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Hearing the explanation of Ye Hao, Beidou is speechless, and this is like it is very reasonable...

"Sister Feng, are we really going to do Ashura? But if the martial arts unions pay out, and the Lord Shura has just returned, Ashura has not recovered its peak. We can really consider it." Beidou looked at the leaves. Hey, whispered.

At this moment, the middle and high-level officials present nodded and agreed with Beidou.

"What to do! Let's take the money and say it again." Ye Hao took a look at everyone.

"Hey... Feng sister, you shouldn’t want to eat the money of the martial arts union, and then don’t do it... We are not afraid of the league, but the reputation is bad, but the victory is credit, you see, our seven killing orders, To say which forces will be destroyed within seven days, the gods and Buddhas will not save them. They will be destroyed within seven days, that is, a letter is the first... If we don’t do things with money, don’t talk about credit, it’s not good to hear it... Beidou looked at Ye Weidao.

I heard the sound, Ye Hao in the original place, God special words to be the first, to destroy the family of others, how to associate with the special credit...

"Who said that we are not afraid of the alliance and do not talk about credit." At this moment, Ye Hao glanced at Beidou: "Which ear do you hear me say no?"

Beidou’s face is inexplicable: “That’s what Feng’s sister just meant...”

"I only promised to the martial arts league guild, but I said when will I take it?"

"It seems that there is no." Beidou subconsciously shook his head.

"Since I haven't said the time to start, what anxious, if I am in a bad mood, it is not too late to start after ten or twenty years." Ye Hao sneered.

"That Feng sister, are you feeling good now?" Beidou asked.

"Not good." Ye Hao took a look at Beidou.

When I heard the sound, Beidou was relieved: "It’s not good, I think we are still working on Ashura 20 years later."

Ye Hao did not respond. Anyway, he was not a fearless lord. He first gave the money of the martial arts union guild. At that time, the martial arts union association was looking for it, and he could not find himself. The money that blamed them was the fearless lord Bai Feng. Not her...


Ye Hao waved his hand and turned away.


After a few moments, Ye Hao returned to the office. Before Ye Hao arranged to go to the office to guard the people of Birus and Dabai, he had not left yet. He stood still and stunned, and a pair of blind people did not dare to live from Birus and Dabai. Remove your body.

"Lord, you can count it back, the lord..."

The man looked at Ye Hao into the office, as if he saw his aunt who had been separated for many years, full of excitement.

"Birus and Dabai didn't fight." Ye Hao asked the man.

Hearing, the man shook his head again and again: "No! I didn't fight, the lord explained it to me. It must be done. Even though Bruce and the white tiger were fierce, they almost hit it several times, but they were shocked by me. I have it here, they don’t dare to fight."

However, as the man’s voice just fell, Birus and Dabai had a rare tacit understanding. One tiger and one leopard and two pairs of beasts looked at the man at the same time, just as they understood what the man said.

Ye Wei: "..." The members of the Fearless Alliance are so able to blow, who are they learning?

"Lord, if nothing happens... I will go first..." The man was full of sorrow.

Ye Hao waved and let the man leave.

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