Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 882: Live to your coffin board moldy

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Now with...

Along with the cold and cold voice of the Secretary, the dark and **** dark room was dead and there was no sound. No one in the family could dare to say a word.

Si Mingrong frowned and eventually did not refute.

After all, this time it is indeed that they are not ruling...

If the division is cold for a woman to disturb the family order, he must stop, but now the woman has nursed the body of the owner, which is equivalent to saving their entire family.

The other ethnic groups have shrunk in the corner, and they all chose to pretend to die. Although the homeowner’s approach is somewhat overkill, they really have no position to say this time.

What's more... who dares...

This time, Shi Mingli, I am afraid that it is really finished...

The old man was shocked and found that his chest was still wearing the small white flowers that Si Mingli had prepared for them, and then he hurriedly pulled it down.

"Sony night! You dare!!!"

Si Mingli's face is unbelievable, I can't believe that the Secretary of the Night Cold really dare to do this!

"Bad boy, don't forget that when your father died, who is holding the family, now your wings are hard, actually dare to do this to me!"

Seeing that the night of the cold made him go to death, Si Mingli finally no longer disguised, and his face was madly picked up.

The old lady heard this and her face was a bit ugly.

Over the years, this priest has been proud of his ambitions, his ambitions are too big, and he is getting more and more out of control...

She was only obsessed with the illness of Ah Jiu, and she did not dare to act rashly. Who knows that he is getting more and more insatiable.

Si Mingli is still awkward. "This is the boss who should have been Laozi. You are a kid, count something! Homeowner, **** owner!"

Seeing him more and more said that the more the words, the old lady looked at the guards on the side, "take him down."


Si Mingli was quickly towed away, and his voice echoed in the dark room. "Bad boy, you must not die! Don't die! I see how long you can live-"

Ye Hao's squatting bottom crossed a cold light, squatting in the chest of the night cold, staring coldly at the direction in which Shi Mingli was towed away: "Reassured, live to your coffin board moldy!"

Listening to the girl's cold teeth, the cold silhouette of the night melted slowly.

After Ye Hao finished, I didn’t know what to expect.

The Secretary of the Night Cold directly dismissed Si Mingli from all company positions. Except for the old celebrity association, it was equal to driving him out of the division, so that his behind-the-scenes people could not find out?

However, it may be the opposite. The dog jumped to the wall and couldn’t help but pull out the cards...

"A-nine, hurry out, this place is cold and heavy, staying for a long time is not good for your health!" The old lady said.

The secretary nodded coldly, and he directly hugged his waist and walked toward the dark room.

After the crowd, Qin Ruoxi, a white dress, stared blankly at the man who kept Ye Hao carefully in his arms, and walked away quietly.


"If you are, what happened?" Qin Feng asked at the end of the phone.

"Father, Ah Jiu's body has recovered, and the doctor said that it is no longer a problem."

"This kid... really can't be taken lightly! Si Mingli's idiot, so unsettled, it should be played by a younger generation!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he sighed and said, "Since the body of the cold night is unhindered, it is still the original plan. If it is not forced, other choices will not be considered. After all, the whole division, this man is worthy of you."

[Late later, continue to code word ~PS: has been notified many times, or do not know, but then say, four times a day, the update time is not fixed. 】

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