"Seiichiro Caiba!"

"Nakamura thistle?!"

The girls repeated these two names, and they were all extremely shocked, but the former was only known to Erina Nagikiri and Shinto Scarlet, and the latter was known by everyone today.

Who would have thought that today's incomparably feminine and rainy Nakamura Thistle is also a student of Yuanyue, and he is also one of the ten masters of Yuanyue, or the third~ seat!

It's not particularly shocking that it's a student of Yuanyue, but it makes them feel strange later.

Because judging from Nakamura Thistle's current approach and style of doing things, Nakamura Thistle is relatively friendly to ordinary students.

Originally, Megumi Tadoko thought that it should be that Nakamura Thistle was treated unfairly when he was young, or that he was averagely gifted when he was studying in Yuanyue, and he was eliminated.

As a result, I didn't expect the other party to be ten masters, which doesn't make sense!

"I didn't expect that Nakamura Thistle, who is under the banner of seeking welfare for ordinary students, turned out to be the third seat of the top ten masters of the 69th class of Yuanyue?

Don't think that this is the end of him, he is one year younger than Dojima Gin, so he is also the first seat of the top ten masters of the 70th Yuanyue class, speaking of which, his strength is not worse than Dojima Silver and Seiichiro Caiba.

By the way, Ginto Dojima, Seiichiro Tsuinami, Nakamura Thistle, and Ebizawa Riko, as well as your Professor Jun Shiomi, all lived in Polestar Liao, and it was also the golden age of the mouth of the Great Mido Fumio!"

Well, when you come to Li Xuan, not only do you have delicious food, but you can also hear a lot of gossip and news that ordinary people don't know.

Of course, about the fact that Nakamura thistle is Erina Nagikiri's father, Megumi Tassho and the others all knew about it on the way here.

And it was Erina Nagikiri herself who said it, and being able to say this thing so calmly also completely shows that Erina Nagikiri has come out, and the current Nakamura Thistle can't affect her at all.

Even the Seiichiro Caiba that Li Xuan said just now, that is, Kohei Joichiro, is no longer the irreplaceable uncle who warms himself in Erina Nagikiri's heart.

There are people who are more powerful and warmer than him, and who directly occupy their hearts!

"I really didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, who would have thought that Nakamura Thistle would be the first seat in the past, and at the same time the senior of Polestar Liao?!"

Yoshino Yuhime shook his head and said, they may not have much feeling for other people, just listen to a story and a name.

But Nakamura thistle is now staying in Yuanyue as if he is the king has returned.

And judging from his posture today, he definitely wants to snatch the far moon from the hands of Nagi Senzaemon and turn it into his Yiyantang, instead of fighting with Nagi Senzaemon now.

Ryoko Sakaki, they can't imagine what kind of scene it would be if Tozuki was really ruled by Nakamura Thistle?!

For them, if they can't diverge their thinking on the road of cooking as they want, they can create cooking to improve themselves.

As Nakamura said, according to the teaching materials given by the Central Gastronomy Agency, you can make food according to the steps, dosage, and cooking time at a glance, just like a robot.

If this really happens, it will be an unacceptable and chilling thing for talented chefs like Nao Sadazuka and them.

The far moon that blooms with a hundred flowers is the far moon in their eyes.

Although every time they were tested by the far moon, each of them would open their mouths to complain, and they all felt that it was too torturous.

But complaining is complaining, and your own growth is also obvious after each assessment.

This is pain and happiness!

Of course, this is also because they have the strength, otherwise they would say such things, otherwise they would have signed up for Nakamura Thistle's experimental class like other students.

"Nakamura is betting on the control of the academy to start the team's halberd, and he must have enough talented chefs to support him in doing so.

Therefore, you have to work hard in the future, and when the time comes, join the team, kill Nakamura Thistle, let his Spring and Autumn dream be shattered, and give Erina a breath!"

"Don't worry, Brother Li Xuan, we will definitely work hard!"

Yoshino Yuhime waved his small fist and assured Li Xuan, and the others were the same, with a serious face.

Not to mention such a great task as saving Tsukitsuki, it is enough to give his little sister Erina Nagikiri angry!

At the same time, they also want to prove that Nakamura's approach is wrong, and only the far moon with a hundred flowers blooming and each with its own strengths is the real far moon.

I didn't see that even Li Xuan taught them to be tailor-made, teaching them according to everyone's interests, hobbies and strengths, and everyone's learning and path were different.

Li Xuan smiled when he saw Tian Suohui's fighting spirit, and he didn't just add to the sick and delicate Nakamura thistle.

Nakamura Thistle came to Yuanyue to set off his so-called revolution, which is a crisis for others, but Li Xuan hopes that this is not only a crisis for Tian Sohui and them, but also an opportunity, and a stage to show their brilliance!

In order to defeat Nakamura Thistle and crush his plot, Nagi Senzaemon must be forming his own team.

Li Xuan felt that the Tian Suohui he taught was very suitable!

Entering the wing on the side of the far moon, Nagi Senzaemon will definitely not be stingy with all kinds of resources, whether it is the top ingredients or the teaching of top chefs, or the tasting of various dishes, he will definitely spend money.

After all, if Tozuki is really taken away by Nakamura thistle, then everything is difficult to say.

Look at the original timeline, he found Dojima Silver and Shinomiya Kojiro, and they gave Kohei Chuangzhen and them to open a small stove.

It's also funny to say, who would have thought that Nakamura Thistle wanted to control Enzuki and set off a revolution at the same time, or that the original reason was Seiichiro Shoba?!

That's why Li Xuancai said that Nakamura Ji is sick, and he is also the little fan brother of Seiichiro Caiba.

"By the way, Xiaohui, you should have all seen Kohei Chuangzhen's father, when he was in Pole Star Liao, in fact, his real name was not the surname Xingping, Xingping was the surname of Kohei Chuangzhen who lost his mother.

He and Kohei Sonica called this in honor of his deceased wife, and his real name is Seiichiro Shoba, so Kohei Sokuma is the son of Seiichiro Kasaiba.

Also, you would never have thought that Nakamura Ji, who is extremely gloomy now, has always been regarded as an idol by Seiichiro Ha, and is his super little fan brother, and Seiichiro Nakaha left Yuanyue ahead of schedule at the beginning, and he hasn't graduated yet!".

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