
The pincers of the giant pincer mantis slashed a sword light, and the claws of the double axe war dragon slammed into each other.

As the giant pincer mantis pressed hard, the Twin Axe War Dragon was quickly repulsed.

The power of the sword dance is not just talking!

"Giant pincer mantis, use continuous slashes to suppress!"

After receiving Luo Chen's order, the giant pincer mantis quickly pursued, and with a wave of his fists, two materialized blue-green energy blades condensed out.


The two sharp blades danced in succession, slashing down towards the twin axe war dragons.

"Twin Axe Battle Dragon, Use Double Split!"

Sun Huan can only give the order to fight hard, this is also no way, the speed of the giant pincer mantis is too fast, even if you want to dodge, you can't dodge, you can only take it hard.

The Twin Axe War Dragon unleashes the dragon's continuous slash skill with a wave of its claws, which can deal damage to the target twice in a row, with the same power as the combo slash.


The blades and claw shadows intersected, and the attack of the twin axe war dragon was instantly defeated!

The Twin Axe Battle Dragon showed a look of disbelief, he couldn't figure out why his dragon Pokémon used dragon skills, why he couldn't beat the insect skills used by a bug Pokémon.

I'm a dragon, and I lost to a praying mantis in terms of attack power?



When the Twin Axe War Dragon doubted his life, an even more powerful blade slashed at him!

After the first two consecutive hits, the power of this blow is already stronger than the ultimate impact!


With a flash of swordlight, the Twin Axe War Dragon let out a painful roar, and then it was wrapped in a red light and sent back to the Poké Ball.

This blow directly knocked him to a near-death state, triggering the Poké Ball's protection mechanism!

Sun Huan clenched his teeth, did he lose again?

The strength of this giant pincer mantis was no longer something he could compete with, and the three high-speed movements made his movement speed and attack speed so fast that it was difficult to catch.

And the attack power is also terrifying, not only can he not dodge his attack, but he can't even do it head-on.

The difference in strength is obvious, and no matter how you command, you can't win.

"I lost..."

He can only leave with regret.

The battle is a best-of-three system, and he has already lost two games, so naturally he lost this game.

Luo Chen said softly: "I agreed." "

Then he also got off the field, although he wanted to continue, but the enhancement effect on the giant pincer mantis was still there, and it was impossible for him to continue fighting, and others would not respond in this situation.

Therefore, you can only play first, and wait until a few minutes later, when the time for the enhancement effect on the giant pincer mantis is up, you can continue to play.

There are many people outside the stadium who are sighing.

"Sun Huan actually lost? and lost so completely, it's terrible!"

"That is, Sun Huan's strength is relatively strong in our circle, and it is a little surprising that he lost without any suspense. "

"That Tang Xuxian's strength is a bit beyond imagination, the Tang family actually produced such a junior? Doesn't it mean that Tang Yixian is the best master of the Tang family?"

"It is estimated that it is their family's hidden seed player, just listen to the name, Tang Xuxian! And Tang Yixian is the Tang family's current powerful trainer, Tang Xuxian is naturally above Tang Yixian. "

"Makes sense!"

Tang Yixian listened to everyone's whispered discussions, and suddenly felt depressed in his heart, this guy has obtained a good name!

After Luo Chen got off the field, he went to the long table to get the bet back, in addition to the 300,000 won from Sun Huan, there were also rewards for off-court bets, a total of 14 people pressed Luo Chen to win, and 23 pressed Sun Huan to win.

A total of 2.3 million was won, divided equally by 14 people, each earning 164,000, and the extra change was handed over to the owner of the manor even if the maintenance site was maintained.

Luo Chen looked at the 460,000 alliance coins rising in the card, and felt relieved.

It would be nice to win that much money in every match.

Tang's little fat man ran over with a glass of hot milk.

"Come, cousin, this is hot milk from a big jug, refresh, relax. "

Luo Chen took the milk and said, "How did you make yourself like a servant?"

Tang Xiaopang said: "Where is it, it is natural for the younger generation to serve the elders, you don't have to be polite~"

Tang Yixian's eyelids jumped.


Among us, it seems that I am the biggest, right?

Luo Chen didn't bother to say anything, he took a sip of milk.

Hmm~ This big milk tank is really a good Pokémon, I'll take one when I have time, and then I have fresh milk to drink every day.

A new round of battles began on the field, this time the water field, and the whole field was like a large pool, but there were several small stone mountains inside.

The two sides of the battle naturally chose water-based Pokémon, one is a level 43 purple qualification gem starfish, and the other is a level 52 purple qualification tyrannosaurus.

Nine levels worse?

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and said in his heart: If it weren't for the fact that he was not allowed to bet after the battle began, I would have pressed 100,000 on that tyrannosaurus, this is a sure win!

He looked at the two beside him.

"Anyway, you're not going to play?"

Tang Yixian and Tang Sheng glanced at each other and said: "I played a few games yesterday, but I lost the last one, if I hadn't just pressed you to win 160,000, now even 100,000 yuan of base gold is barely enough, not to mention that there is an additional raise..."

Tang Xiaofat said: "I won't talk about it, my Pokémon strength is not very good, and I pressed him to win yesterday, and the result was...

Now I can't even live on expenses, so I can only hug my cousin's thighs, otherwise I won't have any money. "

Luo Chen was a little surprised: "You are a wealthy family, don't you have money when you have no money?"

Tang Yixian said depressedly: "Our family is like this, when we go out, except for the travel expenses at the beginning, the rest of the money can only be earned by ourselves..."

Luo Chen glanced at the two of them with pity, this style is not bad, and it can allow the juniors to develop a sense of autonomy.

Then he said, "So this time you pulled me over, one is to make money, and the other is to take revenge?"

Tang Yixian said with a little embarrassment: "Almost..."

Tang Sheng continued: "Luo... Cousin Zhuxian, look at the guy in purple clothes, called Zhou Tai, is the Brother Yixian he defeated, he has an aluminum steel dragon, his strength is extremely strong, and he directly penetrated Brother Yixian!

It's the same as when you beat Sun Huan! The kind that hangs up and fights! You'll challenge him later, that guy is very rich, and it's no problem to bet millions of dollars!

And did you see that beautiful girl next to him? Her name is Lu Qingxue, it seems that she is his confidante, you defeat him in front of her face, maybe you can even stick a leg sideways and snatch love with a horizontal knife!"

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