Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 252 Retrograde Killing of Immortals

After frightening away all the supreme beings, Gu Wudi set up a field in a large area around the giant treasure ship, and then returned to the treasure ship.

The owner of the restricted area has been waiting here for a long time. Due to the repulsive force of the interface, he did not come forward just now.

This Dharma-ending world is really vast. It can be said that it is the only place I have ever seen in my life. He said with a long sigh.

In the long years he has lived, he has seen Mo Dharma more than once, but none of them are as vast as this world.

“The twenty-odd supreme beings are far from all there is in this world, there should be more.

Perhaps it has reached the level of one hundred. The owner of the restricted area said with shining eyes.

He turned to look at Gu Wudi and asked, Wudi, do you know what this means?

Disciple doesn't know, please ask Master to clarify. Gu Wudi shook his head.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone looked out of the pit and explained: It means that the foundation of this world is very strong, the Tianxin Mark that is born will be extremely amazing, and the creatures who are lucky enough to be integrated with it will be powerful beyond imagination.

If you guessed it correctly, in the tens of thousands of years since the end of the Dharma, there has never been a Tianxin mark in this world.

Once it is born, the first creature to get it will benefit greatly. If you get the Immortal King Foundation, it will be of great significance, especially to you who are about to open up the world. Don't miss it.

Hearing this, Gu Wudi was shocked.

Tianxin mark?

The birth of the Dharma-ending world, without exception, is when the heaven and earth are crippled, the laws are missing, and the universe is half destroyed. Then, the great avenue of heaven and earth bites back all living beings and absorbs all the power wandering in the world, including the essence of monks, life essence, etc.

When the rules of heaven and earth are swallowed up and repaired to a certain extent, the mark of Tianxin will be born.

Its significance is too extraordinary. It gathers the destiny of the world, and whoever can merge with it can be independent at the top of human nature, and can suppress the avenue of all living things in the world with its own way.

In addition, Tianxin Seal is also an ancient history book. Through it, one can observe the rise and fall of the ancient world.

You can also gain insight into the most fundamental secrets of this world.

If the ancient invincible who is about to open up the world can integrate the Tianxin Seal and learn the various secrets inside, it will be of great benefit to his future path.

So that's it. Master, don't worry. As long as the person who comes is not an immortal creature, the Tianxin Seal will definitely not fall by the wayside. Gu Wudi said.

However, in my opinion, the aura of the end of the world in this world is not at its strongest, and the suppression of the world is far from being the most cruel.

Do you still remember those big cobweb-like void cracks we saw on the boundary wall when we came here?

Although living beings can still reach the pinnacle of the Ultimate Dao now, it won't be long before the living beings in this world will undergo another round of withering to repair the cracks in the boundary walls and the broken rules of the Dao.

This process will not stop until one day the whole world becomes complete. The Lord of the Zone made a prediction.

Next, you should practice hard in this vast world, feel the breath of the end of the law, accept the cruel suppression of the big world, sharpen the ancient seeds of particles, and release more potential.

The next harvest of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth will be an opportunity for you. If you can resist that wave, you will definitely get extraordinary results.

As for me, I will wait for you here. Once you are sick outside and encounter the Immortal King, I will appear. ” he continued.

Disciple understands.

Gu Wubai bowed to his master.

I don’t know how long it will take to cultivate and hone the Tao in the end of the Dharma. The owner of the restricted area came here personally to protect him. This is undoubtedly a great favor.

Go, remember, keep a low profile. This world is not simple, and the foundation is too rich, which means that there have been supreme powerhouses, and there are more than one. The owner of the restricted area reminded.

Gu Wudi nodded, concealed his energy, left the treasure ship, and appeared outside the Immortal Pit in an instant.

In the dark, he sensed several eyes sweeping over this place, monitoring this place, coming from the Supreme.

He was not surprised by this.

However, no matter what these supreme beings thought about the giant treasure ship, he would not pay attention to it.

You know, there is a generation of giants on the treasure ship who are obsessed with the restricted area. If the little Supreme dares to get involved, ten lives will not be enough.

He avoided the detection of the Supreme Divine Mind and flew into this vast and boundless Dharma-ending world.

Not long after walking, the force of interface repulsion spread, and the sound of chains clattered loudly in the void. These were chains of order formed by the power of order, specifically targeting outsiders.

Gu Wudi stopped and used his magic power to forcefully suppress these chains and make them invisible. After doing all this, he started on the road again.

Like an ascetic, he measured this world with his feet. He had been to the city where mortals lived, to the dilapidated ruins of the Immortal King, and to the land of the Immortal Family that had not been affected by the end of the law...

His footprints can be found all over the world.

During this process, Gu Wudi has been realizing the atmosphere of the Dharma Ending Age and accepting the cruel suppression of the world.

Because he was an outsider, that kind of suppression was more terrifying than what the native creatures suffered. This was exactly what Gu Wudi expected.

To transform the ancient particles into heaven and earth, they need huge potential. The current level alone is far from enough. It is inherently insufficient. Only by constantly tempering and stimulating the inner potential can we have a chance to meet the conditions.

The years are long, and ten thousand years have passed by like this.

For Gu Wudi, this is really an extremely long journey. Before he came to this world, he was only over 200 years old. In total, it was only one forty or fifty of the years he had experienced in the Dharma-ending World.

During this period of time, Gu Wudi traveled around and learned about this ancient world, while also constantly honing his own inner skills.

Things developed just as the owner of the restricted area expected. Mofa became more and more cruel and began to aim the sword of God's will at those powerful monks.

Wave after wave of Dharma-ending waves swept through the heavens and the earth, and countless creatures were affected, declining, old and dying over the years.

The supreme beings who participated in the fall of the Immortal Pit back then were all old, with gray hair and wrinkled bodies, losing their luster and entering the final years of their lives.

Some creatures have even experienced their second life, and the elixir containing immortality substances is useless, and they cannot be saved, so they become Taoists.

That kind of fluctuation was extremely violent, shaking the world, and the entire sea of ​​​​stars was trembling.

Whenever a Supreme Being passes away, the rules of the world will become complete.

They are like food provided by heaven. The previous blowout is just for the subsequent harvest.

Such a cruel truth makes the discerner feel chills all over.

Among all the human beings, only Gu Wudi was not affected. He was still young, with loose black hair and light roots.

He did not take any elixir to live out the second life, nor did he force himself to use a certain method, or rely on any material or avenue to live out the second life.

He relies on his own inner way, constantly fighting against the suppression and erosion of the external way. The power of time penetrates all-pervasively, trying to get into his wheel of life and let him enter decay.

However, they all failed, but instead they achieved ancient invincibility. The impact again and again caused the potential of the ancient particles to gush out, gushing out far and wide like a fairy spring.

In other words, Gu Wudi is getting stronger every moment. Although it is not that obvious, but cumulatively, after ten thousand years, his strength has grown enough to scare people to death.

Back then, he could sustain himself for a period of time in the hands of the early True Immortal, but now, he has the ability to slay immortals.

This is not an estimate, this is actually done.

Three thousand years ago, Gu Wudi encountered a True Immortal in a fairy land. He was not the strongest in the True Immortal realm, but was in the early stage of the True Immortal. With the help of the Wonderful Land, he escaped the Immortal King War. , escaped the collapse of the ancient world and the baptism of the end of the law, and wanted to continue hiding like this until the ancient world was restored and the end of the law was far away.

Who would have thought that Gu Wudi would rush in and wake up the sleeping true immortal.

Realizing that the intruder was a humane creature, the true immortal raised the coffin without saying a word, and immediately took action to kill the intruder.

Faced with the sudden attack, Gu Wudi naturally could not sit still and wait for death, so he fought back with all his strength and fought against the real immortal.

In that battle, if the battlefield had not been on the Taoist land of the Immortal Family, guarded by various magic circles and rules, the sky would have shattered and the earth would have collapsed, and all the stars would have fallen.

The two creatures fought to the death, using all their strength. In the end, under the shocked eyes of the real immortal, Gu Wudi killed them.

After the owner of the restricted area knew the outcome of this battle, he was speechless for a long time.

To go against the will and kill the immortal, his disciple really did it, using his human body to go against the will of heaven and kill the true immortal.

That was the ancient invincible three thousand years ago. The ancient invincible three thousand years later is naturally even more amazing, unfathomable and vast.

Gu Wudi himself feels that the potential of the particle ancient species has not yet reached its limit, and there is still much to be tapped.

He gradually realized that although he had not been reborn and transformed from life to life, he was no different from the immortal road in the world of mortals. Moreover, it took less time and was more efficient. He had already experienced qualitative improvement in just ten thousand years.

All this is because Gu Wudi followed a purely internal path, not an outsider's path. The outside world was just a tool for him to sharpen his inner path.

Maybe it will take another 20,000 years.

he said to himself.

The potential of the ancient particulate species is like a pool of spring water. Ten thousand years of hard work and practice have made part of this spring water gush out. However, there are still many that have not been stimulated. If it takes another twenty thousand years, it will be enough.

Twenty thousand years, what a long time? Counting the past 10,000 years, it's a full 30,000 years. He stood on the top of a mountain and sighed.

For the monk, the years passed really quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was a person who had lived through five figures.

What kind of changes and vicissitudes will happen to the world after 30,000 years?

Will Wang Heng of the Immortal Realm take the final step to become the Immortal King? Can Genjin from a foreign land become an immortal? How bad will my father's injuries get? How long do you have left to live? Qingyue, Thunder Emperor, Dugu Che... have they become the Supreme Beings?

Questions flashed through Gu Wudi's mind one after another. They were obsessions one after another, making him worried.

After a long time, he shook his head and temporarily suppressed these thoughts in his heart. He stopped thinking about them and devoted himself to cultivating in the end of the Dharma.

With the demise of the Supreme Beings, the rules of heaven and earth gradually became complete, and the destiny of this world was gathering towards a living being.

Gu Wudi could sense that this creature was himself, the strongest in the human realm.

This process is not controlled by some kind of will, but proceeds spontaneously, converging towards the strongest.

When it reaches a certain level, the mark of Tianxin will be formed.

After ten thousand years of travel, Gu Wudi has learned about the past of this world. Its ancient history is really brilliant. At its most glorious time, it was no weaker than the original ancient world. More than one giant sat in charge and fed back the mother world.

If the strongest group of creatures had not left the mother realm and crossed the sea along the lines of footprints, this realm would not have declined to this point.

However, a considerable part of the most powerful creatures that feed this world are still alive, allowing them to turn danger into peace and survive in the world.

The strong foundation indicates that the imprint of Tianxin will be born soon. Gu Wudi is looking forward to that day.

Of course, he did not feel that the Tianxin Seal was his own.

The true immortals encountered three thousand years ago, the mysterious portals hidden in the ruins of the major immortal kings, and some extremely ancient ones that have always been hidden and unknown to outside creatures and may have forbidden areas of the immortal kings all show that this world is not that simple.

At that time, some living being might jump out to compete with him.

Just as he said to the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, if the visitor is a human creature, then he will not let the Tianxin Seal fall by the wayside. If it is an immortal creature, then there are two reasons.

Fortunately, there is the master of the penalty area who can support him and give him enough confidence to fight.

In the embankment world, on the gray and plain embankment, two figures sat cross-legged. They had not moved for an unknown period of time. A thick layer of dust had fallen on their bodies, like two eternal stone statues.

They are none other than the supreme immortal king of the foreign land, Luo Mo, and his beloved disciple Gen Jin.

More than 10,000 years have passed since they came to the dike world and used the mist of the sea water to hone their supreme body and practice.

During this period, Genjin has gained so much, made rapid progress, and achieved a qualitative transformation and leap.

He has come from the original supreme middle stage and supreme late stage to the current peak of the extreme realm, only one step away from the immortal.

In fact, as early as eight thousand years ago, he had been promoted to the top of the Jida.

After that, Genjin began to practice alone. He no longer relied on his master to dilute the mist of the sea water, but relied on his own strength to withstand the erosion of the mist of the sea water and the baptism of the ripples of the sea water. This improved him greatly.

You must know that the mist of the sea water in the boundary is originally aimed at immortal creatures, and true immortals are the minimum requirements for those who cross the sea.

There are not many human beings who can withstand the mist and ripples of the boundary sea, even if you look across all the worlds.

Genjin is undoubtedly one of them, and his other two bodies are naturally among them.

After spending a thousand years, Genjin has made great progress. The second level of the Immortal Sutra has been practiced to a great level, making its body indestructible. Coupled with the harsh environment, the hardness of this body is comparable to that of an immortal.

This also made it possible for him to go to sea.

In the next seven thousand years, Genjin relied on his own power to go out to sea many times, going deeper to understand the environment of the world sea. This was much more terrifying than sitting cross-legged on the dam.

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