On the sea, Luo Chen's four-person competition was nearing the end, and the follow-up people each caught some Pokémon, but none of them caught Pokémon that were larger than Xiaoya's fat Dudu.

Xiao Ya put away the fishing rod, sat on the body of the giant gold monster and flew towards Luo Chen, she proudly stretched out her hand.

"A hundred Phantom Crystals!"

Minna and Zhu Rong also put away their fishing rods and came to Luo Chen's side.

Minna smiled: "There is still half an hour before the hunting competition, and our fishing competition should be over, and now it seems that Xiaoya has won~"

Minna was very happy that Xiao Ya was able to win a hundred Phantom Crystals, she knew very well how powerful the kind of crystal Luo Chen's special made was!

But Luo Chen looked at the fishing rod in his hand a little unwillingly.

This super fishing rod is not good at all, and ordinary Pokémon can't catch it at all!

Those who will bite the hook are some of the best Pokémon, but unfortunately the number is too small, after all, you are fishing, not making fish out of thin air, if there are no high-quality Pokémon around, then you can only stare dryly.

He sighed.

"Okay, this time I'll admit it..."

Just as he was about to put away his fishing rod, the rod suddenly shook violently.

He was overjoyed.

Last chance!

As long as this Pokémon is big enough, this wave can earn 200 million and 100 million yuan!

He was not in the mood to pull with this Pokémon, but directly used his telekinesis to lift him out of the sea.

Seeing the Pokémon on the hook, Xiao Ya sneered and laughed.

It was a weak tench, no more than 0.2 meters long and weighing no more than 0.3 kilograms.

Luo Chen's face darkened, and he didn't know the Pokémon in front of him either, but this thing was obviously not enough for him to turn the defeat around.

This time it's really planted.

But Mi Erna and Zhu Rong on the side did have a change of expression!

Luo Chen looked at the information of this Pokémon.

Weak tench (golden): Lv41

Attribute: Water

Rarity: Rare Pokémon

Characteristics: Schools of fish (in times of crisis, it will send out a distress signal and summon the weak tench in the surrounding sea, and the weak tench that receives the signal will gather together to form a huge formation and become a school of fish, and the weak tench at this time is called the monster of the sea and has strong power!)

Skills: Water Gun, Scream, Help, Surprise Blow, Salt Water, Water Ring, Tear Eyes, Slam, Dive, Siege, Water Tail, Suicide Charge, Water Immersion, Brute Dry, Water Cannon, White Mist, Water Waves, Turbidity Current, Water Play.

What to bring: None

Intimacy: 0 (not at all intimate)

After reading the information of this Pokémon, Luo Chen became deeply interested in his characteristics.


Gather partners to form a huge formation?

What kind of operation is this? I haven't heard of it.

"System, how about this Pokémon?"

The system whispered, "Let Minna explain it to you, she obviously knows something about this kind of Pokémon." "

Hearing this, Luo Chen looked at Mirna.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with Mirna's expression, and she seemed to be very wary of the weak tench in front of her!

The weak tench that was caught in the air, his eyes shot two bright lights, Luo Chen saw it, and asked Mirna: "How much do you know about this kind of Pokémon? I haven't seen this kind of Pokémon, explain it to me?"

Minna said with a heavy face: "This Pokémon opportunity is one of the weakest Pokémon in the world, and its own strength is very weak, inferior to the Carp King."

But his characteristics are very terrifying, after encountering a crisis, he can gather all the weak tenches in the surrounding sea and turn them into a school of fish, at that time the weak tench has the title of a monster in the sea, and the strength is strong, and the appearance has become extremely hideous!

He should be signaling to his companions right now, be careful!"

"Is it so powerful?"

Luo Chen was very surprised in his heart, a Pokémon, one of the weakest Pokémon in the world, even if it gathers into a group, isn't it still very weak?

Zhu Rong was not as calm as Mierna, and his face was very ugly.

"Let's run, let's wait until the school of weak tenches comes, and we won't be able to walk if we want to!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a wave crashed on the sea in the distance, and many surfers in the distance were swept over.

Seeing this, Zhu Rong said in a panic: "It's coming, it's coming, the weak tench is coming!"

Luo Chen pressed his hand against him and said, "Don't worry, small scene, I want to see how strong a group of the weakest Pokémon in the world will become when they get together." "

Xiao Ya also showed a curious look, it was the first time she had seen this kind of Pokémon.

Soon, one by one, the weak tench jumped out of the sea, rescued the weak tench on the Luochen hook, and then sank into the sea together, and the sea became calm again.

Luo Chen was stunned.

"That's it?"

What about the monster in the sea? How did you run away after saving the fish?

He looked at Minna suspiciously, and just as he wanted to ask if there was a problem with one step, he saw the sea churning, and a huge, hideous strange fish jumped out of the sea!

It was a big dark blue fish, with a lot of blue light spots blooming on its body, and I could vaguely see that it was a big fish composed of weak tench!

But weak tenches are all pale blue and white, but this big fish is as blue as the deep sea!

Luo Chen's mouth opened wide.

"This is a school of fish? I think you're mutated, right?"

The system prompts: "The race value of a weak tench is 175, but the race value of a group of weak tench is 620, and the double attack and double defense are very high!"

Luo Chen's eyes widened in disbelief.

"This thing still has a race value? Isn't it a separate individual? It's as high as 620? In the previous life, this was a higher race value than even the Divine Beasts!"

The system said approvingly: "Yes, the appearance of the weak tench fish is an advanced form of the weak tench, and it is already a special life form. "

Looking at the school of weak tench staring coldly at him, Luo Chen was stunned for a while.

This form of weak tench is still a golden qualification, and the level has not changed, it is still level 41.

The explanation given by the system is that the level and qualification of the weak tench school is determined by the person seeking help, and what is the level and qualification of the weak tench that initially sent out the help, and what is the level and qualification of the weak tench school after gathering.

But the strength has risen to an unimaginable level!

I can't imagine that there are such strange Pokémon in Pokémon, which is beyond the expectations of ordinary people!

But he suddenly remembered one thing, can this form of weak tench be subdued?

If so, is this a Pokémon? or a bunch of Pokémon?

Can you take it with a Poké Ball?

In line with the idea that fantasy is better than action, Luo Chen ordered Pachiliz beside Xiao Ya to launch an attack on this huge weak tench!

"Pachilitz, use 100,000 volts!"

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