Taking out the three Pokémon Poké Balls, Luo Chen looked at Xiao Ya, but after thinking about it, he still took down the giant claw crab, and then handed the Nine Tails to Xiao Ya along with the dancing swan and the thorn shell.

With the Nine Tails, you can guarantee a winning rate!

I fought against Pachiliz, Koga Ninja Frog, and Giant Claw Crab.

The strength of the Koga Ninja Frog is also very strong, and it is more than enough to deal with the Gym War, even if it overturns, there is also Pachiliz, a new divine beast, that can be used as a hole card to turn the tide!

Luo Chen introduced Xiao Ya to the three Pokémon that she was given.

For these three Pokémon, Xiao Ya is very satisfied, the dancing swan and the thorn shell are both very strong water-based Pokémon, and the nine-tails are powerful elves with golden qualifications, and the level of the three is not very high.

With these three Pokémon here, you will be able to experience today's gym battle.

When she gets used to the feeling of commanding Pokémon battles, she can go to take in her own Pokémon, and then she will be able to officially become a Pokémon trainer!

While the three of them were waiting to play, Catherine and her party also successfully got the tickets for the hunting tournament and came to the door of the Tianfeng Gym.

When they saw the large group of trainers waiting in line at the door to sign up for the challenge, they all looked at each other.

Fang Wu said speechlessly: "In this case, let's not continue to challenge, right? Even if we start lining up at this time, when we line up, it is estimated that the hunting competition will start..."

Zhou Shuai also nodded and said, "Well, I agree." "

Catherine didn't care about that, she wasn't here to challenge the gym.

Her eyes began to search for the figures of Luo Chen and the three in the long queue.

It was less than an hour before Luo Chen and the others returned to Tianfeng City, and they still queued up here.

Ke Jingjing and the others gave up their plan to challenge the gym, and also began to help Catherine find Luo Chen.

Only then did she say something in hindsight.

"I knew that I would have left a phone call with Tang Xuxian, this person is crowded, how can I find it?"

A few of them began to look for people in the hall of the gym, while Luo Chen and Xiao Ya challenged in advance because they were in the VIP passage.

The first to play was Luo Chen.

Now that he has Tang Xuxian's name and a public face, it is naturally not easy for him to fly directly with his superpowers, so he can only jump from his seat to the battle field.

In order to prevent him from being in a hurry when he called out for himself, Xiao Ya also squeezed to the edge of the seat with Luo Chen, so that he could go directly to the battle later.

She put her hand in her coat pocket, rubbing the three Poké Balls constantly, and her eyes revealed a bit of anticipation.

After Luo Chen came on the field, he stood in the position of a trainer and thought about which Pokémon would be better to use to take the lead.

Pachiliz must be the finale, and Koga Ninja Frog can be used as a starter, but if he directly pushes the three Pokémon on the opposite side, won't there be a lot less fun in the battle?

So he decided to let the giant claw crab play first.

It was also the first time he had used the Giant Claw Crab since he had taken it in.

He couldn't even remember where he had caught the giant pincer crab...

Holding the Giant Claw Crab's Poké Ball in his hand, the trainers on both sides threw their own Poké Balls together when they were ready.

Two red rays of light shot into the water at the same time.

Luo Chen's is a giant claw crab, and the gym trainer opposite is a white sea lion with a green qualification of level 52.

As soon as the giant pincer crab came on the field, it screamed excitedly, and the big pincers in his hand kept pinching.

This is the first time he has fought as Luo Chen's Pokémon, and his excitement can be imagined.

Especially after spending a long time with a group of mythical beasts in the living space, he began to feel that he and these Pokémon in front of him were not Pokémon of the same world.

This is called the improvement of vision and mood.

He flashed his large pincers and looked at the white sea lion in front of him with disdain.

He said in his heart: Lao Tzu is a person who has been fighting with divine beasts all the year round, and a little minion like you still wants to fight me?

That's right, then you come to brush up on my record!

Maybe for the sake of my good performance, Luo Chen will give himself a chance to turn positive and officially become his main breeding Pokémon!

And I've heard that Luo Chen is going to send us to the moon base to guard our homes after we have 100 days of cultivation.

Although that place sounds good, it's still good to follow Luo Chen, eat and drink well, and listen to the beast brag.

Occasionally, you can see the battle of the mythical beasts on the big screen in the living space!

I couldn't have imagined that day!

It is said that it is easy to go from thrift to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to thrift, and I am used to living a good life in the living space, if I suddenly move to the moon, I can't accept it!

I finally got a chance to show myself today, but I have to perform well!

Luo Chen glanced at the information of the giant claw crab in the back, familiarizing himself with what skills he had mastered, so that it would be convenient to deal with the next battle.

Giant Claw Crab (blue): LV52

Attribute: Water

Rarity: Normal Pokémon

Trait: Hardshell armor (will not be hit, and will not be hit by moves that are sure to hit)

Skills: Stare, Arm Hammer, Harden, Clamp, Hold, Guillotine Clamps, Salt Water, Metal Claws, Water Gun, Wide Area Defense, Mud Shot, Hold, Foam Ray, Stomple, Scratch, Shell Blade, Throw, Sword Dance, Crab Claw Hammer, Gradual Break, High Speed Movement, Black Mist.

Carry props: Yandi Hair (The hair that falls off Yandi's body exudes a warm feeling... )

Intimacy: 57 (not very familiar yet)

After reading the information of the giant claw crab, Luo Chen was stunned, and he stared at the column of carrying props.

Yandi hair?

What the hell is this?

Luo Chen was puzzled, so he had to ask the system for help: "System, explain?"

The system said: "It's the hair that fell off Emperor Yan's body, and then it was picked up by the giant pincer crab and carried on his body as a collectible." "

Luo Chen was puzzled: "What is the purpose of this thing?"

System: "Isn't it written on it?exudes a warm feeling, the only function is to keep warm, if you make a quilt with the hair of Emperor Yan, it will be absolutely warm in winter~"

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth twitched, and he felt powerless to complain.

But the system randomly added: "Oh, by the way, there is another point, this thing is absolutely priceless, very valuable! It can be said that any thing on the divine beast is very valuable! If you are short of money, just pick a handful of hair on Emperor Yan, there are definitely collectors who are willing to pay a sky-high price to buy it!"

In addition, these hairs all carry the genes of Emperor Yan, and if Mi Yin can get them, he will probably be able to make some bells and whistles. "

The first half of the system's sentence made Luo Chen slightly moved, the value of this hair is inevitable, and he can also imagine the value of this Yan Emperor's hair.

But the second half of the sentence made Luo Chen's heart rise vigilant!

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