Now we can only hope that the sheriffs and Alliance trainers who are in the crowd will be able to bring the poachers to justice before they are too late.

After the trainers quieted down, Li Shui said again: "And what everyone cares about the most is also the final reward of this competition, which I will announce now!"

The winning team will receive 200,000 Alliance Coins, and most importantly, if the winning team is able to catch an ultra-rare Pokémon in the reserve during the tournament, that ultra-rare Pokémon will be given to the winning team as a reward!

If you don't catch a Super Rare Pokémon, you'll get an Epic Pokémon with purple qualifications!

Ultra-rare Pokémon generally refer to those Pokémon that are rarely seen on weekdays, such as Lucario, Zoroa, Vulcan Moth, etc.

This kind of Pokémon is not only extremely rare, but also very powerful!

The vast majority of trainers will have difficulty obtaining this Pokémon!

Even the children of wealthy families can't easily get ultra-rare Pokémon, because these are priceless and unmarketable, and every time they appear, a large group of famous families compete to buy them.

Now the Tianfeng City Conservation Area has actually taken out an ultra-rare Pokémon as a reward for the first place, which surprised the trainers present and the audience in the live broadcast room!

Although the prerequisite for getting an Ultra Rare Pokémon is that you have to catch it first, and after you do so, you have to get the first place!

This makes it even more difficult to get this reward, but the way to get it already tells you whether you can get it or not depends on your own ability, after all, people don't want to give you super rare Pokémon too easily.

In the live broadcast room, some Pokémon trainers who boast of high strength are sighing.

And the trainers on the scene were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood after being surprised!

Luo Chen also smiled.

Although he has obtained ultra-rare Pokémon now, and even low-qualified, low-level quasi-gods, he will not be cultivating.

But the collection is still needed, and it's time to expand the illustrated book.

In addition, these powerful Pokémon can also be given to Ming Jing as a favor.

And Xiao Ya beside him was even more excited, she raised her hand and said, "We must get the first place!

Minna smiled at her and said, "That burning worm in Luo Chen's hand is an ultra-rare Pokémon, if you want an ultra-rare Pokémon, why don't you just let him give you that burning worm?"

Xiao Ya spread his hands and said helplessly: "The Vulcan Moth that has evolved from the Burning Worm is indeed very beautiful, and it is strong enough, but it is still an egg! What do I want an egg? When that Burning Worm grows up and can fight, it is estimated that this year's Alliance Conference will be over."

That's why the ultra-rare Pokémon in the reserve are the first choice! As long as you catch one, you can throw it directly into the battle! It's perfect!"

Luo Chen smiled: "Okay, when the time comes, if we catch an ultra-rare Pokémon and get the first place, we will give you that ultra-rare Pokémon, and the burning worm in my hand will be kept for myself." "

Xiao Ya nodded.

"That's it!"

The two happily came to an agreement.

Subsequently, Li Shui added: "The hunting rules of this tournament are the same as all reserves, each participant can get a total of 30 hunting balls, and after the tournament, all hunting balls will be recovered, and then the Pokémon points will be counted."

Therefore, if the contestants are ready to win some good rankings, they must catch some Pokémon with high rarity and high qualifications, so that the points will be high, after all, hunting balls are limited.

So, now the participants are invited to step forward to receive the hunting balls and maps in the reserve, and then they can enter the reserve and wait for the tournament to begin. "

Only 30 hunting balls?

This is the same as the wild wilderness area in the game.

The trainers present were obviously aware of this rule and were not surprised.

Luo Chen is very happy that there is a limit on the number of hunting balls, you must know that he can see the qualifications of Pokémon, while others cannot.

Even if it is a Pokémon appraiser, they can only roughly judge a range, and if they want to determine the qualification of a Pokémon, they can only be tested by an instrument.

Therefore, Luo Chen can ensure that the people of them are all high-qualified Pokémon!

And the rarity is basically known to those who are familiar with the Pokémon Illustrated Book, and it has no advantage.

This contest has the highest number of points for the quasi-gods, a full hundred!

And there are 50 Super Rare Pokémon, and Super Rare Pokémon must be caught!

Only if you catch at least one Super Rare Pokémon and finally win the first place can you get the Super Rare Pokémon reward, if you can't catch the Super Rare Pokémon, even if you get the first place, there is no point in getting the first place!

Another point is that there are definitely not too many quasi-gods and ultra-rare Pokémon in the reserve, and it would be nice to have up to five in total.

Therefore, Luo Chen is going to leave ten hunting balls, keeping them to capture quasi-gods and ultra-rare Pokémon, and the reason why he keeps a few more is to prevent one hunting area from failing to capture.

The three of them have a total of 90 hunting balls, and the remaining 80 can be used to catch high-quality epic Pokémon, or high-quality rare Pokémon.

After all, there may not be 80 epic Pokémon in a protected area, not to mention that other trainers will also catch them, so you can't miss out on rare Pokémon with high qualifications!

As for the scope of high qualifications, the standard given by Luo Chen is above the blue qualification, and the Pokémon with golden qualification, he estimates that there may not be one in this protected area.

Pokémon with purple qualifications are basically the top in the reserve, which is very rare, and there should be a lot of blue qualifications, as long as the hunting ball is filled with rare and epic Pokémon with blue qualifications, then the first place in this tournament is basically stable!

In the crowd, Xu Ru said to Xue Ji: "I didn't expect that the reserve would come up with such a generous reward to stimulate the contestants this time, it's crazy!"

Xue Ji was also a little surprised and said: "Yes, this time, in order to start the name of the Tianfeng Reserve, the person in charge and the senior management of the city can be said to have made a lot of money, but as long as there is an endless stream of trainers from the reserve and the city, this time it will be considered a successful marketing." "

Xu Ru asked curiously in a whisper, "Is there only one ultra-rare Pokémon in the reserve?"

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