Having made up her mind in her heart, Catherine said in an innocent tone: "I still don't bother you, these two days are a good day for the celebration, you can enjoy the celebration, walk around the city, you don't have to accompany me."

And I'm a local, and my home is in Tianfeng City, even if Tang Zhuxian and they are really bad people, I can't help it~"

Hearing Catherine's refusal to let her accompany her, Ke Jingjing wanted to speak and stopped, at this time, Zhou Shuai, the honest man behind him, said: "Actually, we are also on the way, Tang Zhuxian is waiting for you in the Tianfeng City Gym, we are from other places, so we naturally want to challenge the city's Gym, so it is better to be your free bodyguard by the way." "

When Ke Jingjing heard it, she felt that what Zhou Shuai said was reasonable, as a trainer, every time she went to a new city, she naturally wanted to challenge the local gym, they had just arrived, if they didn't go to the Tianfeng City Daoist Pavilion to have a look, it was really a little bit of a bad taste.

Now it's just right to be with Catherine, which is the best of both worlds.

This little girl is not deeply involved in the world, if she is really snatched away by the bad guys from her otter, it will be a proper childhood shadow.

And this girl is very cute, she also has some love for Catherine in her heart, and naturally she doesn't want others to deceive her, so they follow her personally, and they can ensure that nothing goes wrong.

So she said to Catherine: "Zhou Shuai is right, we happen to be going to the gym too, let's go together, so that we can ensure that there will be no accidents~"

Catherine was a little more vigilant in her heart, why do these people have to follow me?

Is it really the idea of catching otters again?

But it's not good to refuse too firmly, because if they really want to help me, it will inevitably chill their hearts.

Let's take it one step at a time.

And he also has a big steel snake as a hole card, even if he really encounters a bad guy, he doesn't need to panic too much.

Totally holdable!

So she simply agreed, and made an appointment to go to the Tianfeng City Daoist Hall together.


Tianfeng City.

Luo Chen and the three got out of the car at the gate of the official gym of Tianfeng City.

Located on the sea, the Tianfeng City Gym is a large circular building built on the sea, with a 200-meter-long glass plank road connecting the gym to the coast.

The three of them walked along the glass plank road towards the gym, and there were many trainers walking towards the gym with them on the way, and these were naturally trainers who came to challenge the gym.

And there are also many trainers walking out of the gym in front, some are depressed, some are elated, and some are not alarmed.

These designations are the trainers who succeed or fail after challenging the gym.

When the three of them came to the end of the glass plank road, looking at the gate of the hall full of colorful flags and slogans in front of them, the corner of Minna's eyes twitched.

She said helplessly: "What are you doing? These things are hung at the door of the gym, and they are like a big promotion in the store, which is nondescript." "

It's no wonder that she is unhappy in her heart, Luo Chen looked at the gym with various slogans, and really felt like he had entered a store that was being promoted.

I saw a sign at the entrance of the hall that read:

"Welcome to the Tianfeng City Gym. "

"Walk by, don't miss it, the annual carnival, Tianfeng City Gym warmly welcomes all trainers to come and challenge!"

"On the occasion of the festive season, the gym is full of enthusiasm, and it will definitely give the majority of challengers an excellent battle experience!"

Such slogans are hung all over the doors of the gym, and people can't help but laugh.

The surrounding trainers were also surprised by these slogans, they had walked through the north and south of the river, and had seen a lot of gyms, but most of them were solemn, and it was the first time they had seen such a cheerful gym in front of them.

Many people also took out their mobile phones and took a photo with the Heavenly Wind Gym.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Maybe the owner of the Wind Gym is a straightforward and optimistic trainer this day, so he made such a show to cater to the festive atmosphere, let's go in and take a look, it is estimated that there will be a long queue in this Dao Pavilion." "

When a few people came to the registration office and saw the large number of trainers huddled together, Luo Chen immediately dispelled the idea of taking on the challenge.

He said to Mina, "Why don't we go to the city?

Minna smiled, leaned into his ear and whispered, "It's okay, if you want to challenge, you can cut the line?"

Luo Chen looked at her curiously: "What's the matter?

Minna nodded as a matter of course: "That's natural, if the alliance's own people don't have privileges in the various departments under the alliance, who will join the alliance?"

As she spoke, she took Luo Chen's hand and walked towards the corridor at the back of the hall.

At the end of the hallway is a small room, where a gym trainer in his forties is behind a desk who is in charge of challenging the trainers who come here.

There are also a dozen or so people queuing here, but it's much better than outside.

Luo Chen glanced at the dozen or so people, these must also be people who serve in the alliance, or trainers who directly belong to the alliance, if the alliance has something to call people, they must arrive as soon as possible.

When queuing up at the back, Minna said to Luo Chen: "I'll help you sign up when you sign up later, and give me your illustrated book." "

Luo Chen took out the illustrated book from the space and handed it to Mina.

For Luo Chen to take out the illustrated book, Mi Erna didn't feel any curiosity, isn't it just a high-level storage prop? She also has it~

She also gave Xiaoya one two days ago.

Isn't it just 200 million? What a big deal~

Minna took the illustrated book, stood in front of Luo Chen, then looked back at Xiao Ya behind Luo Chen, and said to her, "Xiao Ya, do you want to experience the gym challenge too?"

Xiao Ya touched her chin, and her heart was a little moved, but then she said depressedly: "But I don't have Pokémon..."

Minna chuckled, "It's okay, I'll borrow you~"

Xiao Ya hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay! Then give me a name too!"

Luo Chen's eyelids jumped when he heard this.

Let the legendary Pokémon Latias command the Pokémon to challenge the Gym?

Why do you have a very weird feeling...

If Xiaoya's Pokémon loses, will she smash the protective shield with one punch and rush up to flatten the opponent herself?

At this time, Xiao Ya said with some excitement: "Go back and take me to the wild for a walk, Luo Chen, aren't you a Pokémon appraiser?

Luo Chen's eyelids jumped even harder...

Do you still want to take Pokémon?

Then you're probably the most powerful Pokémon trainer of all time...

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