"That's right..."Luo Chen pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Except to find the Resonance Stone, is there no other way to solve this Dark Resonance Stone?

The system said: "Only the power of the resonance stone can suppress the dark resonance stone, and then purify this power, other methods cannot remove this power from the host's body, this is called a specialization in the art industry~."

Killing the host can only solve the temporary urgency, but cannot completely solve the hidden danger, because this dark resonance stone is the embodiment of the power of the shadow, which cannot be destroyed, but can only be sealed and preserved.

But the seal, from the day of the seal, means that one day the seal will be broken, and then this dark resonance stone will cause a crisis again, so it is inevitable to find the resonance stone, and only by finding the resonance stone can you not worry about the dark resonance stone causing harm again.

Also, didn't the water otter say before, after Diochisis popped out, many of these black stones flew out, that is, these dark resonance stones will be attached to the body of a certain creature, you can guarantee that you will find out all those possessed creatures and kill them?

You don't even know how many there are!It's countless times more difficult to find all the possessed creatures than to find the Resonance Primordial, so it's obviously more reliable to start looking for the Resonance Primordial directly!"

Luo Chen was silent for a while.

Indeed, it is obvious which is more difficult to find a Resonance Primordial Stone, or to find countless creatures possessed by the Dark Resonance Stone.

And the objects possessed by the Dark Resonance Stone are not necessarily limited to Pokémon.

It is possible for both humans and ordinary animals!

Trying to find out all of them is tantamount to a dream.

But the system can't give a clue about the resonance primordial stone, this Gaia star is so big, God knows where the resonance primordial stone is?

And these Dark Resonance Stones were brought into Gaia Star from the meteorite, what if the Resonance Primordial Stone hadn't fallen to Gaia Star?

Isn't that the end of the calf?

Luo Chen told the system about this doubt, and the system was silent for a while after hearing it, and only said after a while: "This possibility is not impossible, it can only depend on fate..."

Luo Chen suddenly felt helpless.

This feeling of resignation is really uncomfortable.

At this time, Luo Chen thought of another piece of bad news.

"By the way, system, what do you think of the current situation of the statue of Deokisis who jumped out of the pile of dark resonance stones? He is definitely possessed by the dark resonance stone, that is a phantom beast! Standard divine beast-level combat power, and its specialized form is not inferior to that of a first-level god!

There is no reason to let go of such a Pokémon, right? The so-called getting out of the mud without being stained can only be something to think about in a dream..."

The system said approvingly: "Yes, Deochisis must have been possessed, and now he is either trying to find a way to stop the erosion of the power in his body, or he has been controlled by this power, after all, this incident happened five years ago, and it was enough for the Dark Resonance Stone to absorb the power of Deochis.

The only way for him to survive is to hunt other Pokémon, animals, or humans and devour the Resonance Energy, but it is only a matter of time before his own consciousness is controlled by the Dark Resonance Stone. "

Luo Chen thought for a while and said: "I haven't heard of the news of Daiochis's attack on others over the years, and it is estimated that his strength can still hold up now, not to the extent that his life is in danger, but I don't think it will last long..."

This matter really made Luo Chen feel troublesome, and the other possessed Pokémon were actually fine, mainly this Deokisis, if he started to kill on a large scale, the consequences would be unimaginable!

In his attack form, he can easily destroy a human city!

Moreover, other Dark Resonance Stones may also possess other divine beasts.

In that case, it would be an unprecedented crisis!

What's more, from the fact that the otter is possessed, it is possible that the object chosen by the Dark Resonance Stone is not chosen randomly, but only creatures with excellent qualifications or extremely strong strength will be possessed!

In this way, it can ensure that the host has the strength to hunt other powerful creatures in the years to come, so as to replenish the resonance energy!

So every object possessed by the Dark Resonance Stone is very powerful!

This matter is indeed full of danger.

The most important thing is that the initial stage is still the easiest time for this crisis, if you don't find the Resonance Primordial during this period and evolve the power of the Shadow, then as the energy of the Dark Resonance Stone grows, it can even cause a devastating crisis to countless parallel universes!

Moreover, the host's power will also become stronger with the surge of the power of the Dark Resonance Stone, and eventually it will even be able to reach the level of invincibility!

If things do come to that moment, countless living beings will die almost every moment!

Luo Chen sighed helplessly and opened his eyes.

"Rice wine?"

The water otter turned his head to look at Luo Chen, blinking his cute big eyes, and Luo Chen's sigh made his heart chuckle!

'You won't be in danger of your life, will you?'

He looked at Luo Chen a little nervously, waiting for his words.

Luo Chen's heart was also full of helplessness.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I came out on a trip, such a thing as fate is a little elusive...

Could it be that there really is some supreme being in the dark that guides everything?

He touched the otter's head.

sighed in my heart: This time it's not just your life in danger, the whole world will be in danger of destruction...

It's a pity that the origin of this incident is five years ago, and it has been too long, and the possessed Pokémon are estimated to have gone all over the world, and their strength must have become extremely strong, maybe some of them have begun to absorb the power of the Dark Resonance Stone, or even be controlled.

Of course, Pokémon like Water Otter, which has been playing with little girls for five years, are naturally excluded...

His current strength is still very weak, if he has been surviving and fighting in the wild, or if he has been subdued by an adult trainer and traveled with him, then his current strength must be very strong!

If only it had happened so soon, they would have had plenty of time to find the Resonance Primordial.

But at this point, it's useless to think about this, so you can only start acting as soon as possible.

Luo Chen's heart was a little irritable, all kinds of things were happening together, the humans on the other side of the world were waiting for rescue, Mewtwo, a hidden danger that could explode Gaia Star at any time, had to be solved, and now there was a shadow disaster that could destroy countless parallel universes.

It really gave him a headache.

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