After explaining everything, the tall woman stretched.

"Alright, you guys go down and prepare, the real battle is about to begin!"

Several ultra-rare Pokémon and quasi-gods also left.

Several of the surrounding breeders looked at each other.

One of them scratched his head a little uncomfortably, and said to the tall woman, "Dr. Young, wouldn't this be bad?, and it would be understandable for other Pokémon to ignite the heart of the trainer to fight against it, but if the Changeling and Zoroa turned into all kinds of ultra-rare Pokémon or quasi-gods, they ran around.

At that time, the trainers and the audience in the live broadcast room will mistakenly think that there are a lot of rare Pokémon in our reserve, which is naturally a good idea and can attract many trainers to come here, but if the matter is revealed, will it cause any bad comments?"

Dr. Young turned around and smiled at him, she was already a real intellectual beauty in her thirties, but worrying about the Pokémon in the reserve all the year round made her a little haggard, and the corners of her eyes grew early.

She said softly: "It doesn't matter, illusions and transformations are originally the signatures of Zoroa and Changeling, and it is common for them to turn into other Pokémon, even if someone sees it, it can be said that it is their living habits, and they will not fall into their mouths." "

The rest of the people were also full of wry smiles.

This is to turn two quasi-gods and three ultra-rare Pokémon into a bunch of quasi-gods!

With such a style, it is worthy of Dr. Yang, it seems that this competition is really good-looking!

At the entrance of the reserve, Luo Chen and the three told the staff that they were in groups of three, and after registering, they each received 30 hunting balls and a map of the reserve.

The three of them arrived in the reserve and waited for the trainers behind them to complete the registration, and then they could officially start hunting.

Luo Chen told Minna and Xiaoya the standards for accepting Pokémon, and instructed the two not to accept Pokémon at will, and let him palm his eyes first.

Not long after, a crisp voice came.

"Big brothers, big sisters, you're here!"

The three of them turned their heads to look, and it was the real little Lori Catherine.

Luo Chen smiled: "I didn't expect so many people to find us, it's really fate." "

"Rice wine and rice wine~" The water otter also smiled and greeted the three of them.

Catherine also had a big man by her side.

The man was dressed in a black cloth robe, with healthy wheat-colored skin, a Chinese face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a blue slashing commander with a level 58 qualification beside him.

Catherine introduced: "This is the bodyguard sent to me by my father, and it just so happens that this competition is a team competition of more than two people, so I just want to form a team, otherwise I will have to team up with strangers." "

Xiao Ya said to Catherine, "Do you want to join us when we are in the competition?"

Catherine decisively refused: "No! I want to win on my own!"

Luo Chen smiled: "Then we are fierce rivals, remember to show mercy to our subordinates when the time comes~"

Catherine crossed her waist, raised her little head, and said confidently: "Don't underestimate me, I'm a very powerful trainer, and Xiaobei is also a very powerful Pokémon, this time we will definitely achieve a very good ranking!"

"Rice wine and rice wine!" The water otter also crossed his hands on his waist, held his head high, and looked angry.

Xiao Ya snorted twice: "This victory is definitely ours! I am bound to get the reward of that super rare Pokémon!"

Catherine is also in contention.

"Then let's take a look, I'm also very interested in the rewards of super rare Pokémon!"

Looking at the two real and fake Loli competing with each other, Luo Chen and Minna looked at each other and smiled.

After all the trainers had received the hunting balls, Li Shui said loudly: "The hunting competition has officially begun!"

Many trainers instantly poured into the reserve, riding various Pokémon and running through the mountains.

Catherine also waved her hand to Luo Chen and the others: "Then let's work hard, bye!"

"Bye-bye~" The three of them said goodbye to Catherine, Xiao Lori left with her bodyguard uncle with the flow of people, and the three of Luo Chen also rode the nine-tails and the big sword ghost to run into the distance.

The area of the reserve is enormous, including mountains, forests, plains, and lakes.

Even with so many trainers coming together, it would not be possible to reach every corner of the reserve.

And Luo Chen looked at the flow of people pouring into the reserve, and said with some doubts: "How many Pokémon can there be in this reserve?

Minna smiled: "There are at least tens of thousands of Pokémon in each protected area, and this Tianfeng City Pokémon are overseas, there are very few people who come here, and the Pokémon who live here have multiplied for many years, and the number has only increased tenfold." "

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

"There are more than 100,000 Pokémon in this reserve, how much does that cost?"

Minna smiled.

"All the daily expenses of the protected area are paid by the alliance, and only some equipment maintenance and replacement are solved by the local government and the reserve themselves, so they are not under much pressure, but the funds provided by the alliance are limited after all.

Therefore, if the Pokémon in the reserve want to live a better life, they can only make money by themselves, and the opening of the reserve and the hunting conference are all for making money, and with money, they can create a better life for the Pokémon. "

After speaking, she glanced at Xiaoya.

"Didn't you talk to Xiao Ya about the survival of Pokémon before? At that time, you didn't admit that your Pokémon can't live without humans, now look at this reserve, without human support, Pokémon don't know how much they will starve to death,

And life in the wild is the jungle, leaving the reserve, many weak Pokémon can only be reduced to food, only here can they be free and carefree, and humans can not capture Pokémon here, for Pokémon, the reserve can be said to be the best place to survive. "

Xiao Ya frowned and said coldly: "Is this different from captivity?"

Minna smiled: "Naturally, there is, captivity is to raise and eat, the Pokémon here basically live here until they die of old age, and even breed here for generations, and if the Pokémon in the reserve feel that the food in the reserve is not good or the life is unhappy, they can leave on their own."

After all, Pokémon have a high level of intelligence, they can express their feelings and opinions to the breeder, as long as they express their desire to leave, no one will stop them, this is a safe haven for Pokémon, not a slaughterhouse.

As for such a hunting tournament, after all, it is an event created by the reserve to improve the life of Pokémon, and the alliance did not have such an idea in the first place. "

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