Bankiras was silent, just quietly lowered his head, looking at Bankiras, who was several times shorter than himself and had a scar on his face.

The momentum of the two is not at the same level at all.

The little man Bankiras's cold, vicious expression quickly dissolved, his pupils shrank sharply, his face changed again and again, and then he swallowed his saliva and instinctively took a few steps back.

At the same time, the fierce bite land shark also stared at the two men beside Xiao Ya with an indifferent expression, forcing the two men to retreat, and the giant golden monster of Minna also slowly surrounded him.

The four of them, along with the Bankiras, were surrounded in the middle in a triangle by the three quasi-gods on Luo Chen's side.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus shook its head and walked into the encirclement of the three quasi-gods, and then the two heads came together in front of the little man Bankiras, looking at him with arrogant faces.

The provocative intent is obvious.

Ben Kiras was silent, oblivious to the provocation of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, and now he just wanted to go back to the Poké Ball and find a corner to think about life.

He is also a bankiras, and at the first glance of seeing Luochen's bankiras, he knew that the bankilas in front of him was definitely not comparable to himself!

It must be a top qualification!

And it is also extraordinarily powerful among the top qualifications, because even if the qualifications are outstanding, they may not be able to change the body shape so much.

And the change in body size directly affects its own strength!

He even doubted that this monster-like bankilas could shave his own head off with a single slap...

The situation here made all the trainers of the five opposing battlefields who were fighting stop fighting and looked at it at the same time.

Five quasi-gods!

And four of them are three trainers who belong to the same team!

What are the origins of these three trainers?

Luo Chen smiled and smiled at the four people: "Four friends, you probably won't be able to eat today's meal~"

The trainer with Bankiras looked horrified and said, "I'm sorry, it's because we're blind, and please forgive me, we'll leave!"

"Hehe~" Luo Chen laughed twice, and then said leisurely: "If you provoke someone who shouldn't be messed with, you still want to leave like no one?

The man immediately said, "We can compensate you for your mental damages, and I have an elf egg of burning worms in my hand, which can be used as compensation!"

"Burning bugs?" Luo Chen's eyes lit up.

After the evolution of the Burning Worm, it is the Vulcan Moth, which is a super rare Pokémon, and it is not inferior to the rarity of the quasi-gods!

And the strength is not much worse than the quasi-god, in the previous life, many Pokémon fans mistakenly regarded the Vulcan Moth as the quasi-god, and the official also has the idea of positioning the Vulcan Moth too high.

It has always been shaped by the Vulcan Moth as a Pokémon that guards the side, and the treatment is much higher than that of ordinary quasi-gods.

The appearance of the Vulcan Moth is also very high, with three pairs of sun-like red wings behind it, and its own snow-white fluff.

And it also has a powerful fire-type exclusive skill, Fire Dance!

Not only is the lethality amazing, but there is also a 50% chance of increasing one's own special attack by one level.

In addition, she was able to learn the powerful strengthening skill of Butterfly Dance!

Able to improve speed, special defense, and special attack by one level at the same time, it is this skill that Ipeltar learned in the Specialized Learning Machine.

The importance of skills that can be favored by all first-level gods naturally does not need to be repeated.

Moreover, Menglan, one of the four heavenly kings of Kyushu, has an extremely powerful colored qualification fire god moth, which caused a lot of trouble to Ipeltar in Kunlun Mountain.

Such a Pokémon, which combines appearance, strength, and rarity, is surprising that it will fall into the hands of the four people in front of him.

Seeing that Luo Chen was a little moved, the man breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that this group of trainers who had taken out a bunch of quasi-gods at random would not be able to look down on the Vulcan Moth, so they might be broken this time...

The three people next to him all lowered their heads, and there was some unwillingness in their eyes.

The elf egg of the burning insect was obtained by them with great effort, and they originally expected to sell the elf egg for a good price, or hatch it to increase their strength, but they didn't expect to give it away like this now?

They can't wait to slap themselves, can't they just line up honestly?

If you have to see that people are young, they will go up and pretend to be forced.

Now it's okay, if you lose face, you lose your heart, and you have no return!

Luo Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, take out the elf egg." "

The man took a deep breath and forcibly took the elf egg out of the storage props with reluctance in his heart.

Luo Chen said in his heart: Yes, there are even high-level storage props, what a local tyrant, since you are so rich, then make more money~

Seeing the man take out the elf egg, the double-headed tyrannosaurus walked over directly, clamped the elf egg with the two heads, and then staggered to Luo Chen's side.

Luo Chen hurriedly took two steps forward and caught the elf egg, for fear that the double-headed tyrannosaurus would accidentally break the egg.

But this concern is obviously unnecessary, Pokémon's eggs are very hard, and the more powerful the Pokémon, the harder his eggs are, and the egg of this burning insect is as hard as a stone.

Not to mention that it is broken, even if it is smashed to the death, there will be no problem in the slightest.

Only when the Burning Worm is about to hatch will the hardness of the Elf Egg become fragile due to the absorption of the Burning Worm.

But at that time, even if it was really smashed, it didn't matter, the cubs inside had already developed and completed, it was nothing more than a little malnutrition after breaking the shell in advance, and it would be made up for the day after tomorrow.

Luo Chen touched the warm elf egg in his hand, and praised in his heart: It is worthy of a powerful Pokémon of the fire type, and just one egg has such a temperature.

The egg has a red and turquoise pattern, and is presumably influenced by the incendiary and fire-based powers of the incendiary insects.

Although judging from the pattern and temperature of the egg, this is indeed an elf egg that is pregnant with a dual-blooded Pokémon of fire and insects, but in order to prevent being deceived, Luo Chen still said to the system: "System, check whether this is an elf egg of a burning bug." "

After the system gave a positive answer, Luo Chen nodded with satisfaction.

When the man saw Luo Chen nodding, he was also completely relieved, originally he also thought about using other Pokémon eggs to fool Luo Chen, but then quickly got rid of this idea.

These three people must be trainers with illustrious backgrounds, and if there are any props in their hands that can detect elven eggs, it will be over.

So he put away the idea of being careful and gave the real thing directly.

He whispered, "Friend, can we go?"

He didn't think about staying here to eat anymore, he just wanted to stay away from this sad place that had made him lose the Vulcan Moth...

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