Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1001: identity exposure

"Who is in the squad?"

Suddenly, a red-haired, blue-eyed, burly True Monarch descended from the sky, with a faint scent of chaos and rules on his body.

Obviously, this is a powerful True Monarch who has mastered a rule.

"Lin Zhenjun, we are here!"

There was a sound in Lin Feng's ear, and he followed the sound to see that it was True Monarch Qingtian and True Monarch Ziyuan. However, their situation at the moment is not very good, and they are on the edge of the battle between the two top true monarchs.

If you are a little careless, you will even be affected by Chiyu and crushed by the aftermath of supernatural powers.

Lin Feng glanced at the burly True Monarch, who should be under the command of True Monarch Bayuan, with a special little sign on his body.

Now that he's here, Lin Feng doesn't want to make trouble. So, I could only hold back my anger, bowed and said, "I'm here to pick up a few friends from the Fire Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, please let this True Monarch go."

"Get a friend?"

The burly-built True Monarch glanced at the several True Monarchs who were shouting below, and they were indeed from the Fire Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. But he shook his head and said solemnly: "We are encircling and suppressing the digital true monarchs under the command of True God Xuanling. We have formed an encirclement, and we must not let go of any openings."

"But they are already in danger."

"Hmph, what do they have to do with me? If they are really affected, let the people from the Fire Phoenix Chamber of Commerce find His Majesty the True God!"


Lin Feng's brows were slightly wrinkled, he had been forbearing and holding back his anger all the time.

"Hurry up and get out. It's not easy for you to practice. If you don't leave, you will be treated as a remnant of the True God Xuanling. When that time comes, you won't be able to leave if you want to."

The burly man waved his hand and refused to let go.

At this moment, Lin Feng took a deep breath, and the boiling volcano in his heart finally couldn't hold back.


Lin Feng slapped it with a slap, and the whole person was like a **** of war walking out of the flames, aloof and full of endless shock.


With a slap, just a slap, just like an egg shell, Lin Feng smashed this seemingly powerful True Monarch.

For a while, the scene was quiet, even deadly.

Zhenjun Qingtian and the others all opened their eyes. When they saw that Lin Feng was blocked, they were all worried and felt that it would be difficult for Lin Feng to save them.

After all, there is True God Ba Yuan who is blocking him.

But now, Lin Feng suddenly broke out and slapped to death a powerful True Monarch who was no less than True Monarch Zi Yuan. Everyone grew up, as if they couldn't believe it.

At this time, there are still true monarchs who dare to kill the true monarchs under the command of True God Bayuan?


Immediately, the True Monarch surrounded him, but at this moment, Lin Feng was already furious, like a boiling volcano, out of control.

Although Lin Feng has always been easy-going, he has his own arrogance.

He was once on the home planet, and that was the first person. Even in the source universe, he was the first person to be detached, and was highly respected. Even in Chaos, he is the first person in the Fenyan Continent and the first person in the Holy Beast Continent.

All the way to where he is today, although Lin Feng is not arrogant, he is proud.

But since he came to the Holy City of Chaos, Lin Feng has actually been depressed.

The true god, like the mountain above his head, suppressed Lin Feng firmly. Lin Feng, who used to be the true **** of luck, had never met before, but he was terrified and had to pay attention at all times.

Later, I went to the Tianmu Continent with Long Zhenjun, took the risk of a huge risk, and offended the Yuankong Zhenshen. Although I got hundreds of top-quality Chaos Yuanjing, it was a great harvest, but after all Embarrassed fleeing.

This way, Lin Feng has always been very depressed. It seems that the true God is a hurdle that cannot be bought, and it is firmly pressed on Lin Feng's head. On weekdays, Lin Feng didn't show it either. Therefore, after he obtained a large number of top-quality chaotic crystals, he desperately cultivated supernatural powers and strengthened his strength, so as not to be afraid of the true god?

But now, Lin Feng broke out completely after receiving the distress messages from Zhenjun Qingtian, Zhenjun Ziyuan and others.

"Bold madman!"

Several more True Monarchs surrounded him, but Lin Feng was already boiling like a volcano.


Lin Feng waved his hand, and the sky was filled with chaotic flames, reflecting the sky like a fiery purgatory.

"No, this is magical power!"

The four top true monarchs who were fighting frantically felt the violent chaotic flame breath, and their expressions changed greatly. When did another top true monarch who cultivated into supernatural powers arrived?

"Nine Layers of Wind and Flame Divine Ability!"

Lin Feng needs to vent in his heart, which has been suppressed for too long. Therefore, being blocked by the other party, Lin Feng broke out completely. He has displayed supernatural powers, and it is a magic power that covers a large area.

The terrifying flames poured down, and countless real monarchs and chaotic real people were shrouded. Under the supernatural power, everything was reduced to ashes.

This is the supernatural power, the supernatural power of refining the law!

The power of supernatural powers, so much!

Even True Monarch Qingtian and True Monarch Ziyuan opened their mouths wide when they saw this shocking scene. It wasn't the first time that they saw Lin Feng display his magical powers, but even if they saw it again now, they were all shocked and in awe from their hearts.


Lin Feng's figure flashed and flew in front of True Monarch Zi Yuan and True Monarch Qingtian.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Feng glanced at these True Monarchs.

True Monarch Ziyuan came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "We are fine, but True Monarch Laurin came to rescue us at risk. But this move by True Monarch, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble..."

True Monarch Zi Yuan looked behind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mental power swept away, and he saw that behind him, four top true monarchs stood in the air with solemn expressions.

These four are top true monarchs, and they have all cultivated supernatural powers. Just now, Lin Feng's magical power was almost indistinguishable from enemy and foe, turning some of the True Monarchs or Chaos True Masters under both sides to ashes.

Therefore, the four top true monarchs also stopped and glared at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng did not take these four true monarchs into his eyes. With one move, he summoned the Chaos Flying Boat and let the Ziyuan Zhenjun and others enter the Chaos Flying Boat.

For a time, the four true monarchs looked solemn, and vaguely surrounded Lin Feng in the middle.

However, Lin Feng did not know that among the strongholds of these chambers of commerce, there was the stronghold of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce.

There is also a true monarch in the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, called Kongming True Monarch.

True Monarch Kongming's heart moved, and when he saw Lin Feng's magical powers, he seemed a little familiar. Immediately, he recalled carefully, and a message flashed in his mind.

"This... is this the thief who was personally rewarded by His Majesty the True God?"

True Monarch Kongming was startled, and finally remembered why he felt so Some time ago, True God Yuankong personally issued a bounty, and there were two mysterious True Monarchs who became supernatural powers in Tianmu Continent. A chaotic crystal ore vein was hollowed out.

For this reason, True God Yuankong was extremely angry, and he used time to go back and send the appearance of the two true monarchs and the magical powers they displayed to all the practitioners of the Chamber of Commerce.

Appearances can change, but magical powers will not.

Isn't the magical power that Lin Feng displayed just now the same as the magical power displayed by the two mysterious true monarchs in Tianmu Continent?

True Monarch Kongming was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately sent a message to True God Yuankong: "Your Majesty, one of the two mysterious True Monarch thieves in Tianmu Continent has been found!"


True God Yuankong, who was far away in the Nine Heavens Holy City, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Good thief, actually went to the Xuanling Continent again! Hmph, where can you escape this time?"

True God Yuankong has a lot of killing intent. So the figure flashed, and the space had been broken, and it was shuttled directly towards the Xuanling Continent.

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