When Luo Chen flew to the ground, his mind was still constantly recalling the scene just now.

What is that creature?

And that Lei Gong, why did he help the Secret Society?

Since the intimacy level is 0, I don't think the secret society is very good to him, and the divine beasts raised by the alliance also have a very high favorability.

The intimacy of Gainosect he remembered was 163, and Leshilam was even higher, with more than two hundred.

That's why they are willing to work for the alliance, but even with such a high level of intimacy, they have to coax them with rhetoric before they make a move.

Lei Gong's situation was completely incomprehensible to him.

It should have been a long time ago to attack the people of the Hidden Society, and it was right to escape.

But there was no time for him to think about these things at this time.

He glanced at the battlefield.

There are Pokémon bones all over the place.

The surrounding hills and valleys were flattened.

The base was surrounded by layers of alliance people, and the three god pillars were blasting out electromagnetic cannons one after another into the air in the distance.

He looked up at the sky, and there was not the slightest cloud in the sky.

There was a constant roar coming down from high in the sky.

Who is the Trinity Divine Bird fighting against?

The one who can fly on the Alliance's side is Latias, she must not be able to do it alone, and Gaino Seket and Leshiram should also come.

Three to one, plus the long-range shelling of the three god pillars below, should be stable.

When Luo Chen scanned the sky.

The surrounding Alliance trainers quickly surrounded him, and hundreds of Pokémon attacked him in unison!

All kinds of light are blasting towards Luo Chen!


Pachilitz's cheeks bloom with a strong current, which is exactly the discharge skill!

An electric shock that covers the entire field will destroy all the skills around you!

Luo Chen was shocked.

"What are you doing?"

Paper Edgeworth and Fiona protected him one after the other, scanning the trainers around him vigilantly.

Soon, the leader recognized Luo Chen based on the lineup of Paper Edgeworth and Phionagapachiliz.

He dismissed the trainers and looked at Luo Chen, "Mr. Luo Chen, what are you doing in the uniform of the Secret Society?"

Luo Chen opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

I'm going to take advantage of the fire!

Do I have to tell you this?

Then he said angrily: "I'll go, you don't look at your face when you fight?

The man also smiled helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Now that the two armies are fighting, everyone's nerves are very tense, and tens of thousands of people, how many of them know each other?

What's more, if a person wearing an enemy uniform suddenly comes out from under the enemy's headquarters base, the normal reaction is that he will attack directly..."

Damn, what you say makes sense!

Luo Chen pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

He made up for a moment that he was walking in the enemy headquarters, and was on guard against the enemy's sneak attack, when suddenly a man in the enemy's uniform rushed over!

In this meeting, it is purely instinctive...

He waved his hand helplessly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, is it the three-in-one three-in-one divine bird in the sky that is at war with Leshiram and Lateas?"

The man nodded solemnly.

"Yes, that three-headed divine bird is fighting against Leshiram, and Latias is fighting against a human at the level of a divine beast!


Luo Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"What human?"

The man blinked, too.

"Don't you know, during the battle between the two sides, a naked man from the Secret Society suddenly rushed into the sky, and his body was still surrounded by flames and thunder, and he had combat power equivalent to the first-level god level.

Before the three-headed divine bird came out, Latias had been engaged with him in the air, and the three divine pillars were on the ground to support!"

Luo Chen frowned, and the emperor first thought of him in his mind!

He really has combat power close to the first-level god level?

In that case, how strong should the Queen Mother be?

He thought it was a bragging card for the secret himself...

Randomly he admonished the man.

"You let the Alliance army retreat, there are still three divine beasts below this Secret Society! Also, where is Mirna, take me to her!"

The man was shocked!

There are three other divine beasts under the Secret Society?

He immediately said: "I can't command this army, I'll take you directly to the commander." "

After speaking, he took Luo Chen into the ruins on the side.

Soon the two met with Meerna, and Coalition personnel were searching the building.

The champions are rummaging around, too.

This is the territory where the Secret Society has been entrenched for hundreds of years, and there are absolutely countless good things!

When Minna and the others saw the arrival of Luo Chen and the others, their faces were full of doubts.

Minna said, "Luo Chen, where have you been, and why are you dressed like this?"

Luo Chen said: "During the war, I changed my costume and walked around this base, so I changed into the uniform of the Secret Society. "

Minna tilted her head slightly and quipped, "Looks like we've taken a lot of treasures, right?"

Luo Chen waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about the business, did a naked man come out before the Secret Society?

Minna nodded: "Almost, except that it won't release some powerful skills, it's not much different from a first-level god." "

Luo Chen nodded, and said with a solemn face: "If that's the case, let all the alliance's troops evacuate!"


Minna was a little surprised, why did she suddenly say that?

What did Luo Chen discover?

What other great dangers are hidden in the Hidden Society?

Without waiting for her to ask, Luo Chen continued: "On the lowest floor of the underground of the Secret Society, there is their laboratory, where there are six rooms, each with six test subjects.

Among them, the experimental subject in room 5 is called Emperor Jun, that is, the man you saw, his strength was obtained after fusing with the genes of the three holy beasts, but for some reason, his strength could not be maximized.

And rooms 2, 3, and 4 are the laboratories for the study of the three divine birds, and the trinity divine bird that flies out behind is the fusion of the three divine birds, and I saw them fused on a large instrument with my own eyes!

His strength is at least at the peak level of a first-level god, and may even reach the level of a super divine beast!

And the experimental subject in room 6 is a woman called the Queen Mother, she is an experimental subject who fuses the genes of the three divine birds, and her experiment is close to perfection, without any flaws, and its strength is much stronger than that of the emperor!

And the explosion just now destroyed most of the entire base, and many of the equipment in the laboratory failed, causing her to wake up soon!

And there is also a humanoid creature wearing armor in room No. 1, due to the intrusion of the high-level of the Secret Society, I couldn't enter room No. 1, I don't know his specific situation, but it shouldn't be weaker than the emperor!

Besides, there is a Thunder Gong in the hands of the high-level leaders of the Secret Society! These three are all Divine Beast-level combat powers! So let the alliance army withdraw, the real battle will start here soon!"

The people around looked at Luo Chen in shock.

How did he find such important information?

And this secret society, how can it have such strength?

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