The great thing about Ganges fried noodles is that there are 108 flavors and different patterns on each noodle.

The pattern is good, there are only a few, twist, cross-cut, straight, oblique curl, wave...

These are not difficult, it is good to change the technique when kneading the dough, but it is also a large amount of work, because the pattern of this noodle matches the taste of the dough.

It is also said that each ingredient and what kind of pattern can make its flavor more prominent and more matched.

Not to mention that Li Xuan also plans to replace some of the one hundred and eight ingredients with the ingredients he obtained in the lottery and the ingredients in his own strategy region in the food world.

Well, when you think about it, it's another big project.

Such a combination, according to Li Xuan's assumption, the difficulty is exponential!

To be an ordinary chef, it is not said that it cannot be done, but at least it takes a lot of time to experience, and Li Xuan feels that it will take a little more than a month.

But for our Super Three-Star Chef Li Xuan, the problem is not too big.

That's right, after so much time, Li Xuan's cooking skills are also steadily improving, and now he is a super three-star chef, and the next step is Chef Lin.

However, at present, Li Xuan's accumulation in the super three-star is not enough, but the two dishes he has obtained now are likely to help Li Xuan break through to Chef Lin.

Especially the Eight Demon Breaking Arrays, after all, this is a super poisonous meal that Long Kai has spent a lifetime creating by the Cloud Breaking Dragon Kai.

If Li Xuan learns and improves, then the threshold of Chef Lin will be easily crossed for him.

"Let's get started!"

As Li Xuan's mind moved, flour made of golden wheat appeared in front of him, and the most Li Xuan did today was definitely kneading dough.

No way, Ganges fried noodles are actually a dish composed of noodles with different tastes and patterns.

It's not a simple hodgepodge, it's also whimsical, some ingredients are very delicious when eaten alone, but when combined they are extremely unpalatable, even poisonous.

This is similar to the Eight Formations of Demon Breaking, so Li Xuan is learning Ganges fried noodles, which can also be said to pave the way for learning the Eight Formations of Demon Breaking in advance.

It's just that the difficulty of this Ganges fried noodles is much lower than that of the Eight Formations of Demon Breaking, because Li Xuan can change the ingredients at will, and if it is not suitable, he will change it, and the Eight Formations of Demon Breaking Formation, at least for now,

Li Xuan, who hasn't eaten it yet, can't change the ingredients, so he can only draw a scoop according to the gourd first, learn to walk first, and then learn to run!

A dish of Ganges fried noodles, it took Li Xuan almost a night to master.

The evening time mentioned here is still an evening in the halberd world, but in the kitchen god space, it is more than one night, and it has been a few days.

Li Xuan hadn't been in such a situation for a long time, and he had been in the kitchen god space for a few days before, only when he had just crossed into this world.

Later, with the improvement of Li Xuan's cooking skills, there is no such situation.

Li Xuan didn't feel unhappy about this, but was very happy, and had a happy feeling of being fulfilled and learning things.

To be specific, it is as happy and happy as when I finally solved a math problem after painstaking meditation in high school!

However, Li Xuan's efforts in the past few days are still useful, he has thoroughly mastered the dish of Ganges fried noodles, and according to his own ideas, he has added ingredients from the food world.

Li Xuan looked at the time, a little more than six o'clock in the morning, and he could squint a little.

Actually, it's okay to sleep or not, but why sit and waste time if you can sleep with Lukoa in your arms, right?!

As for Li Xuan's departure to go to the Kitchen God Space, how could Lukoya not know?

Even Thor and the others were the same, but after Li Xuan told them that there was no problem, they no longer worried about it.

However, Li Xuan also squinted for a while and got up, with his physical fitness, he was actually greedy for Lukoa's body.

Li Xuan looked at the time and thought about it, there is still time, so today's breakfast will be prepared at home in advance and brought over.

Yesterday I played with noodles all night long, and tasted two big meat buns, Li Xuan simply ate steamed buns for breakfast today!

Li Xuan took a look, and this morning's buns are filled with five fillings to satisfy everyone's taste.

First of all, there are three meat fillings, Li Xuan chose beef filling, pork filling and crab filling, these three meat fillings are made of spice beef, pork ribs, lobster and solid shell crab as ingredients.

A vegetarian filling is sauerkraut rice filling, which is made of Li Xuan's own pickled cabbage, which is absolutely authentic!

There is also a childhood favorite, bean paste filling, and the bean paste ginkgo biloba that I got in the lottery last night is an excellent choice.

It's just that Li Xuan misestimated the time it would take for him to process these ingredients and pack buns, because he thought about simply packing a little more and putting a super backpack.

In addition, today Thor and the others got up a little earlier than usual for a while, causing Li Xuan to just wrap the buns, and they were all washed up and ready to go.

In this case, then simply go to the simulated store and steam the buns again, so that the steamed buns are absolutely delicious and soft!

After putting all the wrapped buns into the super backpack, Li Xuan directly drove Thor and them to the far moon, even if it was so early, there were already tourists who began to hang around in the far moon.

Although no shops are open for business, it does not delay them from visiting the Far Moon.

It's better if you don't open the door and don't officially open for business, you can walk quietly, look slowly, and wait until the guy who opens for business, crowded with people, and life is boiling.

It's lively, but it's also lost something.

Arriving at the store, Lukoa takes Eluma and Connor (Hao Wanghao) to start preparing, while Li Xuan and Thor enter the kitchen and start steaming the buns.

Five flavors, one flavor of steamed buns should be enough to eat in two cages.

Li Xuanbao's buns are not xiaolongbao, they are about the same size as the palm of his hand, but the steamer is small, and one basket can only fit about ten buns.

If you have a little more, the buns will all stick together when they swell, so leave room for them to expand.

Ten in one cage, one hundred in ten cages, twenty for each taste, five people on Li Xuan's side plus Erina Nagikiri, they are only about a dozen people, and they can eat as much as they want, it is definitely enough.

Even if Li Xuan and the others have five steamed buns per person, it is already powerful for Erina Nagi to be able to eat three steamed buns alone.

There were five layers of steamers on the two stoves here, and with Thor there, the whole kitchen was filled with mist after a while, until Li Xuan turned on the ventilation system.

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