
The continuous blows caused the Mega to bite the land shark in severe pain, and even smashed a large crater in the broken mountain, filling the body with smoke and dust.

"Mega Pincer Mantis, use the ultimate blast on the spot where the Mega Bite Land Shark fell!"


The Mega Pincer Mantis unleashes the power of its whole body and slams towards the location of the Mega Fierce Bite Land Shark!

Zhou Tai looked at it in a hurry.

"Mega bites the land shark, dodge!"

Zhou Tai's voice reached the ears of the Mega Fierce Biting Land Shark, although the smoke and dust blocked his vision, but Luo Chen's attack command he heard, if the ultimate impact of the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis hit him, then this battle would end in his defeat!

He braced himself up, ready to dodge the attack.

But after all, he was seriously injured, and his speed was too slow, and when he just got up, the attack of the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis had already arrived!


In the rapidly dilated pupils of the Mega Bite Land Shark, the figure of the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis wrapped in the violent air currents and rapidly approaching was reflected!

A roar rang out, and even larger smoke swept in all directions.


The Mega Giant Pincer Mantis rolled over and jumped out of the smoke and dust, landing smoothly on the ground not far away.


He gasped for breath, this was the first time he had experienced such a fierce battle, it was really exciting!

Zhou Tai rode Charizard and approached, looking nervously at the smoke and dust.

"Mega bites the land shark!"

He eagerly called out to his Pokémon, but after a long time of no response, a bad thought rose in his heart.

Luo Chen also came to the side of the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis, quietly waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate.

After a long time, the smoke cleared, revealing a huge crater, and at the bottom of the pit was a fierce biting land shark that had exited its Mega form, and he had completely fainted and lost the ability to fight.

Luo Chen smiled knowingly and touched the steel head of the Mega giant pincer mantis.

"Good job, giant pincer mantis, you've worked hard this time!"

"Ha Ha ~ "

The Mega Pincer Mantis scratched its head with its large pincers and laughed happily, its eyes narrowing into crescent moons.

He finally won a brilliant victory for Luo Chen!

Zhang Qiaoqing and many children of the family have long surrounded this place.

It was a shock to see the Mega Pincer Mantis defeat the Mega Fierce Bite Land Shark head-on.

"I can't imagine that giant pincer mantis is so strong that it can defeat a quasi-god like the Fierce Bite Land Shark, it's shocking."

"Who says it's not, generally speaking, after the Mega evolution of the giant pincer mantis of the same level, it is a little stronger than the normal quasi-god, but it is much worse than the Mega quasi-god, this giant pincer mantis can actually win, is it that the level is much ahead of the fierce bite land shark?"

Zhang Lie looked at the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis with a look of appreciation.

He said to Zhang Qiaoqing: "That giant pincer mantis is amazing, its strength far exceeds that of its kind, that trainer's cultivation method must be quite hard, so he can train such a powerful Pokémon!" "

Zhang Qiaoqing also nodded approvingly: "It's really surprising, this battle is the strongest duel in this gathering, and it has completely reached the level of a heavenly king!" "

But her voice changed: "But now is not the time to talk about this, the battle between these two guys has ruined this place, and I have to settle accounts with them." "

Zhang Lie pursed his lips and said with some hesitation: "This is not good, right?" After all, the party is held by you, and the Pokémon battle will have a great impact, and without a protective shield, it is impossible to avoid this level of loss.

If we find someone to compensate, what will others say about us? Eighty percent will say, 'If you don't have money, don't you run a Pokémon battle match?' It's humiliating..."

Zhang Qiaoqing opened her mouth.

After a while, he said with a tangled face: "But I have already said before that I am not allowed to put a large-scale group attack, but he wants to release the Tianlong meteor and the earthquake, not to mention the destruction of the earthquake, and many people were injured by meteorites!" "


Zhang Lie was taken aback.

"Hit by a meteorite? Is it serious? "

He suddenly became nervous, all the wealthy nobles here, if they were smashed in this party, they, as the organizers, would definitely not be able to escape the involvement!

Zhang Qiaoqing shook her head lightly and said, "Fortunately, there are no big injuries, but they are always angry." "

Then she leaned into Zhang Lie's ear and whispered: "We'd better hold Zhou Tai accountable, and let him apologize to everyone, and bleed by the way, otherwise this group of people will definitely not stop there."

Not only will they go to Zhou's house to find trouble, but they will also make our Zhang family unable to wipe their faces, after all, it is something that happened to us, so that Zhou Tai will bleed, which can make everyone angry in their hearts, cancel the contradiction of this matter on the spot, and save them from causing trouble afterwards. "

Zhang Lie nodded as he listened.

"Uh-huh, what you say makes sense, just do as you say!"

He looked at his little sister with an appreciative look and said, "Although you can't stand the hardships of being a trainer, you are still very scheming, and it is unlikely that you will be bullied in the future." "

Zhang Qiaoqing's face sank.

looked at his eldest brother with an unkind face.

"If you can't speak, don't speak!"

Seeing Zhang Qiaoqing angry, Zhang Lie had to scratch his head and stop talking.

Zhang Qiaoqing let the Qixi youth descend to the ground, ready to ask Zhou Tai Xingshi for his guilt.

Zhou Tai's mood at this time was mixed, he looked at the unconscious fierce bite land shark, took out the Poke Ball and took it back.

"This time it's my unfavorable command, which has burdened you and worked hard..."

He sighed and shrunk the Poké Ball into his belt.

Seeing Zhang Qiaoqing walking straight towards her, without waiting for her to speak, Zhou Tai took the lead in saluting.

"Miss Zhang, it's my fault this time, and I'm fully responsible for all the losses."

Then he looked at the children of the family around him and bowed to them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I am eager to win, I have no intention of hurting you, I will compensate, and I hope to forgive me, if you encounter anything in the future, you can come to Zhou's house to find me, I will do my best to help, thinking that today's recklessness is atoned for."

Zhang Qiaoqing stopped walking.

Xindao: This kid can still distinguish the situation, if you don't apologize to these people, and go back to your Zhou family to find trouble, then it will be a lot of fun.

Although the children of the surrounding families are all arrogant and noble, they are also people with prominent families on the other side, and their strength is stronger than most of them, since he has taken the lead in admitting his mistakes, he will naturally not be investigated.

Only some people who were injured by meteorites were still a little resentful in their hearts, but there was no better solution, so they had to make up their minds in their hearts to slaughter him when Zhou Tai came to compensate them!

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