Tang Yixian said with a flattering face: "Cousin, what did you say to King Feng?" She just said she was going to play a game? "

The rest of the crowd closed their mouths and listened attentively, lest they miss the key words.

In the crowd behind, the children of the family who originally participated in the villa party were all shocked.


This Luo Chen is Tang Yat-sen's cousin?

Is he really from the Tang family?

In addition, they thought of Tang Zhuxian who appeared at the party, why didn't that person come?

They looked at Luo Chen's clothes, which were the same as Tang Xuxian's, and fell into deep thought...

Luo Chen didn't speak, just continued to count.

And said to Emperor Yan: "You said that the eldest baby of your family, will sneak away while we are counting?" "

Emperor Yan replied puzzledly: "Why did he slip away?" "

Luo Chen said as a matter of course: "I'm afraid of being subdued by us, and I am now a man with two first-level gods, plus two second-level gods of Reggie Rock and Frozen Bird, four to one, even if she is at full level, we can completely subdue her!" "

Luo Chen still had the idea of persuading Emperor Yan to defeat and subdue the Phoenix King with him.

Judging from the current situation, nine out of nine of the Phoenix Kings are the deity!

It's just that because of some factors, her information can't be snooped on by the system.

Now that he knew that she was the deity, Luo Chen naturally had no reason to let her go.

But Emperor Yan was silent for a moment and then said, "She's level 100? "

Luo Chen nodded.

"Yes, level 100! If we subdue him, wouldn't we be one step closer to hegemony, nay, and salvation from another world? "

Emperor Yan thought for a moment and said: "First of all, I will never fight against her, and secondly, even if we fight four to one, we may not be able to beat her, so don't mess around, let's play the game honestly, I think she has a bit of an intellectual problem, if you make her happy, maybe she will willingly stay by your side." "

Luo Chen was puzzled.

"How so? She's alone, and we have four priority forces! How could you not beat her? "

Emperor Yan smiled and said, "How much do you know about King Feng?" Do you know what she is capable of? "

Luo Chen said: "I know, if you have the ability, it is a top-level divine beast that manipulates the fire system, and it will be a sacred fire, and the rest... Able to resurrect others? Is this considered to have mastered the ability to live? "

Emperor Yan snorted and said: "Yes, the biggest characteristics of the boss clan are two, one is that the mastery of flames is the top among the divine beasts, with a strong fire lethality, and the other is the ability to resurrect the dead.

Moreover, as a first-level god, the Phoenix King's strength is mainly defense-based, which is commonly said to be thick blood and high defense, which can be summed up as both offensive and defensive, and has the strongest recovery ability among the divine beasts!

In addition, she is at full level, and her own strength far exceeds that of lower-level divine beasts than her, our attacks may not be able to cause effective damage to her, and even if she hits a lot of damage, she can recover in an instant, or even beat her to death, she can also get up, such an opponent, how do you want to defeat her? "


Luo Chen was very surprised in his heart, Emperor Yan praised his boss to the sky.

The previous three-in-one divine bird, you didn't rush up and beat you up?

That's a terrifying existence close to a supernatural beast!

No matter how strong the Phoenix King is, he won't surpass that divine bird, right?

But at this time, the system said: "Actually, Emperor Yan is right, your current Pokémon is not enough to defeat the Phoenix King, it is true that the strength of the Phoenix King is not as good as the three-in-one divine bird, but the Phoenix King itself is not known for its destructive power, but for its defensive power and recovery power."

Her defense is second only to Lokia among the divine beasts, and her recovery power is the strongest among the divine beasts, she may not be able to defeat you, but you will never be able to defeat her, this is the strongest meat! Consume all the energy to kill you!

Even if you have the super divine beast-level combat power in the future and defeat the Phoenix King, just like Emperor Yan said, it's hard to imagine that before your Poke Ball can hit her, she will recover again, and her so-called inexhaustible vitality is not for you to play! "

Luo Chen was stunned for a while.

King Feng is so powerful?

Is she meaty? When Lao Tzu used to play games, how did she get all kinds of seconds?

As for the resilience, in addition to the recovery skill of self-regeneration, the characteristic of the Phoenix King is regeneration, but the regeneration power that Luo Chen knows is not a very strong characteristic, but the characteristics of the divine beasts in this world have been greatly enhanced, and the regeneration power of the Phoenix King should have reached a very perverted level.

As for the legendary ability to resurrect the dead, it is not shown in the game, but there are performances of resurrecting the Three Holy Beasts and Ash in the plot and anime.

The phoenix king in reality obviously exerts the power of regeneration and the power of resurrection to the extreme, unlike the game, for the balance of the game, some of the settings of some mythical beasts are really just settings...

Luo Chen, who had a preliminary understanding of King Feng's ability, gradually dispelled the idea of fighting King Feng head-on.

If you know you can't win, why do you want to fight? And recalling Emperor Yan's words at the beginning, judging from the record of King Feng and Luo Qiya fighting for several years and shattering the entire Dongzhou Continent.

The endurance of these two eldest sisters is not for fun, if they want to exhaust her vitality, at least in years.

Luo Chen didn't have time to spend with her.

At this time, the system added: "And the full-level Pokémon are far stronger than other levels of Pokémon, I told you before, high-level Pokémon above level 60, each level of improvement is very large, among which the most prominent attributes of the Pokémon each increase the most!" And for super high-ranking Pokémon above level 90, the boost obtained at each level is a huge enhancement!

Especially after level 95, with each level, the strength of the Pokémon is clearly multiplied! A level 100 Pokémon is almost twice as powerful as a level 99! The level 99 is twice as high as the level 98! And your strongest Ipeltar is only level 92, and so on, how many Ipeltar can a full-level god beat? You can do the math yourself..."

Luo Chen was stunned, and said in disbelief: "So, King Feng seems to be able to fight dozens of Ipeltar?" Wouldn't that be able to go straight to the second? "

The system smiled: "I just said that the most increased is the outstanding attribute of Pokémon, that is, the one with the highest race value you know, and the rest of the attributes are increased differently according to the level of race value."

The strongest thing about the Phoenix King is the special defense, so the special defense of the full-level Phoenix King is dozens of times that of Ipeltar, but there are not so many attacks, if it is replaced by Mewtwo or Liekong Sitting These divine beasts with long destructive power can indeed be seconds!

And even if the rest of the attributes are not increased as much as the special defense, it is still several times more than that of Ipeltar! If you use your enhanced skills to raise your attack to the maximum, it's only comparable to the Phoenix King's attack, and you can't break her defense..."

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