The bird Pokémon with a body size of nearly twenty meters on the roof is the Pokémon of myths and legends, the owner of the Three Holy Beasts, the Phoenix King!

Everyone present was shocked.

"King Feng actually appeared here!" A trainer shouted excitedly.

"Phoenix King!" Luo Chen was also surprised, he didn't expect to be able to see King Feng here.

Could it be that the things in the villa just now were done by King Feng?

Although the Phoenix King is a Pokémon of the dual fire and flying systems, her superpowers are also extremely powerful, and she is fully capable of creating illusions.

But what is the point of doing so?

Luo Chen's heart was full of doubts, but at the same time he opened the panel of the Phoenix King.

Phoenix King (color): LV100

But the rest of the information was not displayed, which made Luo Chen even more surprised.

"What's going on? Why can't some of the information be seen? Luo Chen asked the system in his heart.

The system is also a little puzzled.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be, unless... Isn't this phoenix king the body? "

"Not the ontology? Summoned by the Rainbow Feather? "

"This is possible, otherwise it would not be impossible to show the information."

Luo Chen felt a little lost in his heart, was it an incarnation or something?

Just now he was about to subdue this phoenix king, but he didn't expect it to be Bai excited...


The Phoenix King raised his head and let out a soft cry, then slowly opened his wings, and the colorful wings emitted dazzling brilliance.

With a bang, she waved her wings, a gust of wind swept up, and her body flew into the air, and a rainbow appeared behind her, and in this night, the appearance of this rainbow was particularly shocking.

Many trainers instinctively released flying Pokémon and flew behind the Phoenix King.

This phoenix king didn't fly fast, she flew so slowly to the urban area of the imperial capital, and then swaggered through the entire imperial capital, colorful light shone behind her, and a huge rainbow across the entire imperial capital appeared in the sky.

Countless people in the imperial capital ran out to watch, took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and many trainers rode flying Pokémon into the sky.

They didn't dare to fight against the Phoenix King, they just wanted to keep up with this legendary Pokémon for a while, and by the way, they sent a circle of friends to pretend to be forced~

In the imperial palace of the imperial capital, Tianhao, the monarch of the Kyushu Empire, also stood on the roof and looked at the phoenix king who flew over the imperial capital.

Even though he tried his best to hide it, the shock and excitement in his eyes were still very obvious.

"The legendary Pokémon in mythology actually appeared in the imperial capital, which is a good omen!"

Behind him, the national champion Li Fujun also looked at the phoenix king with shining eyes.

After a moment of silence, he said slowly: "It's not so much a good omen, it's better to think about why she appeared in the imperial capital, Pokémon of this level will never wander around the world at will, even if they occasionally come out to move their muscles, it will be fleeting,

How is it possible to swagger through the market like this? Looking at the way she looks, she seems to be looking for something..."


Tianhao glanced back at Li Fujun.

His gaze grew deeper.

"You're right, she does look like she's looking for something!"

In the villa, most of the trainers had already left with King Feng, some flying in the sky, some running on the ground.

Luo Chen stayed where he was, and the Tang brothers saw that Luo Chen didn't move, so they also came over.

Tang Yixian said with some excitement: "Cousin, why don't you go and take a look?" With your strength, maybe you will be able to subdue that Phoenix King? "

Tang Xiaofatzi also instigated Luo Chen to challenge King Feng on the side.

Even if Luo Chen can't defeat the Phoenix King, he can still bring everyone a fierce battle of divine beasts!

Luo Chen looked at the departing Feng King, and his eyes were even more puzzled.

Her state doesn't look like an incarnation no matter how she looks at it, the Phoenix King incarnation I saw in the Langya Mountains last time won't form such a shocking scene when flying!

The rainbow across the imperial capital is simply a miracle, and it makes people feel excited!

And if it's an incarnation summoned by the Rainbow Feather, how can it hang out here?

The person who summoned her must have had some purpose.

The incarnation of a first-level god said that Luo Chendu, who came to attack the imperial capital!

But looking at the appearance of the Phoenix King above the imperial capital, saying that she was passing by here, I believe no one will refute it.

"System, is that really an incarnation?"

The system was silent for a while, and then said, "I'm not sure, that state is a bit weird, or... You go up and give her a shot of destruction and death? "


Luo Chen's face twitched a few times.

If this is the body, then I still have hope of subduing her when I fight, but if it is an incarnation, no matter whether I win or lose, this fight is in vain...

The system continued.

"Regardless of whether the Phoenix King is the main body or not, what is the purpose of her appearance in the imperial capital, you had better go up and ask clearly, with the friendship between Emperor Yan and the Phoenix King, the other party will definitely tell you."

When Luo Chen heard it, he felt very reasonable.

Even if this Phoenix King was summoned, he must have accepted some request and come here to do something.

If you search for treasures, you will just cut off your beard, and if you come to attack the imperial capital, you can also take the opportunity to earn a wave of prestige.

Thinking of this, he took out a high-grade ball and released a fierce bite land shark, ready to follow to find out.

When the Tang brothers saw it, they were overjoyed, and now there is a good show to watch!

They also each released a flying Pokémon and flew towards the Phoenix King with Luo Chen.

When they caught up with the large number of trainers who were flying behind King Feng, Luo Chen also sighed in his heart.

"What a bird~'

He rode the Fierce Bite Land Shark and quickly flew to the front of the team, took out the Master Ball, and prepared to release the Yan Emperor to compete with the Phoenix King.

But in the city below, an old man flew out, stepping on the coffin of the god of death, followed by a quasi-god Doron Barruto.

It is the Hades King, one of the four heavenly kings of the country!

He flew in front of the Phoenix King and said excitedly, "Phoenix King! The old man wants to challenge you! Please fight against the old man! "

Luo Chen saw it and silently withdrew the master ball.

Let's let this Hades senior test the water first.

The challenge of the Hades King instantly made the people of the imperial capital feel very excited.

Ever since King Feng appeared, there have been countless people who want to go up and challenge her, but they weighed their strength, and then they pressed this idea to death.

Although the Phoenix King is a very kind Pokémon, her strength is too strong, even if she deliberately suppresses her power, she may burn the weak challenger to death with a small flame.

That's why the challengers honestly followed behind, but in their hearts, they hoped that someone would be able to stand up and fight against the Phoenix King.

King Feng finally appeared in the imperial capital, if there was no one to fight her, it would be a pity!

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