Still there?

Luo Chen suddenly became interested.

Let's not talk about whether you can take in a Ladias or Ladios after going there, but a wonderful encounter is inevitable.

"Minna, does the Alliance have any records about these things?" Luo Chen asked.

Minna shook her head and said, "I don't know, I haven't paid attention to these things, but as long as that city has contact with the outside world, it will definitely not escape the eyes and ears of the Alliance, where are you going to travel?"

Luo Chen nodded and said: "Yes, there must be something interesting there, and a new journey can also allow us to grow further, not to mention that the elders of Xiaoya also praised it as the most beautiful city in the world, such a city, if you don't take a look, it's a pity."

Let's go back to the alliance and check the information of the water capital, and then let's go where to see together. "

"Together?" Mirna blinked.

"I don't necessarily have time..."

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is something that you still need help with in the future, if everything goes well, we will have to travel around together for a long time in the future, and I will ask the alliance leader for a leave of absence, I believe he can understand." "

Minna said suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Luo Chen leaned back in his chair and said with some melancholy: "There are many things, I am really entangled in all things now, and they are all earth-shattering events, and I really don't have the strength to solve these things alone."

If I come one by one, I can still slowly sort things out, and then solve them one by one, but now that several things appear together, I can only find someone to share them, and go back to the alliance leader to explain the details in detail, and tell them again when I can save time. "

Although Minna didn't know what Luo Chen was talking about, seeing him so serious, she knew that he wasn't joking.

At the same time, I realized that the matter of the previous otter was indeed not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Although she was curious about what was causing Luo Chen to have such a headache, she didn't ask much now, just like Luo Chen said, anyway, he had to say it again when he turned around on the alliance leader's side, so it would be better to wait until that time to listen to it.

Xiao Ya pouted and said: "Cut~ The fart is a big thing and sells it..."

Luo Chen didn't talk to her, picked up his mobile phone and swiped the forum.

This is also a habit he has begun to develop recently, and the forums of this world are not full of water stickers like the forums of his previous life.

Most of the forums here are anecdotes discovered by some trainers, and they are basically first-hand information, with higher accuracy than the news, and the time of exposure is also earlier than the news.

Therefore, Luo Chen once felt that the news organizations in this world were dispensable, and it was much faster to browse forums than to watch news.

Soon, he swiped on something that interested him.

A post mentions that there was a battle in the imperial palace of the imperial capital of Kyushu last night.

However, the exact circumstances are unknown, but people nearby have heard the sound of fighting in the palace.

This reminded Luo Chen of what King Feng had said to him when he left yesterday.

Someone is doing something in the imperial capital and wants to press the bomb to be a wave of bomb maniacs!

But now it seems that the bombing did not happen, and it is assumed that the national champions have solved the matter.

As for the battle in the palace, it is estimated that it has something to do with this matter.

Luo Chen took a good look at the things before and after.

The appearance of the Phoenix King made everyone in the imperial capital come out to see the excitement as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and then they raised the excitement to a higher level, and let the three divine beasts appear one after another.

At that time, the imperial capital must have been noisy.

If someone wants to do something, this is a great opportunity!

But put yourself in your shoes, when a bunch of mythical beasts appeared, you ran out to make trouble, wouldn't that become a death squad?

Therefore, the other party's intentions and actions should be more secretive, at least the useless thing of carrying out a terrorist attack by a bomb should not be done by lawbreakers who can infiltrate the imperial capital.

What they do should be more lofty, more forced, and more purposeful!

And this kind of thing is sure to be discovered, especially under the spiritual power perception of the divine beast.

Therefore, this is most likely a cover, a cover to attract the attention of the guardians of the imperial capital.

The real target of the person behind the design of this operation is the Imperial Palace!

Could it be that someone wants to assassinate the current monarch of Kyushu?

Is it necessary?

Speaking of this monarch, Luo Chen is actually very puzzled, this world is obviously under the rule of the Alliance, and the highest authority is the Pokémon Alliance.

Luo Chen has never been clear about whether the existence of the state is necessary under this social structure.

And the imperial capital also has an alliance, and its status is quite high!

In the operation when the imperial capital was attacked, the person in charge of the imperial capital alliance can be said to be the commander-in-chief of that operation, and all the magistrates and government personnel of the imperial capital must be dispatched by him.

Then why keep the state? And a hereditary royal family!

But neither the people of the imperial capital nor Luo Chen have any impression of the current supreme ruler of Kyushu.

Luo Chen even felt that it was a puppet, useless, just to give you a title and let your royal family remain in the Kyushu Empire as a spiritual symbol.

In addition, it is said that it is called the empire, but Luo Chen found that many things are done by the alliance, and the empire does not seem to have issued any decrees, and everything that happens is mainly the alliance, supplemented by state institutions.

The four empires of the world, according to Luo Chen's understanding, are the four major divisions under the command of the alliance, which are completely dispensable, and they also exist under different names, such as the Kyushu region, the federal region, the Xinao region, the United States region, or the suffix can also be changed to a subdivision.

Except for the opinions of the royal families of various countries, who cares about this?

Probably not, right?

The most desirable job of the people is to serve in the alliance, and it can be said that the status of the alliance in the hearts of the people is well-deserved first!

And is it necessary for the royal family of such a dispensable empire to be assassinated?

Who would be idle to assassinate him?

And even if he succeeds in killing him, it doesn't seem to have any impact on the country, the country's system is very perfect, and no one cares who is the emperor, right?

How many people in the Kyushu Empire know the name of the Kyushu Monarch?

Anyway, Luo Chen hasn't even heard of it...

Could it be that he went to the palace to grab some treasure?

That's a possibility!

Although Luo Chen doesn't know how long the four empires have existed, and he doesn't know how they were formed, after all, he is the nominal ruler, and he definitely has a lot of treasures in his collection, right?

Those treasures were targeted, so that's why this attack happened?

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