The news of Ejin's immortality soon spread in foreign lands.

The whole world was shocked!

Even the Immortal Kings couldn't help but look surprised when they learned the news.

It only took 30,000 years to achieve enlightenment from a weak Qi-eating realm creature to an immortal. This speed of cultivation is difficult for even the descendants of the Imperial Clan to match.

For ordinary monks, it takes 30,000 years to achieve enlightenment. Moreover, this speed is relatively fast in the world of monasticism.

The speed of cultivation is one aspect, but the most concerning thing is that when Gen Jin was at the peak of humanity, he was able to kill the creatures in the late stages of True Immortal. How strong will he be after he becomes an immortal?

Many people speculate that he may be the first person under the Immortal King.

Although there is no substantial record to support this speculation, it has been recognized by some immortal kings.

For example, An Lan and Yu Tuo, the supreme immortal kings, have personally said that Genjin is the first person under the immortal king.

Of course, the "Immortal King" here does not only refer to the creatures who have entered the realm of the Immortal King, but also refers to the beings whose combat power has reached this level.

How difficult is it to prove the immortal king? Only one or two creatures in an era can have this opportunity.

Most of the others will die in the Immortal King's Tribulation and become dung.

Only a small number of creatures can survive the tribulation and fail. To be precise, they have survived the tribulation of the physical body and have bodies at the level of immortal kings. Finally, they failed in the tribulation of the soul and survived.

Although the souls of these creatures have failed to advance, after several transformations, they are extremely close to the realm of the Immortal King, far exceeding that of the quasi-immortal king.

They cannot be called immortal kings, and their souls have not crossed the last level of the sky. However, with the physical body of the immortal king, and the souls that are far stronger than the quasi-immortal kings, their combat power is not much different from that of ordinary immortal kings. .

If Gen Jin, who had just become an immortal, were allowed to compete with this kind of creature, he would definitely be the loser.

The Immortal King's physical body alone is enough to crush Gen Jin. Although he is powerful and good at his physical body, there is a limit, and he is not yet on par with the Immortal King.

However, Genjin has great potential. He has entered the Seven Colors Supreme Realm. As time goes by, his physical body will continue to become stronger. It is difficult to say whether one day in the future, he will be able to rival the Immortal King in the Immortal Domain. .

At this moment, the ancestral land of the Luomo clan was very lively, and the entire imperial clan from the foreign land sent envoys here to congratulate Genjin for his immortal enlightenment.

Originally, the birth of an immortal to an imperial clan would not cause such a big shock. However, it is different now. Not only does the combat power surpass other immortals, but it also has unparalleled seven-color blood. Under the blessing of various auras, it cannot help but The Imperial Clan doesn’t pay attention.

Maybe he will become an extremely powerful giant in the future. This possibility is very high. The iconic colorful blood alone is enough to make people imagine. To put it bluntly, even many immortal kings I am envious of this achievement.

Looking at foreign lands, not counting those who go to sea, there are no more than ten creatures with seven-colored blood. It is really surprising that Genjin can be one of them.

Today, he has become a benchmark for foreign beings. Countless monks from foreign lands have a fanatical worship of him. They regard him as a god and spontaneously build statues for him. They worship him day and night, pray devoutly, and chant the true name of Genjin.

Genjin can clearly sense this. Compared with before he attained immortality, the power of faith floating in the nothingness was several times greater, making the armor of faith around his soul become even more solid and powerful. When you are a quasi-immortal king, you can be more calm and leisurely.

Some imperial clans were even led by the quasi-immortal king. While they came to the Luo clan to congratulate them, they also wanted to see if Genjin's title of "the first person under the immortal king" was worthy of the name.

The Luo clan showed a welcoming attitude towards the envoys from each imperial clan, and Genjin was present throughout the whole process, chatting and laughing with the immortal creatures of the major imperial clans.

Although he is very young, only over 30,000 years old, and every immortal present is over a million years old, much older than him, no one dares to underestimate this young man.

Facing the quasi-immortal king, the other immortals all refer to themselves as seniors, and only Genjin is the same generation, which is particularly special.

Soon after, an ancient arena rumbled up. It was built by Luo Mo himself and specially prepared for immortal creatures.

Genjin ushered in the first battle after attaining immortality. His opponent was the quasi-immortal king from the Anlan Imperial Clan, named An Hui. He had practiced Taoism for eight epochs and was considered the best among the quasi-immortal kings.

"Fellow Daoist An Hui, I'm offended." Genjin whispered.

An Hui responded with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Genjin, feel free to take action, but don't show mercy."

Gen Jin nodded, his whole body was surrounded by bright seven-colored light, and the third layer of the Immortal Sutra blessed his body, and he used the Chaos Milling Fist. This punch, he used all his strength, which was equivalent to the integration of thousands of killing moves into one.

Rich chaotic energy burst out from between his fist fingers, forming a huge millstone, rumbling and turning, crushing everything.

This punch seemed slow but was urgent. With a flash of silver light, he arrived in front of An Hui in the blink of an eye. The speed surprised An Hui, who was in the realm of the quasi-immortal king.

"The laws of space!"

He didn't dare to be careless, and a majestic figure appeared behind him, holding a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand. His majestic momentum could crush the eternal blue sky.

This is a forbidden ancestral technique performed by An Hui using Anlan's bloodline in his body, invisibly using the power of his ancestor to attack and kill his opponents.

Among all his means, this secret technique is the most powerful. In An Hui's opinion, it should be more than enough to block Gen Jin, who has just entered immortality.

However, when Genjin's Chaos Mopan Fist struck, An Hui realized that his idea was completely wrong.

As strong as the phantom of the ancestor, even the ancestral skills of the ancient ancestors could not block this punch. The millstone rotated rumblingly, crushing all the heavens and worlds, destroying everything. An Hui tried his best but could not block it. In the end, Genjin's fist stopped at In front of An Hui, if he took another step forward, the world would be turned upside down.

"Fellow Daoist An Hui, I accept the concession."

Genjin smiles.

An Hui's expression changed several times, and finally he let out a long sigh: "I can't block the powerful punch from Daoist Genjin even with my ancestral skills.

The ancestor is right, you are already the first person under the Immortal King. "

"Fellow Taoist, that's ridiculous. If I don't use my full strength, it will be difficult for me to defeat you." Gen Jin responded with a smile.

An Hui said nothing more, just shook his head, obviously not believing it.

Subsequently, Gen Jin faced off against many quasi-immortal kings from the Imperial Clan, and no surprise, he defeated all of them.

These quasi-immortal kings of the imperial clan were all convinced and recognized the title of the first person under the current immortal king.

They were all surprised and couldn't help but be in a daze. They had been cultivating Taoism for several epochs and had been cultivating the realm of the quasi-immortal king for many years. However, they were defeated by a young creature who had just achieved immortality. It was really unbelievable.

However, the facts were before their eyes and they could not believe it.

After the Imperial Clan's envoy left, word spread about the fight that took place in the Luo Clan's ancestral land. The first Immortals suppressed the quasi-immortal king one after another. Such powerful combat power shocked the entire foreign land.

People have already foreseen the rise of a young giant, and his future will be a sea of ​​stars.

In the cave, on the stone bed, Haoxuan was nestled next to Gen Jin. The two of them had just had a rainy night, and there was still that strange smell in the air.

Now in Genjin, not only the bone marrow and blood are in seven colors, but even the essence is in seven colors. Once an offspring is born, the natural bloodline will be unimaginable and absolutely powerful.

Haoxuan has expressed her desire to have a descendant with Genjin many times. As a monk and a couple, they gather less and stay apart more often. After entering the immortal realm, Genjin will be in seclusion, traveling around the heavens, or going to the sea of ​​​​realm, at least for ten thousand years. , or even longer. In this situation, if she had an heir, she would be much better off.

Although Haoxuan's talent is not bad, she knows that if nothing unexpected happens, the probability that she will become the Immortal King is very small, almost non-existent. At most, she will be a quasi-immortal king. Moreover, her cultivation speed is compared to For Gen Jin, it was very slow, and blind retreat could not solve the problem. At this time, Gen Jin was basically not in the cave. Even if she missed her husband, she knew not to disturb him, and could only endure the loneliness silently.

If she had an heir, Haoxuan could focus on her in her spare time, which would at least alleviate her loneliness.

Of course, the most important thing is that here in the foreign land, the idea of ​​​​passing on the family line, giving birth to blood, and forming a ethnic group is deeply rooted. Haoxuan comes from the Wushang Emperor Clan, so naturally he attaches great importance to the lineage.

Gen Jin has no objection to this, and he also hopes to have a descendant.

If it was before he was promoted to the Seven Colors Supreme Realm, he would still have scruples, fearing that the blood factor that was deepest in his blood, related to Wang Gen, would be exposed by giving birth to offspring.

Now, he has nothing to fear, because the power of the seven-colored supreme bloodline completely overwhelms Wang Gen's bloodline, so there is no need to worry about being noticed by the Immortal King.

It's a pity that Gen Jin has been working hard all night, but he has never been able to get the results he wanted. However, he knows that this kind of thing depends entirely on fate. The more powerful the monk is, the more difficult it is to give birth to offspring. This is the rule of the avenue. As a result.

For mortals, as long as the vitality and vitality of the seeds in the essence are strong enough, and they meet and merge with the other half, a new life can be born.

But for monks, the last step will be controlled by the great road of heaven and earth. Whether it can succeed or not depends on luck.

In the following time, Genjin worked hard with his fellow Taoists while consolidating the realm of immortality. Finally, one day more than ten years later, Haoxuan came over in surprise and told Genjin that they had a child.

I saw Haoxuan's abdomen glowing slightly, with various mysterious symbols swimming around. Inside, a small life had already taken shape. It had just begun, but it was already emitting strong fluctuations.

His father is an immortal in the Seven Colors Supreme Realm, and his mother is the Supreme Emperor of the Imperial Clan, a descendant of Wushang who has the talent of being immune to magic. It is hard to imagine how powerful this child's talent will be after he is born.

According to the laws of reproduction in foreign lands, the child in Haoxuan's belly has a certain chance of inheriting his father's colorful blood. If this is the case, then this child can enter the field of immortality even if he does not practice. Of course, this depends on his father Genjin's ultimate fate. Achievements will invisibly affect the strength of bloodline power.

If Gen Jin finally becomes a giant, then the child who inherits his colorful blood will be able to enter the realm of immortality without practicing.

Seeing Gen Jin touching her belly with a look of joy and anticipation, Haoxuan also showed a happy smile, with a maternal radiance that she had never seen before.

The two of them worked out a training plan for the child, and dreamed up a picture of the child continuing his father's power and becoming awe-inspiring in foreign lands.

"With my reputation, his future will be full of thorns. Too many creatures want to step on his father's reputation and rise to power. Facing me, they see no hope and can only target my children. "Genjin sighed, this is what he has to face when he becomes his child.

Haoxuan nodded, a little worried, but she was no ordinary woman, she was the Supreme of the Imperial Clan, and she deeply understood the law of the jungle. Even if she felt distressed, she must let go and let this child fight and conquer.

"Tiger father has no dog son. I believe that he will soar into the sky like you and make everyone look up to him." She said expectantly.

Afterwards, Gen Jin leaned over and put his ear on Haoxuan's belly, listening to the heartbeat of this new life. It was very clear and strong. It was foreseeable that after he was born in the future, he would be a dragon or a phoenix among men.

Haoxuan gently stroked Genjin's hair, enjoying the rare warmth.

Soon, Genjin stood up and looked at his wife in front of him. Although he didn't want to miss the growth of his child, time was limited. After more than ten years, his practice had stagnated, and he had to find a solution as soon as possible.

The only thing Genjin can think of is to go to the Boundary Sea. The environment there is very suitable for the cultivation of immortals. Even if he becomes the immortal king, it will be a rare cultivation environment.

He had no choice but to say goodbye to his wife and unborn child and head to the Boundary Sea to seek a higher level of evolution.

After a complicated psychological struggle, Genjin was about to speak, but was stopped by Haoxuan.

"You don't need to say anything. Just go and leave the child to me. The child and I will be here waiting for your return." She was really considerate and would take care of all Genjin's worries without waiting for her to speak. Solved.

Gen Jin nodded and took his wife into his arms. He didn't say anything, he just stroked the Taoist couple's hair.

"Have you finished all your affairs in this mortal world?"

On the chaotic platform, Luo Mo asked.

Genjin nodded.

"This time, I will take you out to sea with Five Elements to deeper waters. It may take you a hundred thousand years. You must be mentally prepared."

"One hundred thousand years!"

Genjin muttered to himself.

What is the concept of one hundred thousand years? Even the sea is turning into mulberry fields. He really doesn't know what it will be like in a hundred thousand years. Can his father Wang Gen still persist?

I don’t know.

However, he had no choice.

Judging from the current situation, going to the Boundary Sea is the best choice. There is no problem with his physical body. Entering the Immortal King is a sure thing. Going to the Boundary Sea can speed up the process.

Yuan Shen is different, there is too much difference, he must solve the shortcoming of Yuan Shen.

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