the front of him, they stop moving. They just fly in the heavy snow, and the fragrance comes out of the petals.

"I want to kill you, it's as simple as crushing an ant." He said coldly, "Speak where she is, I will let you go!"

"Who are you talking about?" Dean Canghe swallowed a slobber. In the end, he was a man who had experienced great winds and waves. When he was so old, he was naturally more calm than the average person.

However, the face of such a person is the powerful World of Warcraft that made a big mess in the world, and the calmness of the strong clothes is a bit vulnerable.

"After my people entered this triangle, they disappeared!"

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