Luo Chen thought for a while and said, "Three is fine, but you have to add extra money!"

Nangong Xingyuan said with a smile: "Qian is good, I will call you 5 billion when I go back, which can be regarded as a reward for this battle, now let's talk about those divine beasts of the Secret Hidden Society." "

After getting the promise of the Nangong Alliance Leader, Luo Chen told him the relevant information about the Duke of Lei, the Queen Mother and the Emperor, and the Three Divine Birds.

He had learned all of that information from lab papers.

Nangong Xingyuan nodded.

This information may be of great help to the Alliance's next investigation.

Luo Chen looked at the alliance leader and asked, "Is the alliance going to conduct these genetic tests next?"

Nangong Xingyuan shook his head.

"No, these things are expressly forbidden, many years ago, there were organizations to conduct genetic research on Pokémon, but because this kind of experiment was too cruel, so the alliance and the countries at that time discussed together, and finally listed all these things as taboo, and the major organizations were not allowed to get involved.

This time, Minna has captured many members of the Hidden Society, and we will test the genes of these people and the potions we have obtained, and combine the known information to develop an antidote, so as to save the remnants of the Hidden Society from doing evil with this thing. "

Luo Chen chuckled in his heart, aren't you going to do these studies?

The rest of the major powers are not allowed to do these tests?

So who do I sell those devices to?

That adds up to at least tens of billions!

Just smashed your hands?

He said a little unwillingly: "Actually, I think there is still merit in those experiments, such as the emperor and the queen mother, after they fused with the Pokémon gene, they obtained the power of the divine beast, which may be an excellent way for humans to gain power!"

And the rest of the Pokémon can also get a strength boost from these genetic researches, as long as the violent chaotic state that destroys the genes is eliminated through follow-up experiments, it can be an extremely precious prop!"

Nangong Xingyuan and Minna looked at Luo Chen at the same time, and Lai Xilam on the side also looked at him with deep eyes.

The gaze of the two of them made Luo Chen uncomfortable, and he said curtly, "What's the matter?

Nangong Xingyuan chuckled lightly and said, "You have great potential to join the illegal organization, and in the future, I will send someone to focus on supervising you..."


Luo Chen didn't know why.

"How do you have the potential to become an outlaw?"

Minna said, "You, like those outlaws, have the idea of doing anything to gain power, aren't the things you just said the same as the Secret Society has been doing?"

They succeeded in developing an enhancement potion, but the potion would directly lose their minds while gaining power, and then it would be modified into a destruction gene, reducing the degree of loss of sanity and maintaining a certain degree of controllability.

What we're doing now is also improving the destruction of genes, and optimizing genetic experiments, and it's becoming successful step by step, and we've beaten them, so now let's learn from them?

While it is indeed a good thing to perfect the gene destruction and gene fusion technology to be flawless, in the process of experimentation, it is extremely cruel damage to both the humans and the Pokémon being tested, and this process is unavoidable.

Isn't it forbidden for organizations to conduct genetic tests in order to reduce the harm? If we do these tests to improve these things, what difference will we have from the Crypt?"

Luo Chen opened his mouth silently.

These things were really not expected of him.

The continuation of these trials must also involve human research and genetic extraction of Pokémon, which is extremely harmful, so from the standpoint of the Alliance, this kind of experiment will never be conducted.

Nangong Xingyuan also added: "What Minerna said is the first, and the second, even if we continue this kind of experiment and succeed, it is equivalent to releasing a signal, a signal that genetic research is recognized by the alliance!"

That would lead to all capable organizations and forces all over the world conducting such experiments, and we would not even be qualified to stop them at that time, and the damage caused by that would would be unimaginable.

Countless Pokémon and humans will turn into monsters and lose their lives under the genetic research of various forces!

And the drawbacks of this kind of experiment are also extremely unavoidable, didn't that emperor lose control of his body at the last moment? It seems that he has become an indescribable deformed monster, right?

Even a top-level fusion test subject like him is at risk of getting out of control, and it is predictably difficult to completely avoid the effects of this loss of control, so there is no need for this kind of experiment to continue. "

Luo Chen nodded instinctively.

What the alliance leader said makes sense, if the alliance takes the lead in conducting genetic experiments, it will inevitably cause a frenzy of genetic research on a global scale, and countless humans and Pokémon will be mutilated at that time.

Those unscrupulous organizations can even come out and operate openly.

After all, everyone is the same, you are conducting genetic research, and so am I, why do you call me an illegal organization and claim to be the right path?

If the name is not right, it will not go well, and if things get to that point, everything will be irreparable!

And the risk of that kind of experiment is really great, even the emperor got out of control in the end, and I don't know if the woman called the queen mother will fall into the same situation.

But her fusion progress is said to have reached a perfect level, does that mean that she has completely completed the promotion at the life level?

There will be no more danger of getting out of control?

But Luo Chen didn't have the time and energy to pay attention to these things, he still had a lot of more important things to do.

And those devices in your own hands, what should I do?

Why don't you find a way to contact God Coming to the Temple?

While these devices are in the hands of the Temple of God's Presence, they may grow and harm innocent beings for the sake of genetic research.

But in order to make money, it's okay to be a bad guy once in a while...

Moreover, he is also planning to use the deal with the Temple of God to find out their sphere of influence and the location of their base.

When the time comes, after selling them the equipment, I will go with the alliance to encircle and suppress them.

Not only made money, but also defended the way!

Come to the wave to throw bricks and lead the jade black to eat the black!

Profiteering from this!

Minna looked at the silent Luo Chen and said, "Don't think about this matter, you don't have to go down the wrong path, let's talk about the Pokémon called Mewtwo first." "

"Mewtwo?" Nangong Xingyuan's eyes were puzzled.

"It's the strongest trump card hidden by the Secret Society, the Pokémon created using genetic technology. Minna explained.

Luo Chen looked at Mirna, thought for a moment, and then said to the alliance leader with a solemn face: "That's a Pokémon cloned from the dream gene, if you have strength... Enough to destroy the world!"

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