For no other reason, Biyu Phantom stopped at this reef and encountered a big battle.

She was defeated quickly, and within a few breaths she was controlled and taken away, leaving only a treasure ship swaying with the waves of the boundary sea.

“This is something that happened recently.

You are much faster than her. Although you encountered many accidents along the way, after eight hundred years of sailing, it is time to catch up.

If nothing else, the creature that took her away was not the Immortal King. Otherwise, the True Immortal would have no power to resist in the later stage. "The Endless Bell spoke.

Gu Wudi nodded.

He looked at the direction where the shadow of time was leaving, opened his fairy eyes, and looked into the distance.

Not long after, Gu Wudi saw a suspicious target.

It was a ferocious-looking bone ship. Its entire body was made of the bones of true immortals and immortal creatures. It was covered with sharp bone spurs and shone with a cold light. On the deck of the bone ship, three humanoid figures were sitting cross-legged. Their auras were not weak. It is a quasi-immortal king level existence.

"found it."

Gu Wudi said, he immediately drove the boat and chased after them as fast as possible.

At this moment, the creatures on the bone boat also sensed the stranger's prying eyes, and began to be alert, and soon discovered the treasure ship chasing them not far away.

"Is that the Immortal King's treasure ship? Why didn't you find it before?" The creatures on the bone ship were shocked.

Because Gu Wudi was riding a giant treasure ship. He had followed the lord of the restricted area to ride the wind and waves on the boundary sea. He had gone through countless battles, and it was covered with traces of weapons left by supreme creatures.

The beings on the bone boat thought they were being targeted by the Immortal King, and suddenly ran away with chills running down their spines.

But they soon discovered something was wrong. If it was really the Immortal King, his speed would definitely be faster than it was now. Even if they ran as fast as they could, it would be useless, they would be overtaken in an instant.

"Not an immortal king, just a true immortal." The quasi-immortal king on the bone boat made a judgment.

"What kind of true immortal can control a treasure ship of this level?" The three quasi-immortal kings were surprised. After some discussion, they decided to continue running away.

On the boundary sea, a true immortal piloted an Immortal King-level treasure ship and took the initiative to approach them. It was hard not to think too much.

To be conservative, it's better to stay away.

However, what made the three quasi-immortal kings frown was that the immortal king's treasure ship in the distance was chasing after them, with no intention of giving up.

They were fearful in their hearts and did not dare to stop. After all, the three of them did not have the support of the Immortal King. Because of this, they could only roam together as a group on the boundary sea, just for a chance to prove the Immortal King. For this reason, they Willing to pay any price, no matter the means.

In this way, a bone ship, a mottled giant treasure ship, chased and escaped, heading deeper into the boundary sea.

Gu Wudi was undoubtedly the faster one. His vehicle surpassed that bone ship by an incredible amount. It was the vehicle of a giant back then.

The only shortcoming is that the bone ship is controlled by three quasi-immortal kings, while the treasure ship is controlled by him alone.

Even so, the speeds between the two are approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the Endless Bell spoke: "Bi Yu is in that bone ship. I don't need to maintain this secret method anymore. In order to prevent accidents, leave the control of the treasure ship to me."

After that, the treasure ship was taken over by the Endless Bell, and its speed suddenly increased, rushing towards the bone ship at an incredible speed.

The three quasi-immortal kings who saw this scene were all filled with dead souls. They often walked by the river. How could they not get their shoes wet? After so many years of wandering around the world sea, have they finally been targeted by Immortal King-level creatures?


The bell rang, and the ripples of time spread, affecting the bone ship, imprisoning it in a time field. For just a moment, everything on the ship stopped, including the three quasi-immortal kings, even their Thoughts were stagnant.

By the time the three quasi-immortal kings came to their senses, Gu Wudi had already rescued the Biyu Fairy who was imprisoned in the inner space of the bone ship.

Fortunately, apart from the battle on the reef, she did not suffer any other injuries. However, it would not be possible if Gu Wudi came later.

When the three quasi-immortal kings saw this, they were shocked beyond words. The field that could completely confine them was definitely the work of an immortal king-level existence.

As for the female fairy, that was probably the reason why they were targeted.

After the three marks in Biyu's body shattered, she woke up and turned around. When she saw that the person in front of her was the familiar junior brother Gu Wudi, Biyu's mouth opened slightly, a little unbelievable. She never thought that this junior brother would come at this moment. Jie Hai rescued her in a critical moment.

"Junior brother?"

"Senior sister, you heal your wounds first. If you need anything, we'll talk about it later." Gu Wudi said soothingly, then stood up and faced the bone ship directly in front of him.

In the inner space of this bone ship, Bi Yu was not the only one imprisoned, but there were also seven true immortals and two quasi-immortal kings.

Only Bi Yu, who had just been arrested, had not been robbed. The others were already disheveled and unconscious from the torture.

Not only that, Gu Wudi also found many bones of dead immortal creatures in the bone ship, which were used as materials and piled randomly in the cabin.

Obviously, the murders committed by the three quasi-immortal kings far exceeded his imagination. Maybe the entire bone ship was built like this.

However, Gu Wudi has no interest in upholding justice. In a place like Boundary Sea, it is normal for the weak to prey on the strong.

Are those beings who were slaughtered and imprisoned good people? Which creature that has evolved to this level is not surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood?

What he wants to do now is to put an end to the cause and effect of the three quasi-immortal kings suppressing his senior sister.

What would have been the result if Gu Wudi had not arrived with the family treasure ship and failed to rescue Bi Yu?

Her fate is no different from that of the creatures imprisoned in the bone ship. She will die in endless pain and torture. The owner of the forbidden area is watching Biyu's soul lamp extinguished little by little, feeling deep in his heart. endured unimaginable pain and suffering.

With such cause and effect, it is naturally impossible not to liquidate.

"Senior, please calm down. We are too blind to recognize Mount Tai, and that's why we committed such a wrong thing. For the sake of the difficulty of cultivating Taoism, please spare my life." A quasi-immortal king trembled in front of the Endless Bell. said.

He didn't quibble about anything. To quibble in front of a powerful Immortal King was the same as seeking death. He just begged, hoping to escape.

The Endless Bell was silent, and the gods inside looked at Gu Wudi and asked him what he wanted to do with these three people.

"Fight with me. The winner can sail away in a boat. The loser will be buried in the boundless sea." Gu Wudi said.

Senior Sister Karma, he wanted to rely on his own strength to get married.

"What? Senior... do you really mean what this little friend said?" The three quasi-immortal kings were all despairing. Facing the power of the immortal king level, they could not resist. Who would have thought that there is hope in a desperate situation? You can survive by defeating the real immortal on the treasure ship.

"Natural." The Endless Bell trembled slightly.

Hearing this, the quasi-immortals showed excitement on their faces, and looked at Gu Wudi with extraordinary ferocity and murderous intent.

The three of them have been wandering around the world sea together for so many years, killing countless immortal creatures and enemies. They have rich combat experience. In terms of killing ability, who among the immortal kings can compare with them?

In the eyes of the three of them, Gu Wudi is a second-generation ancestor and paper tiger who claims to be invincible and has the support of the Immortal King. He is a soft persimmon, because at first glance, he is not a creature that stays in the sea all year round. Moreover, he is full of vitality and blood. Too young to be ridiculous.

Jiang is still old and hot, and the three of them think that they can easily control Gu Wudi. After all, how can there be any accidents when a quasi-immortal king fights a true immortal?

However, they did not intend to kill Gu Wudi, they could only seriously injure him at most. If they killed the second generation ancestor, the strong man behind it, the fairy bell that emits fairy king level fluctuations would never let them go. This is needless to say. doubt.

"Fellow Taoist, we would like to know, will we only use our own means and strength in this battle?"

Gu Wudi knew that the other party was afraid that he would have the back-up provided by the Immortal King, so he asked this question.


"In that case, I'll go first."

A quasi-immortal king with blood-red eyes stepped forward, wanting to be the first to take action.

However, what the three of them didn't expect was that Gu Wudi shook his head.

"You don't seem to understand what I mean. What I mean is that if the three of you come together, as long as you beat me, you can leave alive."


The three quasi-immortal kings were surprised. They felt that the second-generation ancestor in front of them was too arrogant. It was just a real immortal fighting a quasi-immortal king, but also one against three. It really didn't matter.

"Okay, this is what the fellow Taoist requested on his own initiative."

The three quasi-immortal kings are all ruthless scoundrels who lick blood on the tip of their swords. Otherwise, they would not have been able to survive in the boundary sea for so long.

As soon as the voice fell, the three quasi-immortal kings took action at the same time. The division of labor was clear and the angles were tricky. Every time they struck, they were fierce moves, giving Gu Wudi no chance to breathe.

They deeply understand the principle of using all the strength when a lion fights a rabbit, so when they attack, they use all their strength and do not give the opponent a chance.

Gu Wudi was not to be outdone. All the particle worlds in his body vibrated at the same time, emitting bright light. The power of countless inner worlds combined in one place gave him an extremely powerful power, enough to suppress the quasi-immortal king.


The phantom of an ancient tree poked out from his body, climbing up and reaching the sky in the blink of an eye. Thousands of branches stretched out, like spears, heading towards the three quasi-immortal kings.

There were too many, all over the sky, indiscriminate attacks, making the siege of the three quasi-immortal kings useless.

As soon as the blow came down, they were injured, and their bodies were pierced by thousands of branches in many places.

The three of them couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Is this really a fairy? He is so young and full of vigor. It is obvious that he is coming to the boundary sea for the first time, but he has such terrifying combat power. It is simply shocking.


After a moment of horror, the three of them had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and they had to fight desperately if they wanted to survive.

They showed their ruthless side, and their offensive momentum changed drastically, completely rushing to kill Gu Wudi.

The three of them spent a lot of money to finally destroy the phantom of Wandaoshu and reached Gu Wudi, but they were hit in the head by Gu Wudi's tyrannical body.

Under the Qi refining system, every particle of the physical body is an inner world, which has been tempered for thousands of times. When combined together, it is simply indestructible. Coupled with the blessing of the Immortal Sutra, the first body refining scripture in the world, it is invincible in ancient times. His physical body is invincible to the Immortal King, and only his exotic spiritual body is stronger than him.

This corresponds to the saying that the only one who can defeat himself is himself.

Not only that, Gu Wudi also mastered the eight Sanfo postures of the ancient monk lineage. He could discern the weakness of the opponent's attack at a glance and hit three inches directly.

The three quasi-immortal kings were horrified to find that no matter how cunning or ruthless their attacks were, they could be easily defused by their opponents with ease.

On the other hand, Gu Wudi's attacks became heavier each time. When the big halberd in his hand started to rotate, it seemed as if countless ancient universes were falling down at the same time.


A quasi-immortal king was hit on the shoulder by a big halberd. His whole body was chopped into pieces on the spot, and his blood spattered the sea.

The other two creatures changed their colors and tried their best to block Gu Wudi, buying time for their companions to repair their injuries.

After years of fighting, they have already developed an extraordinary tacit understanding, and they all know that teaming up is the ultimate answer.

It's a pity that the strength gap is there. Gu Wudi's hard power is too strong, even if three powerful quasi-immortal kings join forces.

The powerful and heavy halberds fell down one after another, with unimaginable power. The three quasi-immortal kings screamed in agony and retreated continuously. They had never seen such brave creatures.

Finally, Gu Wudi killed one person, and the quasi-immortal king screamed, fell into the boundary sea, and was drowned by the surging waves. In the blink of an eye, he was melted by the vapor of the boundary sea, and became the most original essence, and merged into the vast ocean.

The death of a companion made the remaining two quasi-immortal kings horrified and aroused their ferocity, and the ensuing battle was particularly fierce.

Qiang Rugu Wudi also suffered some slight injuries, but it was harmless and could not affect the final result.

In extreme unwillingness and disbelief, the two quasi-immortal kings who had been traversing the boundary sea for many years fell down, were submerged by the sea water, and disintegrated invisible.

At this point, all three quasi-immortal kings have been executed.

On the treasure ship, Bi Yu watched this scene in shock, sighing secretly in his heart, as expected, the invincible junior brother will only be more defiant, more terrifying than the entrance of Chi Cang, Qing Yue, and Dugu Che.

They are both true immortals, but their Dao Fruit and combat power are not at the same level.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Gu Wudi stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Wuwei, for saving me. Otherwise, I would have suffered the same fate as those creatures." Bi Yu said gratefully.

"You are my senior sister, so naturally I can't just watch you die."

"My senior sister is really incompetent and has caused trouble for my junior brother." Bi Yu said with a leisurely look.

"What are you talking about? Back then, you protected Qingyue and helped her so much. How should I say this?" Gu Wudi shook his head.

Later, he told Biyu that currently, there are two paths for her to choose. One is to return to the dam world immediately and return to the original ancient world. The other is to stay on the treasure ship and practice with the help of the boundary sea environment.

The second choice will be very dangerous, because Gu Wudi will continue to go deep into the realm sea to hone his worldly immortality. In the process, he is very likely to meet a powerful person like the Immortal King. Even with the Endless Bell, Absolute safety cannot be guaranteed.

In the end, Biyu chose the second option and risked her life to go to sea just to seek a breakthrough opportunity. How could she be willing to fail to achieve her goal?

However, she also knew that following Gu Wudi would be a drag.

"Junior brother, I choose the second option. Once I find a chance to break through and become a quasi-immortal king, I will set off to return to the original ancient world.

If you encounter any danger while staying on Master's treasure ship, don't worry, Junior Brother, I will not be a burden to Junior Brother and will never embarrass Junior Brother. "

"Sister, I'm serious, you and I are under the same sect, why should we be so indifferent?"

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