Luo Chen said speechlessly: "While enhancing his strength, while inhibiting his evolution? Isn't this a superfluous move? If you don't suppress his evolution, will his strength be increased many times differently? The person who makes this kind of power has a hole in his brain..."

The system said helplessly: "This kind of crystal may not be artificially made, it is very likely that it is the embodiment of some kind of force, and it is a product of natural formation, which is why it will have such serious side effects." "

"Well, is there a cure?"

"Not at the moment, you can do a deep test, maybe there will be a way. "

Depth detection?

Luo Chen glanced at the long line, then at Catherine.

"I have roughly figured out the specific reason for your water otter, the black crystal he said is indeed the root cause of his inability to evolve, but that power has been assimilated with the water otter, if I want to find a cure, I need a long time to do a deep test of the water otter,

But now you have to queue for a long time, and even if a specific situation is detected, it can't be solved in a short time, so don't rush it, you line up first, and by the way, consider whether you want me to help you test, after all, I'm not sure how long it will take.

If you agree, go to the Tenkaze City Gym to find us after signing up, and we will challenge the Gym there in the morning. "

Xiao Ya on the side said in surprise: "Can you find the abnormality of the water otter's body?"

Luo Chen nodded and smiled: "Naturally, I am not an ordinary trainer, naturally there are some ordinary people who find it difficult to understand the means~"

Xiao Ya opened her mouth and wanted to refute a few words, but she really couldn't find good words for a while, after all, Luo Chen was indeed not an ordinary person, and there were many secrets hidden in his body.

Catherine looked at Luo Chen expectantly: "Big brother, can you really find a way to cure the otter?"

Luo Chen chuckled and shook his head: "I don't dare to talk too much, I can only promise to try to check out the abnormalities of the otter as much as possible, and then try to find a way to treat it,

But even if it can't be cured, you don't have to worry too much, the power generated by that stone will gradually increase his strength as the water otter becomes stronger, and the exact amount of improvement is currently uncertain, but I don't think it will be much worse than the power of evolution.

Therefore, if you continue to cultivate, and when the level reaches a certain level, the strength of the water otter will not be much worse than that of the Great Sword Ghost, and it may not be even stronger than the Great Sword Ghost.

The only side effect that this force can determine so far is the inhibition of his evolution, and of course, whether there are any other side effects will have to wait until after in-depth testing. "

Catherine's eyes lit up.

The power generated by that black stone will increase the strength of the water otter?

In that case, there seems to be no need for evolution, right?

Anyway, the strength of the evolution will be improved, and the upper limit of the stone can be improved is still unknown, that is, the degree of improvement can exceed the degree of evolution, then it will be earned!

And the appearance of the water otter is even more cute, but it is not cute after evolution, although the final evolved type of the big sword ghost form is also very powerful, but she still likes the current appearance of the water otter.

The only thing that worried her was Luo Chen's last sentence, and she was not sure if there were any other side effects.

If there are any side effects that can harm the otter's body that don't show up, that's bad.

Luo Chen saw that she was thinking, so he didn't bother, and told her that he would go to the Tianfeng Dao Pavilion to find them after she had figured it out, and then took Mierna and them away.

Catherine shouted in the back, "Thank you! Whether or not I want to do a deep inspection, I will go to the gym to find you and thank you!"

Luo Chen and the others waved their hands at her and continued to walk forward.

On the way back to Tianfeng City in the tour bus, Minna asked curiously, "Is the situation of that water otter dangerous?"

Luo Chen spread his hands: "I don't know, I said it just now, the specific situation will not be able to be judged until the depth of detection, what I just said is everything I know." "

Xiao Ya immediately leaned over and asked, "How did you test it, what props did you use, where are they, and show me it?"

Luo Chen smiled.

"That's not good, that's what I look at, I can get to where I am today is all thanks to her, I can't show it to you. "

"Cut! stingy~"

Minna took Xiao Ya's little hand and said in a heavy tone: "Don't talk nonsense, everyone has some secrets, how can they be shown to others casually?

Xiao Ya rolled his eyes and said, "Then do you have any secrets? You have reached your current achievements at a young age, you should also have some adventures, right? We are not outsiders, tell me about it?"

Minna took a breath, then patted Xiao Ya's hand and said angrily: "Don't gossip like this, don't ask others what they don't want to say!"

Hearing this, Luo Chen looked at Minna curiously, this Nizi seems to be hiding some secrets?

It's right to think about it, at her age, she was originally busy talking about love or traveling to cultivate, but she has reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve in their lifetime!

A player like herself is almost unable to compare to her!

Saying that Nizi didn't have any adventures, he absolutely didn't believe it!

But this kind of thing is just tacit, there is no need to ask each other.

Mierna also changed the topic in time and asked, "You said that the generation that the water otter encountered..."

Speaking of this, Minna stopped talking, after all, there are still many trainers on the tour bus, and it is not easy to say too many secret words here.

Seeing this, Luo Chen responded to her with inspiration and said, "You want to ask about that Diochis, right?"

Minna nodded, and said in her heart, "Yes, do you think that Deochisis and the Alliance's one will be the same one?"

At this time, Xiao Ya also joined the chat, turning the private chat into a group chat.

She said, "I want to know if it's that guy, just go back and ask?"

Luo Chen nodded: "The Diochisis that the otter met arrived on Gaia Star five years ago, as long as you ask the alliance whether the Diochisis arrived five years ago, you can basically conclude it."

If not..."

Luo Chen paused, and then said with deep eyes: "If not, it means that there is still a Diochisis on this planet! That is a very powerful divine beast! Under the flexible transformation of form, it is enough to rival the first-level gods!"

Minna smiled, "Do you want to fight the idea of a divine beast again? The last time you subdued the Frozen Bird, didn't you say that there was only one special Poke Ball? Even if you met Deochis, you wouldn't be able to accept it, would you?"

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