After deliberation at the top.

Confirm that the waveguide messenger is the best test subject for the experiment!

began to officially fuse his genes with Lei Gong and Shui Jun.

And in his later research, Dr. Dagu discovered that although the power of Lei Gong and Shui Jun could be fused, they lacked a force to reconcile them.

The power that was missing was the flame power of the Yan Emperor.

The specific reason may be that the three holy beasts are all related to the power of the Phoenix King, so the strength of the three of them together will reach the most balanced state.

From that moment on, the Secret Society began to plan a complete plan for the genetic fusion of the Three Holy Beasts.

And gave the waveguide messenger a code name: Emperor.

Taken from the names of Emperor Yan and Water Jun, it means that water and fire are integrated and the success is complete.

But the emperor who lacks the genes of the Yan Emperor, his body has been being consumed rapidly.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a powerful waveguide messenger, he would have died decades ago.

It was precisely because of this that the Secret Society began to search for Emperor Yan's whereabouts with all its might, but after decades of searching, nothing was found, and the emperor's body was almost collapsed.

Until the appearance of Luo Chen.

Then came the battle of the imperial capital to seize the blood of the Yan Emperor.

And the Secret Society, which has obtained the gene of Emperor Yan, is about to complete this experiment that has lasted for hundreds of years.

The power of the Three Holy Beasts will be perfectly fused with the Emperor!

Seeing this, Luo Chen took a deep breath.

These guys from the Secret Society are really strong enough.

He actually used the genes of the divine beast to fuse with humans!

And most importantly, let them finish it!

It's incredible!

Luo Chen looked at the empty nutrition cabin.

This emperor seems to have completed the experiment, fusing all the genes of the three holy beasts, but I don't know what level of strength has reached now?

The power of the three divine beasts converged, coupled with the strengthening potion developed by the Secret Society and the power of the Emperor's own waveguide.

It is estimated that it should be able to reach the level of a divine beast, right?

Tsk tsk, a human with divine beast-level combat power, this is the first time Luo Chen has seen it.

He packed all the papers in the filing cabinet and took them away, leaving not a single piece of paper behind.

Then he looked at the instruments here.

He thought to himself.

The instruments here are specially manufactured, specialized for genetic transformation and fusion.

You may need these things in the future.

Anyway, it has already come, in line with the mentality of not missing it when passing by, Luo Chen began to unplug the equipment here, and then moved all the equipment that could be moved.

Except for immovable things like the shell of the pod, everything else was swept away.

Luo Chen looked at the empty room and suddenly had an idea.

What is the most valuable thing in the world?

Mythical beasts, and science!

That's science!

These high-tech devices are definitely one of the most valuable things in the Secret Society.

Worth more than most treasures!

Even if you don't need these things in the future, you can sell them to the Alliance.

Proper sky-high price!

Each device is measured in billions.

After all, these things have evolved into the current model after dozens or hundreds of years of improvement, and these are definitely the most suitable equipment for gene transformation.

Even if the alliance's manpower and material resources are far superior to those of the Secret Society, it will inevitably take a long time to develop these devices from scratch.

But if there is a ready-made sample, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, as long as they pack up all these equipment of the Secret Society, and leave none of them to the Alliance, they can only buy them from me.

And it can also be sold through multiple channels.

Unscrupulous organizations such as the Divine Presence in the Temple are also bound to be tempted, as well as those big families, such as the Augustan family.

Sell one of them a copy, and you won't be able to make a profit when the time comes?

After paying attention, Luo Chen walked out of the room, and all the instruments in the five surrounding rooms were to be taken away, as well as the potion fusion equipment upstairs.

Leave no one behind!

Anyway, there is no need to worry about whether the system space can be put down.

But when Luo Chen walked out of the room, he happened to meet a young man walking out of room three.

The two looked at each other and were stunned.

Luo Chen was the first to react and was about to attack.

But the young man glanced at his hermit uniform.

Said: "How did you get in? Don't you know that this floor is not allowed to trespass?"

Luo Chen's brain spun quickly.

Think I'm a member of the Hidden Society?

So he followed the young man's words and said, "Oh, the important equipment is being transferred from above, I am here to count, and the guard at the door let me in." "

When the young man heard this, he frowned at first, but then relaxed.

Since the guards let him in, I don't think there is any problem.

He pointed to room 5 and said, "In addition to room 5, the instruments in room 2 and room 4 are no longer needed, you can count them." "

Luo Chen was overjoyed.

Then he said, "Okay, oh, yes, the recognition system on the door..."

The young man beckoned to him and said, "Come with me, I'll open it." "

After speaking, he walked to the second door on the side.

Taking advantage of the young man's turn, Luo Chen beckoned to the paper imperial sword, letting him fly up to the ceiling and hide himself against the ceiling.

And then went to the youth.

After the young man opened room No. 2 and room No. 4, Luo Chen pretended to hesitate and said, "Don't you need to count the remaining three rooms?"

The young man waved his hand.

"No, there is still some equipment running in there, and when we clean up here, we will naturally let you sort it out. "

With that, he walked out.

As he walked, he muttered: "The work above is becoming less and less rigorous, and even let the members in while the experiment is ongoing, who will be responsible for the accident?"

Luo Chen smiled slightly when he heard this.

Good boy, your face can open these rooms, so lend me it!

Thinking of this, a powerful mental force covered the youth.

Seeing that he is going to be wrapped in youth.

But suddenly there was a violent tremor!

Boom ——!

Even in a solid laboratory underground, you can hear a loud bang and feel this extremely powerful vibration!

Luo Chen was shocked.

What's going on?

Has the battle outside reached this point?

He was almost shaken by the magnitude of the earthquake.

The young man had already fallen, but he struggled to his feet and staggered to room three.

Brushed the curfew with that fairly delicate face.


As soon as he entered, he ran inside with a scream.

And Luo Chen was naturally unwilling to let go of this opportunity to enter room three.

Stumbled over.

But through the wide open door, Luo Chen saw the scene in the room, and then he was stunned on the spot.

I saw that in the innermost position of room 3, there was a huge instrument, and there was an incomparably huge amount of energy flowing on the instrument.

Three large bird Pokémon are shining brightly in the energy.

"Three Divine Birds?"

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