The only weakness of the Giant Pincer Mantis is its quadruple weak fire!

But Lizard King doesn't have any fire-based offensive skills!

The only fire-based skill that can be learned is the weather skill of Sunny Day, which doesn't help this battle in any way, and his Lizard King hasn't learned Sunny Day either...

It's not good to be a teacher!

I was prejudged by the other party about my Pokémon?

Sun Huan was a little annoyed, knowing that the grass field had a great enhancement to grass-type Pokémon, so when he chose to fight Pokémon, he must guard against grass-type Pokémon.

I only care about adapting to the selection of the venue, and ignore the targeting of the venue.

Obviously, Luo Chen thought of this, so he chose the giant pincer mantis that could restrain the grass-type Pokémon!

This wave, you're on the fifth floor!


Although Sun Huan was annoyed, he also improved his recognition of Luo Chen in his heart.

It's a fierce rival!

Not only him, but many trainers outside the field also thought of this and nodded in admiration.

"In response to the change of the venue, I chose a giant pincer mantis that can restrain the grass, and I came to bet that there would be a grass-type Pokémon on the opposite side, and there were really two hits!"

"Yes, it's not still a battle, start playing, this is the fun of Pokémon battles!"

Luo Chen, who had strong spiritual power, naturally clearly sensed everyone's exclamation.

He blinked in confusion, I didn't think about it so much, in order to prevent my identity from being exposed, there are only a few Pokémon I can use, among which the giant pincer mantis is relatively strong, and it is also the most suitable for this venue, so I chose him.

As for attribute restraint or something, I really didn't think of it.

That's the legend, you're on the second floor, thinking I'm on the fifth floor, but I'm actually on the first floor?

Tsk, I made an oolong, so that everyone's brain made up for my forced character...

His gaze was on the Lizard King.

Lizard King (Gold): LV53

The qualifications are all quite good.

But it's still much worse than the giant pincer praying mantis.

Although the qualification of the giant pincer mantis is also golden, its level is level 66.

The huge level gap is bound to make the battle one-sided.

Sun Huan commanded at the Lizard King, "Lizard King, use the sword dance!"

If you want to win, strengthening it with a sword dance is your only chance!

But this kind of opportunity is not so easy to get!

"Giant pincer mantis, use bullet punches!"

The bullet punch's quick attack is something that most Pokémon can't resist, and this move is also a great move to interrupt local skills!

After the giant pincer mantis left an afterimage, his fist of steel also slammed into the lizard king's body!


The powerful blow caused the Lizard King's body to suffer severe pain, and he was shocked back several meters away!

Naturally, the cast of the Sword Dance was interrupted.

Looking at the giant pincer mantis that bent its body because of pain, Sun Huan was shocked.

Bullet punch is a steel-based skill, this move has no restraint effect on the lizard king, it can only exert a normal level of power, and this move is not a powerful skill, even if it is equipped with the technical master characteristics of the giant pincer mantis and the bonus of this system, it has not reached the level of a high-power skill like 100,000 volts!

I didn't expect such a skill to be able to beat the Lizard King like this with one blow!

The strength of this giant pincer mantis is far beyond his imagination!

Sun Huan, who recognized the gap between them, picked up the Poké Ball and took the Lizard King back.

"Come back and get some rest, Lizard King!"

Then he took out another high-level ball and threw it hard.

"Come out! Dharma baboon!"

A round fiery red baboon about 1.5 meters tall appeared in the field, his arms were strong and huge, his eyes were round, and two flames grew on his head like eyebrows.

Sun Huan smiled slightly.

The Dharma Baboon is a powerful output Pokémon with fire attributes, and it is the most suitable for dealing with giant pincer mantises!

Luo Chen also stared.

This is the first time I've seen this kind of Pokémon.

Dharma Baboon (Gold): LV61

Attribute: Fire

Rarity: Epic Pokémon

Traits: Dharma Mode (Transforms into Dharma Mode when Health is less than half of the body, and returns to the form when Health is restored or after the battle; Dharma Mode increases Super attributes, increases some strength, and converts special attack and attack power. )

Skills: Hammer, Impact, Roll, Burn Out, Rage, Flaming Fang, Head Hammer, Bluff, Hard Brace, Flaming Fist, Self-Motivation, Making a Fuss, Belly Drum, Flash Charge, Provocation, Brute Force, Overheating, Bodybuilding, Mental Strength, Jet Flame, Noise, Flame Wheel, Gathering...

Item to carry: Shell Bell (Allows the Pokémon carrying this item to restore 1/8 of the damage dealt when attacking!)

Intimacy: 255 (very happy)


Luo Chen looked at it and smacked his tongue secretly.

This characteristic should be the exclusive characteristic of the Dharma baboon, it is outrageous!

Not only can it increase an attribute and increase its strength, but it can also change it from a physical output to an elemental output!

It's a little enviable!

"Dharma baboon, use the belly drum!"

Sun Huan waved his hand, and the Dharma baboon roared loudly in the sky, and his strong arms beat his chest hard, making a muffled sound of bouncing.

Belly drum?

Luo Chen's face sank, this skill is to sacrifice half of his life force in exchange for the maximum attack increase!

It's an extremely terrifying enhancement skill!

"Giant pincer mantis!


The giant pincer mantis swung its right fist and shot out like a bullet, blasting towards the front door of the Dharma baboon!

But when the giant pincer mantis approached the Dharma baboon, the whole body of the Dharma baboon exuded a burst of steely luster, and it sat in place in an instant, and then a powerful telekinesis gushed out, lifting the giant pincer mantis into the air!

Luo Chen fixed his eyes, and the fiery red hair of the Dharma baboon also turned into a cyan steel-like skin.

His legs became very short, clinging to his round body, and his strong and huge arms were left with a large light blue slap, which was also attached to his body.

The whole thing looks like a tumbler of steel.

This is the Dharma pattern pattern?

The belly drum was reduced by exactly half of its health, and the Dharma baboon instantly activated its trait due to the loss of health, and it turned into Dharma mode!

At the same time, the attributes have also become fire and superpowers.

He couldn't help but exclaim: "Interesting Pokémon!"

Sun Huan gave a new order to the Dharma baboon in the Dharma mode.

"Dharma baboon, use spiritual strong thoughts!"

Invisible telekinesis poured towards the giant pincer mantis from all directions, making it impossible for him to dodge.

And even if he could dodge, he couldn't judge the direction of the telekinesis attack, so he could only stare dryly.

But Luo Chen, with his strong spiritual power, can easily perceive the telekinesis of the Massachusetts, but because the opponent's telekinesis is gathered in all directions, he can't hide, he can only defend.

So he ordered: "Giant pincer mantis, use it to hold!"

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