Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 242 A mountain of bones

Generally speaking, in foreign lands, when creatures attack the Supreme Realm, there must be an immortal guarding them. Otherwise, big problems may easily occur.

Because 99% of the creatures that attack the Supreme will die, even in a complete world like a foreign land.

But now, Genjin is far away in a foreign land. Both the Five Elements and the territory ruled by Luo Mo are far apart, and there is no time to rush back.

If he suppressed it forcefully, he might miss the perfect opportunity to break through. Furthermore, he didn't need a protector and was confident that he could realize the Supreme Dao.

This place is a vast wilderness, and there are few people within a hundred thousand miles. No one will disturb it, and no one dares to disturb it in the Supreme Tribulation.

Creatures who have not reached the Supreme Realm will avoid and run far away even if they see someone going through such a calamity and taking such a path.

There is no other reason. The road to supreme is full of difficulties and obstacles. Once there is a mistake, it will not only be a problem of one's own demise, but also affect the infinite territory. If it fails, the stars will dry up, the sky will collapse and the earth will collapse, and the sun and the moon will be lost. Light.

During the seventy years since he came to the foreign land, Genjin has witnessed with his own eyes the scene of the genius beings' failure to attack the Supreme. It was extremely terrifying and the scene was extremely magnificent.

Someone was sitting cross-legged in the starry sky. After the failure, the law, heaven and earth violently swallowed up the stars. One after another huge stars exploded on the spot and disappeared without a trace.

Someone went to self-immolate, and the essence in his body exploded, forcefully exploding the strong men within a million miles.

There are even more people whose blood splashed across the sky and the earth, steamed up the oceans, burned mountains and rivers, triggered terrible thunder disasters, and wiped out a large number of innocent creatures.

The greater the potential of a creature, the greater the damage it will cause if it fails. If a genius like Gen Jin, who has unlimited potential and is rare in ancient and modern times, fails to achieve enlightenment, the result will be terrible. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world will collapse.


The endless rules of the avenue turned into divine chains of order, one by one, wrapping Genjin's body layer by layer, like a humanoid cocoon.

Subsequently, a large amount of essence came from all directions, merged into the humanoid cocoon, and was contained within Genjin's flesh and blood.

At this time, he is about to undergo a qualitative transformation, which requires energy as vast as the ocean.

However, the more the essence is accumulated and the more severely it is compressed, the more terrifying the consequences will be if the enlightenment fails. Perhaps, the land tens of millions of miles in radius will be reduced to nothing in an instant.

The essence of the earth alone is far from enough to meet today's needs.

I saw the humanoid cocoon trembling slightly, arousing more violent energy.


Suddenly, the heaven and the earth shook, and the great wasteland that stood today shook nine times in succession, and the energy was like a sea, drawn from the outer space of the stars.

Countless stars gathered together and turned into rivers and seas, forming waterfalls and falling down.

This is a strange scene, magnificent and magnificent. All the essence of the sun and moon between heaven and earth gather together at this moment, rushing towards the present.

The human-shaped cocoon formed by his body is like a bottomless pit. No matter how many stars shine, how many essences of the sun and moon, they are all taken in and swallowed into the cocoon.

The stars shone brightly, billions of miles of galaxies emerged, and stars appeared all over the sky. This was an extremely magnificent sight. All the creatures living in this vast wilderness were stunned and could not help but look shocked.

In the place where Genjin sits cross-legged, the stars form a waterfall, hanging down one after another. The aura is so rich that it cannot be dissolved. It is the essence of heaven and earth refined by collecting the energy from the origin of the universe before the Supreme Enlightenment. For other living beings, this is a great opportunity.

Countless ancient beasts of the wilderness looked here, hesitating. They wanted to get close, bathe in the essence of heaven and earth, and enjoy this rare opportunity. However, the supreme power released from the cocoon of humanoid Dao made their souls tremble and they were stunned. The fear deep in my heart prevents me from getting close at will.

But soon, desire defeated reason, and many ancient beasts approached that area, greedily devouring the original essence between heaven and earth. In just a few breaths, their aura began to surge.

Of course, these ancient beasts have not completely lost their minds and do not dare to get too close for fear of disturbing the Supreme Being.

In the cocoon of the Dao, Genjin is undergoing an extremely intense transformation. He is gradually shedding his supreme body, and the Dao he masters is also sublimating. It is much stronger than when he escaped, and cannot be compared at all.


Outside the territory, the stars are tumbling, whistling incessantly, the starlight is bright, vast and endless.

It sounded as if the stars were vibrating together to congratulate a Supreme Being on his enlightenment.

Immediately afterwards, the avenue shook, and a richer essence of heaven and earth fell down. If what was just now was a star earthquake, then what is happening now is a dao earthquake.

Star earthquakes and Dao earthquakes are both good phenomena, which mean that the Supreme Enlightenment is proceeding smoothly.

The ancient beasts who enjoyed the great opportunity collectively advanced to a greater realm, and their understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth became even more profound. At the same time, the spiritual intelligence of some ancient beasts soared at an extremely exaggerated speed, saying goodbye to ignorance, ignorance, and ignorance. Ru Mao drinks blood.

Their hearts were shaken, and they all kowtowed nine times to the human-shaped cocoon in the distance.

This kind of evolutionary feast is astonishing. If someone in a group realizes the Supreme Way, then the entire group will enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth and achieve a leap forward.

The elderly become stronger, even rejuvenated, and their longevity is increased, children receive divine baptism, and those with great opportunities can even reshape their bodies and become reborn.

A journey to the Supreme Path means that it will bring a feast to other living beings and have a far-reaching impact.

In addition to the Supreme Road, there is also the Immortal Road. When a powerful person of the immortal level is born, the overflowing sacred light and the origin of heaven and earth will be even more amazing. This is a virtuous cycle.

It's a pity that the Supreme Enlightenment of Genjin came too suddenly, and he didn't expect it, so he could only do it in the wilderness, which was easy for the ancient beasts living here.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth dimmed. The ancient beasts looked up and saw a scene that frightened them.

The shadow of the World Tree, which was originally in a phantom state and remained motionless, actually came closer at this moment and came to Genjin's head, releasing the huge and boundless power of rules.

This is a kind of fulfillment that makes Genjin’s supreme journey even more glorious.


Under the influence of this huge power of rules, the humanoid cocoon that Genjin transformed into burned instantly, erupting with earth-shattering power.

The arrival of the phantom of the World Tree came just in time. He gave Genjin a hard push and made him leap forward. He successfully crossed the last shackles and transformed into the supreme body, whether it was the physical body or the soul. All have entered the supreme realm.

A creature that had slaughtered two digits of supreme beings before being promoted to supreme beings truly stepped into this realm at this moment. The overwhelming power caused the heaven and earth to whimper and make all creatures bow their heads and tremble.


The Dao cocoon exploded, and Genjin's figure stood there, releasing unparalleled supreme aura and majesty from his entire body.

At this moment, he was much stronger than he was when he was half-stepping to the supreme level, and he was no longer afraid of facing the senior supreme level.

He took a deep breath, stared at the sky, and said to the ancient beasts that were devouring the essence of heaven and earth: This place is about to be destroyed. Leave now to save your life.

The ancient beast who had received this great opportunity was extremely grateful to Gen Jin. When he heard what he said, he immediately bowed to him, then turned around and left.

Not long after, under the sky, a red light suddenly fell, like a meteor falling, heading straight for Gen Jin's body.

It was red in color, like a streak of blood, and contained terrifying destructive power.

Torture from heaven and earth!

Genjin knows that this is the torture of heaven and earth, the calamity that he must go through when he attains the supreme enlightenment.

Many supreme beings survived the first level and successfully transformed into supreme bodies and supreme souls, but in the end they fell to the level of torture from heaven and earth.

There was no other reason. They were not strong enough and were screened out by the torture of heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, the red light came and landed on Genjin's body. He did not avoid it because it was already locked and there was no point in hiding.


There was a loud noise, and Gen Jin's whole body shook, and brilliant five colors burst out from his body. In addition, there were two other colors that were vaguely visible.

The next moment, he returned to normal, and he passed the torture of heaven and earth and the physical hardship.

For Jingshen, the physical body is his strong point, surpassing all the supreme beings in ancient and modern times. Even the Daojin enlightened person cannot compare with his physical body. In this case, the torture of heaven and earth will naturally not cause any trouble to him.

After the red light is the purple light, which is specially used to torture the Supreme Soul.

Just hearing the sound of chi, a ray of purple light swooped over, majestic and carrying a huge aura, dominating the world and overlooking all living beings.

It came, fell into Genjin's head, and hit the soul inside.

In just an instant, Gen Jin almost fell to the ground. In terms of spirit, he was still far less powerful than the physical body. Moreover, the purple light was strange. It did not disperse with a single blow like red light. Instead, it always existed, like billowing smoke, entwining around Gen. Around Jin Yuanshen, there was constant bombardment and destruction.

He only felt that there were tens of thousands of thunderous explosions in his ears, deafening, and his whole body was filled with purple light, bombarding and strangling his soul all the time.

It does not hurt the physical body, but only destroys the soul. This purple light contains a great will, as if the will of God has come to interrogate the creatures in the world and give the most severe punishment.

The Eternal Soul was in severe pain and was going to be extinct step by step. However, he relied on the achievement of the Solid Soul Realm to burn the faith of all living beings and successfully resisted this trend. The situation was getting better little by little. At the same time, he clearly understood the power of Ziguang. source.

The human body has a purple mansion, and the purple mansion gives birth to the soul. Now, it has been reflected and interpreted in the most essential way.

After a long time, the purple light in Genjin's head surged, and the torture of heaven and earth disappeared, but the purple light did not dissipate. When the potential in the human body was stimulated, the soul became more powerful.

After the red and purple colors passed, another golden light descended, ignoring all defenses and hitting Gen Jin directly, causing his whole body to burst into flames.

This is the boundless karma fire, which represents the will of God, carries the power of judgment, and carries the cruel suppression of the Great Universe.

The sins of all heavens, filled with cause and effect, descended together, turned into fire, and burned to this day.

From a distance, he seemed to be suppressed by a golden furnace, eternal and burning everything.

Genjin sat cross-legged and accepted the test silently. After an unknown amount of time, the golden karma fire finally burned out. His whole body was scorched, and a layer of blackened flesh formed on his body.


The flesh shell was cracked, and colorful lights were radiating. Genjin broke out of the dilapidated old body, and his whole body was glowing with vitality, as if he had reshaped his golden body.

At this moment, Genjin was stronger than ever before, and he stood at the highest peak in his life.

However, he did not relax his vigilance because he knew that the road to the Supreme did not stop there and was not over yet.

Sure enough, a gray mist filled his eyes, and a blood-stained stone road stretched all the way through the mist to his feet.

Light flashed in Genjin's hand, and a heavy seven-color halberd appeared. He held the golden halberd and stepped into the mist.

It was very dark inside, filled with a strong smell of blood, and ferocious corpses could be seen everywhere on the left and right sides of the road. None of them were simple people during their lifetimes, they were all supreme beings, from various races.

Gen Jin was unaffected and unmoved at all. He held the golden halberd in his hand and moved forward expressionlessly.

Not long after, a blood-stained ancient monument appeared, standing among the endless corpses, with some words written on it in the ancient characters of the foreign land.

There are many corpses on the Supreme Road!

Genjin read out the ancient characters on the ancient stele without paying attention, and continued moving forward past the ancient stele.

Soon, a pitch-black abyss lay across the front. This was a cliff, and those who came needed to cross it. Under the cliff, there were mountains of corpses, too many to count. Moreover, these supreme corpses still had their wills left, and they were heading towards them. He waved his hands and bones at the top of the cliff, as if to capture the arrivals from above.

Gen Jin glanced down and witnessed that scalp-numbing scene.

These supreme corpses failed themselves and fell to the bottom of the cliff. They were unwilling to drag others into the water. It was so difficult. No wonder 99% of the creatures that hit the supreme died.

He ignored it, came to the cliff, gathered strength in his legs, jumped hard, and headed towards the other side.

When Gen Jin's figure reached the middle of the cliff, the endless corpses at the bottom of the cliff suddenly released a bloody light and turned into a big hand, grabbing Gen Jin and trying to drag him down.

Seeing this, Genjin snorted coldly, and the seven-colored golden halberd in his hand glowed, shooting out a bright scorching sun, falling to the bottom of the gray cliff, and bursting out with earth-shattering power.

The colorful light shone, illuminating the dark cliff bottom for a burst of brightness. The big bloody hand dissolved instantly and disappeared. The noisy Supreme Corpse also calmed down, as if it was shocked by Genjin's power.


Genjin landed, grabbing the Daojin Euphorbia and walking towards the deepest part of the stone road.

In the dark, he felt that he was going downhill, as if he was stepping into the dark abyss step by step, which meant sinking and destruction.

Soon, Gen Jin walked among the bones of the Supreme Being. From time to time, the bones would try to pull him into the water.

He waved the Daojin Great Halberd, opening and closing there, destroying everything.

Occasionally, powerful weapons would arrive and cause damage to him.

Genjin is very strong, but there are too many attacks, all over the sky, drowning him. No matter how powerful the creature is, there will be times when it becomes tired and sleepy.

For nine days and nine nights, he fought bloody battles to clear the way, vowing to fight to the end of the Supreme Road and break all the shackles and shackles.

Finally, everything fell silent and he reached the deepest part.

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