Luo Chen looked at Emperor Yan, who had shrunk a little bit compared to before, and asked the system, "Has Emperor Yan reached the level of a first-level god now?"

The system said affirmatively: "Arrived, the first-level god of the Eight Classics! "

Yandi (color): LV85

Attribute: Fire

Rarity: Legendary Pokémon

Traits: Fire Emperor (Immune to fire damage, freely manipulates the fire element, and when activated, transforms the weather into a large sunshine that does not disappear until the Pokémon leaves the field, and the large sunshine is not covered by weather outside of the Sea of Origin and Delta airflow.) )

Skills: Sacred Fire, Flame-breathing, Divine Power, Smoke-breathing, Flame-blasting, Bluff, Flame Fang, Character Explosion, Meditation, Sunny Day, Charged Flame Attack, Sharp Stone Attack, Grinding, Hot Wind, Stand-in, Autosuggestion, Dream Talk, Ultimate Impact, Ghost Fire, Overheating, Shadow Ball, Daylight Beam, Destruction Ray, Shadow Clone, Reflection Wall, Delay, Purgatory, Burnout, Explosive Flame...

Carry item: Golden Crown (Increases the bearer's qualification by one level, and all attributes by one level.) )

Intimacy: 255 (very happy)

The Emperor of Fire?

What's new?

Luo Chen was shocked by this new feature!

Isn't this the end of the remake?

Is it because it absorbed the vermilion orb that originally belonged to Gugurado, so even the characteristics are similar to the End?

Moreover, this Fire Emperor also exerts the advantages of the Yan Emperor himself, and is immune to fire attribute attacks!

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Emperor Yan, go and feel your new power!"

Hearing this, Emperor Yan approached step by step, both of them were first-level gods, although his level was much lower than that of Lai Shiram, but he had an advantage that Lai Shiram did not have.

That's how he meditates!

But when he walked to the front of the divine beasts, the elemental power in his body had reached its peak!

The Emperor of Fire trait is unleashed in full force!

The time of sunset has become scorching and shining!

The intense sunlight brings very high temperatures, evaporating all the cold air around it!

The sunshine is coming!

Under this weather, the power of all fire-type moves is increased by 80%!

And since the water elemental is evaporated by the scorching sun, the water type moves will not be available!

At the same time, the monstrous flames enveloped the world, engulfing the heavens and the earth in flames!

It's like a furnace!

After seeing Emperor Yan, the eyes of the Three Divine Birds obviously became clearer, but soon they became violent again!

Leshiram looked at the changes between heaven and earth, and his heart was shocked.

How is this going on?

Emperor Yan didn't even use a skill to cause such a situation?

He looked up at the strong sunlight in the sky, and felt the extremely high temperature around him, and his eyes were a little dazed, this is a big sunshine weather?

Isn't this the weather that can only be brought after the original return of Groud?

Why can Emperor Yan bring such weather?

And this flame, he was able to mobilize this level of fire elemental just by relying on the flame aura emitted from his body?

Your flame power is much stronger than mine, a first-level god of the fire system!

Emperor Yan stepped forward with his right foot, and the flames in the sky quickly gathered, wrapping the combined three divine birds heavily, and a fiery fireball like a sun of thousands of meters hung high in the sky!

It's the strongest skill in the fire system, Explosive Flame!

The temperature of the fireball rises dramatically, and even the surrounding air temperature is affected, increasing every moment.

The scorching fireball of the sun burst into a blinding glow.

Emperor Yan's heart moved, and the fireball soared into the sky, and flew into the atmosphere in a short time, and the temperature emitted by the fireball also reached a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, which was higher than the temperature on the surface of the sun!

At the same time, the fire element inside the fireball erupted wildly, and the temperature was dozens of times higher than the surface of the fireball!

The fireball also became extremely unstable due to the heat.

The combined three god birds were scorched by the heat inside the fireball, and they were miserable, and a bunch of auxiliary skills were released by him, the wall of light, the wall of reflection, and the mysterious guard.

At the same time, it also uses three life-saving skills of seeing through, defending, and holding up, the first two can release the power of the whole body and defend against the enemy's attacks to the greatest extent.

Holding on, on the other hand, will leave a trace of life in the event of a fatal injury.

Finally, the power of the Frozen Bird unleashed the ultimate skill of the ice attribute, Absolute Zero!

in an attempt to reduce the temperature inside the fireball.

But when the cold qi gushed out from the body of the combined three divine birds, under the strong conflict between the two forces of ice and fire, the power within the fireball was completely out of control, and the chaotic elements produced a violent chain reaction.

The entire fireball was detonated in an instant!

Originally, Emperor Yan wanted to send the fireball into the atmosphere to detonate it externally, but it was detonated in advance by the operation of the Three Divine Birds, which also made the power of the fireball not reach the highest power!


Above the clouds, an earth-shattering roar sounded, and the earth-destroying shock wave swept towards the surroundings!

And at the moment of the explosion, the intense high temperature inside the fireball reached hundreds of millions of degrees!

This high temperature also spread with the shock wave, releasing it towards the heavens and the earth, and at the same time, with the diffusion of power, the temperature dropped sharply, and in the blink of an eye, it had dropped to tens of millions of degrees, and then became lower and lower.

Emperor Yan and Lai Shiram protected Luo Chen and the gods and beasts behind them, and the two first-level gods used their divine power together, and their powerful telekinesis wrapped everyone heavily, protecting them from the aftermath of the impact.

This wave was transmitted directly to the surface, and the gravel and grass on the ground were constantly shaking, swaying with the shock wave.

But after all, at a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, the ground was only blown by a strong wind, and it was not affected too much.

But the powerful explosion and the surging boundless fire in the sky were also clearly visible, and the entire sky was scorched red.

Minna and the others were dumbfounded, this kind of majesty, they had only seen it in their lives.

What is the power at the center of such an attack, and who can withstand such an attack?

Such a thought flashed through everyone's hearts.

I thought that there were several divine beasts fighting above, and just now those divine beasts were fighting from in front of them, all the way to the sky.

If you've just fought to this extent on the surface, what would the result be?

They made up this scene in their minds, and suddenly felt that their hands and feet were cold, and their whole body trembled.

The people of the Secret Order were also attracted by the vision in heaven, and their hearts were a little anxious.

This kind of battle must be the power of a top-level first-level god or even a super divine beast level blooming!

Moreover, there are too many divine beasts on the alliance's side, and they are a little worried that the emperor and the combined three divine birds will not be able to stop it!

Ke Gu secretly hated in his heart.

It's all to blame on Dr. Dagu, the guy who has more than enough success and more than failure, and asked him not to be in a hurry, but the result is that the fused Three Divine Birds are out of control!

Instead of being crushed by the Alliance, the defense line of their Secret Society was broken down from the root by their own people!

Even the base was blown up!

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