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"Jihuang... We don't know the fearless allies... there has never been a single intersection!" Professor Zhou hurriedly explained: "Jihuang, I can take my whole people, even the life of all my students, we have absolutely no The fearless allies have done memory coverage!"

"Professor Zhou, you don't have to be nervous, I just want to say, whoever has you, there is such a means." Ji Huang laughed.

"Well, this is not very good to say. As far as I know, there is a research group in the country of China. If there is a need for the Emperor, I can go to the investigation immediately. I must check with him to see him go down!" Professor Zhou lightened with a handkerchief. Wipe the cold sweat on the forehead and immediately swear.

"Well, if this is the case, then I will trouble you, check it out, I will give you... two months." Ji Huangyan, the head did not return, turned and left, into the luxury car ahead.


"Jihuang, who, but no worries?" A young man in a black suit asked.

"Yeah." Ji Huang slowly opened his mouth.

Hearing this statement, the face of the young man has a hint of joy.

"Just, the memory was replaced."


I heard this, the young man, suddenly shocked, some unbelievable.

Since the first time that Yu Huang met Ye Hao, it has been confirmed that this girl is indeed Nie Wuyou, including the birthmark in the autumn water mouth of the fearless league.

It is totally different from the fake and worry-free family of Nie. Nie Wushou left the Nie family with her grandfather since childhood, and Mrs. Nie and Nie Wuzhe gathered away from each other. They did not know too much about Nie Wu’s birthmark.

However, the autumn-aged group of fearless allies were born and died with Nie Wuxi, especially Qiu Shui. They are very familiar with Nie Wu’s birthmarks. Because Nie Wu’s birthmarks are special, it is almost impossible to do exactly the same. .

Moreover, Ms. Nie Lingyi is not very familiar with Nie Wu’s birthmark. Even if she is looking for a counterfeit, it is impossible to complete the reduction of the birthmark.

"Jihuang... I know that the memory covers such a perverted item... If the worry-free lady is doesn't mean...who is this kind of hatred for Miss Wuyou, so vicious!" The young man gnashed his teeth.

"Duan Fei." After a while, Ji Xiurai looked at the young man.

"Ji Huang, you said." Duan Feidao.

"Before worry-free, you may live in China, you and the bones, and immediately go to China." Ji Xiu Dian Dao.

"The meaning of Ji Huang is..." Duan Fei thought thoughtfully.

"If you have been in contact with people in the past few years, all of them will be brought back to me... If you find out who replaced the worry-free memory... kill innocent." Ji Xiu's mouth slightly raised.

Looking at the extremely dangerous and iconic smile on the face of Ji Huang, Duan Fei’s heart trembled a little. This time, Ji Huang is... really angry...

Duan Fei immediately responded, "You can rest assured that your subordinates understand how to do it."


In the office, Ye Hao is busy with a bad amount.

This is how to come to be a grandfather to enjoy the blessings, a lot of documents need to be handled by themselves, worse than white-collar overtime.

Most of all, some documents, Ye Hao did not dare to deal with it at will, many of the hostile forces related to the fearless alliance, if they are forced to deal with, a little careless, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Feng sister."

After a while, the sound of the Seven Stars came out of the office with a knock on the door.

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