Luo Chen said to Xiao Ya: "Don't think too much, you collect the money first, and if you don't want to burn the worm eggs, I'll find another adult Pokémon for you." "

Xiao Ya nodded with satisfaction.

She said to the bearded man, "It's okay to give money, just give it at the price of the incendiary bug." "

She stretched out two fingers and deliberately emphasized, "I want two!"

The man gritted his teeth and gave it at the price of an incendiary bug?

The price of the Burning Worm is about the same as that of the quasi-god, the standard market price of the quasi-god is 100 million, and the Burning Worm is also going to this price.

It's not too much worse, and the starting price has to be more than 90 million, and sometimes it's so much speculated that the transaction price will even exceed 100 million!

Let him come up with nearly 200 million yuan?

It doesn't exist, if he has so much money, what kind of hunt will he steal!

This time, I finally got a Vulcan moth cub, but I was cut off before I could make a move, and the cost of my brother was also large, and the money on my body was only tens of millions.

The four of them knew their own situation very well, and they all knew that they couldn't take out so much money, and after glancing at each other, the man in charge said: "We really can't take out so much money, at most 20 million, you and that beauty are 10 million each..."

Xiao Ya quickly looked at Luo Chen and asked, "How much does a burning worm cost?"

Luo Chen blinked.

How much does it cost? How do I know? I don't pay attention to those...

Seeing Luo Chen's bewildered look, Xiao Ya rolled her eyes, and then looked at Mirna.

Minna said softly: "It's about the same as quasi-gods, it's about 100 million." "

About 100 million?

Luo Chen was a little surprised.

The price of incendiary insects is quite high~

It's the same as a quasi-god.

And Xiao Ya sneered.

"200 million pressed into 20 million?

The man was bitter in his heart.

explained: "But we really don't have that much money anymore, the most valuable thing on us is the elf egg of the burning worm, and the rest is only tens of millions of dollars." "

Hearing this, Luo Chen looked at the bankilas beside him, this bankilas and this man are estimated to have been partners for a long time, and the intimacy is already full.

This kind of Pokémon that is full of intimacy with others basically won't establish too deep bonds with other trainers, so the price will be greatly discounted.

At most, some big forces buy it back to take care of the family, and they must have the strength to suppress his anger, otherwise it will be a trouble to buy it back.

After the death of the average trainer, there are only three destinations for the Pokémon that are close to him, to continue to protect his family for the trainer, to be released into the wild, or to be supported by the Alliance.

Luo Chen originally planned for the man to hand over the bankiras, but after thinking about it, he still forgot it.

This kind of Pokémon won't listen to itself, and if you want to sell it, no one may take over, so it's more realistic to collect money.

Under Xiao Ya's coercion, the four men finally scraped together more than 30 million, which can be said to be all their belongings.

They really didn't expect that Luo Chen's gang would be so ruthless, didn't they just pretend to be a force?

As for how they broke the bank?

The leader man took Bankiras back from the Poké Ball, and then left with the three brothers with a gloomy face.

Seeing the four of them leaving, Xiao Ya said to Luo Chen: "Do you think they will come to take revenge? Human nature is to like revenge." "

Luo Chen smiled.

"Revenge is based on strength, the four of them can recognize it so quickly, it must have been baptized by society for many years, and they know the truth that they are not afraid of no firewood, this kind of person sees his life more important than anything else,

And looking for us for revenge is no different from looking for death, they also know this, so they will only stay away from us, and will never seek revenge on us, even if they really come to us for revenge, it is nothing more than sending supplies once, I am too late to be happy~"

On the top floor of the hotel, Zhang Li and Liu Ying both felt a pity, both of them hoped that the two gangs could fight, and it was a pity that it ended like this now.

Liu Ying said: "I can't imagine that those four people can bear it so much, if I am blackmailed like this, then I will definitely not be able to bear it!"

Zhang Li lightly tapped her forehead and reprimanded: "If you can't bear it, you'll die! Are you willing to die or willing to endure it?"

Liu Ying touched her head, pouted, and said with some disbelief: "It's just a small thing, how can it rise to the level of hurting people's lives?"

Zhang Li sighed.

"That's why I love Pokémon battles, but I haven't traveled!

When you meet a person who can easily kill yourself, and you think that what you have done is just a trivial matter, you can end scolding the street?

Remember! Never test the temperament of others with your own life! Because the consequences are unpredictable! This scene is also in our hotel, in the downtown area of Tianfeng City!

If it was in the wild, eighty percent of the four people just now were hanging, not to mention anything else, just that bankiras, even if he had a high intimacy with the trainer, but after entering the black market, it could still be sold for tens of millions of dollars!

Killing people and grabbing treasures is a common thing in the wild, which is why trainers will travel together, one is to increase the strength of their own team, and the other is to even if they encounter a strong trainer who is unable to resist, when the other party wants to kill you, they must also consider whether they will let your teammates escape.

If your teammates run away, you'll inform the Alliance, and you'll be hunted down by the Alliance's top trainers!

Liu Ying was chilled by what Zhang Li said.

In fact, what Zhang Li said is also a bit exaggerated, although there are indeed some vicious people in the trainers who will kill people and seize treasures, but they are indeed very few, and most of them are relatively normal people.

The people who kill people at every turn are some psychopathic guys who are persecuted by society and cause psychopaths, because normal people will have a psychological shadow after killing, and if normal people kill more people, their psychology will gradually become distorted.

This is also the reason why Luo Chen rarely acts ruthlessly, he prefers extortion, the psychological burden of this kind of thing will be much lighter, and the money will come quickly~

The most important thing is that Luo Chen has always thought that killing chickens and taking eggs is an extremely stupid thing!

Instead of killing the prey and getting the little property on the other party, it is better to rob the prey, and then let him continue to develop, and then rob again, and so on, and the source of wealth will be endless~

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