With these methods, even if the Immortal King comes in person, he can't kill Gen Jin, which is enough to last until the Five Elements knows about it and rushes to rescue him. Unless the person who takes action is an extremely powerful giant, the Five Elements' presence will be useless.

Of course, the probability of this happening is very small, almost non-existent.

How do giants exist? Treating all creatures as ants, ordinary immortal kings would not pay attention to them. It is almost impossible to target a mere humane creature. That would damage their own reputation, and giants would not bother to do such a thing.

However, it is not unusual to kill the genius.

For the two worlds who are mortal enemies, the blood feud has long been engraved in the bone marrow. Covering the sky with one hand and strangling the seedlings of the king is really nothing.

This is often done in foreign lands, and in all the big worlds they have conquered over the ages, they have all resorted to extermination measures. Even if there are descendants of strong men who survive, it is not a cause for concern. Either they are born with defects and become useless, or they are useless. It was simply unable to be born and was nipped in the bud.

Although this approach is somewhat unethical, where does the morality come from in the world of gods and demons? As long as you have strength, whoever has a big fist is moral and righteous, and whoever is heaven.

If the foreign land is like this, the ancient world that is an enemy of the foreign land will naturally not be polite and often retaliate against the other side.

The geniuses who stay in the ancient world do not have such worries, but as long as they step out of the mother realm, they may be robbed.

Back then, it was extremely dangerous for the three Genjins to take the ancestral fry and leave the foreign land along the sea waterfall. Once they met other powerful people from the ancient world on the way, they would not mind killing a few descendants of the imperial clan.

The place where this kind of thing happens most frequently is the intersection of two realms, such as the intersection of the original ancient realm, the foreign realm, and the burial realm. Realm wars often occur there, with big battles happening every few epochs, and small battles happening continuously. Incessantly, almost never stopping.

For a genius like Gen Jin, there is nothing to experience in the foreign land. Under the extreme path, he cannot find an opponent and can kill at will.

As for the Supreme Supreme Being, it is an existence that has the hope of impacting immortality. He can no longer be killed arbitrarily unless there is a blood feud and a life-and-death feud.

In this case, the only place suitable for him to experience is the battlefield between the two realms.

For example, at the intersection of the three realms, or the area where the foreign realm and the fairy realm meet, after the descendants of the Imperial Clan have grown to a certain level, they will basically be active in these places, looking for opportunities for breakthroughs.

Here, they may meet the genius of the fairyland, and then collide, or they may be targeted and die.

In every era, King Seeds will disappear inexplicably. Needless to say, it must be the poisonous hands of the enemy in the ancient world. However, it is basically the creatures under the Immortal King who are taking action, and the Immortal King will not end up personally.

The Five Elements move is also just in case.

In addition to this type of area, the dam world is also a good choice. The water vapor from the boundary sea is mixed with the power of terrible rules accumulated in the abandoned world, which can sharpen the soul, spirit and body of the living being.

This kind of environment has a great effect on the Supreme. Even if they later cultivate to the Immortal Realm or the Immortal King Realm, the environment of the Boundary Sea will be of great use to the monks.

In the realm of kings, it takes endless years to take even a small step forward, and the environment of the Realm Sea can help them grow faster. Moreover, there are many strong people in it, and there are countless kings who have risen from ancient worlds and countless eras. The competition is fierce.

Because of this, the battle prowess of the kings who return from the Boundary Sea is usually astonishing.

You go to Luomo first, and we can talk about going to the embankment realm or the area where the two realms meet later.

After all, you are also his direct disciple. It would be outrageous not to go back for such a big event as enlightenment. Wuxing spoke.

Gen Jin nodded, gave the master-disciple salute to the Five Elements, and then said goodbye.

Soon after, he returned to the ancestral land of the Luo people.

In the distance, Blackwater City stands, majestic and vast, in the hazy mist.

Ahead, the familiar God of War Academy is just like yesterday, with various celestial palaces hanging high, the aura of immortality permeating the air, and various atmospheres.

There is an immortal preaching, golden lotuses are everywhere, and the sky is full of flowers. On each futon, students of different realms sit cross-legged on them, immersed in the endless Tao and wonderful principles, so intoxicated that they can't extricate themselves, and some living creatures are directly on the spot. Break through and advance to the next level.

Genjin glanced around and saw a few familiar faces. The eight-armed boy from back then, Ziye from the Purple Lightning Royal Family, and others were among them. They were still cultivating in the God of War Academy, but now they were escaped beings. Come up.

All in all, their talents are not bad. They are descendants of the royal family and their ancestors are immortals. However, they are a bit dim compared to Gen Jin.

Genjin did not stop and walked on the quiet road, passing through the God of War Academy and going straight to the ancestral land of the Luo people.

At this time, a middle-aged man came forward, with familiar features and face.

He also saw Gen Jin, smiled, and was about to say hello, but suddenly, the middle-aged man was stunned, and his smiling face froze on the spot.


He sensed the Supreme Qi in Gen Jin's body, and there was no special release. Just a hint of it naturally made the middle-aged man tremble all over, trembling from the depths of his soul.

He was convinced that as long as Gen Jin was willing, a single thought could wipe him out.

Even if he is already half-step to the supreme level, there are no exceptions.

Roy? Long time no see. Gen Jin took the initiative to say hello.

The middle-aged man named Roy nodded mechanically and replied with a slightly trembling voice: Brother Gen, long time no see.

Are you...enlightened?

he asked in disbelief.

Until he saw Gen Jin nodding his head and admitting, Roy felt a boom in his heart. The shock was indescribable.

He is the same age as Gen Jin. At that time, Roy heard about the specific process of the Battle of Xia Yuan from his friends and was shocked by Gen Jin. Later, Gen Jin became a disciple of Luo Mo and made great progress all the way, surpassing all his peers. People left behind.

Roy originally had the lofty ambition to become the Immortal King. However, Gen Jin's power was disappointing and difficult to match. He has been working hard to catch up.

Decades passed, step by step, he climbed to the half-step supreme realm, and caught up with him. He thought the gap had narrowed, at least at the same realm, but now, Genjin actually broke the taboo red line of five hundred years old. , created an eternal myth, and became enlightened at the age of eighty.

At this moment, Roy couldn't help but feel a little lost. He just felt that all these years of hard work were in vain. The gap was not shrinking at all, but was widening rapidly. Now, he couldn't even see Gen Jin's back.

By the time he attains the Supreme Enlightenment, it will be many years later, and it is still unclear whether he will succeed or not.

Roy smiled bitterly.

Brother Gen, you are moving so fast that I don't even have the qualifications to look up at your back.

Gen Jin said a few words of encouragement, but seeing Roy still smiling bitterly, he didn't know what to say.

After bidding farewell to Roy, he met several core members of the Luo clan, including immortals among them. Without exception, they were all shocked by the result of Genjin's enlightenment to the Supreme Being.

O eighty-year-old Supreme One! Since the age of the Emperor, in so many eras and in so many worlds, there has never been such a young Supreme, and now, Genjin has done it.

He said goodbye one by one, leaving a group of core members of the Luo clan messy in the wind, standing there in a daze.

Soon, Genjin came to the ancient cave where Luomo retreated.

The three-tailed ancient beast was originally lying at the entrance of the cave, with its eyes slightly closed, lazily basking in the sun, very leisurely.

But immediately, it was awakened by the oncoming figure.

You! Broke the taboo?

The three-tailed ancient beast opened its mouth, showing a look of surprise. Once, it thought Genjin had a chance to break the taboo red line, but it would have to be after three hundred years old. Unexpectedly, Genjin only took eighty years.

Yes, senior.

Genjin nodded.

The three ancient beasts were still in deep shock. Looking at this eternally stunning creature in front of them, they didn't know what to say.

A peerless genius like this would only have the chance to appear in hundreds of epochs, right?


It thought of Wang Heng from the Immortal Realm. Recently, it was rumored that an unprecedented genius named Gu Invincible had appeared in the primitive ancient world. He had the hope of being as good as Wang Heng from the Immortal Realm.

In the foreign land, a new era has emerged.

The appearance of such a stunning creature can dominate the world and sweep away enemies of the same level in all the worlds. However, in this life, three of them appeared in a row, and they were divided into three realms.

Thinking of this, the three-tailed ancient beast couldn't help but sigh.

Senior, why are you sighing? Genjin asked in confusion, thinking that he had some unknown taboos due to his eighty-year-old enlightenment.

The three-tailed ancient beast replied: If we say that you rose up one, two... ten eras ago, then in the same realm, you would have no rivals in all the worlds, and you would be able to dominate the whole world.

But this life is different.

Wang Heng in the Immortal Realm, Gu Wudi in the primitive ancient world, and you in my world, these three peerless creatures live in the same life and are separated into three realms. Sooner or later, they will bump into each other.

Among the three realms, the Immortal Realm and the Primitive Ancient Realm are in alliance and are opposed to our realm. In other words, in the future you may have to face two existences that are not weaker than yourself. In this life, it will be difficult for you. There is no one in your generation. Someone who can catch up with you.

Even Qinghuang and Haochen, who also took the blood fruit, are far from your level. No one can help you, so you need to fight on your own.

Hearing this, Gen Jin smiled and said: Senior, you can rest assured. For Gen Jin, it doesn't matter if one fights two. I am confident that I can handle the two of them joining forces, and I can protect myself no matter what happens.

Of course it's good for you to have this kind of confidence, but you must not be careless. Needless to say, Wang Heng, the True Immortal Realm can withstand five attacks from the Supreme Immortal King without dying, which is equivalent to surviving five attacks from the master. This is extremely What is amazing is that throughout the ages, I have never heard of a true immortal being able to do this, not even close.

As for the ancient invincible, the supreme master has the power to control the sky and the earth in half a step, but he can suppress the supreme master, he is simply a monster. You must not underestimate your opponent.

Genjin nodded.

Senior, don't worry. As long as I'm here, these two creatures won't be able to cause any trouble. When I become the immortal king, I will definitely compete with them.

Fortunately, we have you in our world, otherwise, the leaders of the younger generation in one world would be weaker than those in the other two worlds, and would be at a disadvantage invisibly.

I'm thinking that the three of you living in the same life may be foreshadowing something.

Maybe, each of you represents the fate of your own mother realm, and which one wins or loses will foreshadow the rise and fall of the ancient realm in the years to come.

Of course, this is just my guess and association and cannot be true, but no matter what, you have to fight for the ancient world. The three-tailed ancient beast said earnestly.

Senior, don't worry, Genjin understands.

After saying that, he said goodbye and walked into the ancient cave.

Luo Mo has been waiting for a long time, and he already knew it when Gen Jin entered the vast territory he ruled.

At that time, he already knew that his beloved disciple had broken the red line of taboos and created an eternal myth.

You came.

Genjin pays homage to the master.

Genjin kowtowed nine times to the tall figure sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, and addressed him respectfully.

You've done a great job. The eighty-year-old Supreme. This is the first time I've seen you after living as a master for so long. Luo Mo's voice was very calm, but it was clear that he was very satisfied with Gen Jin's achievements. It exceeded his expectations.

Later, Luo Mo tested the strength of Genjin Supreme in the middle stage, and the result surprised him. Genjin's combat power at this time had already touched the realm of the Supreme Supreme.

Facing the creatures below the extreme realm, Genjin can completely sweep them away.

You really surprised me when you first came into contact with the Supreme Realm. Luo Mo said.

After saying that, he fell into deep thought, thinking about the future path.

With your current path, the Dam World is the most suitable for your growth. Soon, you will follow me to the Dam World and practice hard there for a period of time. Before that, you should deal with your own affairs. Luomo Make a sound.

Gen Jin nodded, knowing that Luo Mo was referring to his Taoist companion Haoxuan.

After saying goodbye, Gen Jin left the ancient cave and walked towards his own cave.

In this process, what he didn't know was that Luo Mo, like the Five Elements, had left many behind on him.

When I walked into my cave, everything was just like yesterday, everything was so familiar.

His Taoist companion Haoxuan is still in retreat and has not come out.

This time, Genjin didn't bother him like before, because monks and Taoists often gather less and stay apart more often. It's unknown how long it will take to go to the embankment world to practice.

The supreme state and the half-step supreme state are completely different, and the time required for practice is very different.

Therefore, before leaving, he wanted to get together with his Taoist companions.


The stone door opened wide, and a beautiful figure came out. It was Haoxuan who had been in seclusion for decades.

She looked at her husband in surprise, a little unbelievable.

Husband...after decades of separation, you have actually become enlightened.

Well, after going through countless hardships and obstacles, I finally achieved the right result. Genjin nodded.

Afterwards, the couple reunited, and Genjin told her about his experience of going from half-step to supreme status all the way to supreme status, and his various experiences when he attained enlightenment, which benefited Haoxuan a lot.

Afterwards, the two had a more in-depth exchange and discussed issues such as the origin of life.

The next day, Genjin walked out of the cave feeling refreshed. He stretched his limbs, said goodbye to his Taoist companion, and then walked towards the God of War Academy.

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