Minna scanned the battlefield, as long as there was no divine beast on the other side, the alliance's side would definitely have an advantage.

If the three gods are pillars, they can free their hands to besiege that man.

But the premise is to determine whether they can hit a target more than 30,000 meters away.

She looked at Reggieas.

"Can you target the man with a lock after you've reached the highest level of the attack, and then blast them with a cannon, or a ray of destruction?"

Reggie Ace nodded, yes.

Minna said: "In that case, you and Regis Chiru will first use the charging beam to attack these mutant Pokémon and pile up the special attacks, and in addition, can you contact Reggie Lock? Let him start attacking the man and support Ladias!"

Her position was a little far away from Reggielock, and the fighting on the battlefield was too loud, so she couldn't get in touch with Reggie Lock, so she could only ask Reggie Ace to communicate with her old buddy.

Reggie Ace nodded, telepathically at Reggie Rock.

After some exchange, Reggie Rock used a lock to aim at the emperor who was thousands of feet in the sky, and then fired a huge thunderbolt cannon!

The electromagnetic cannon is not only a powerful trick, but also has the effect of paralyzing after hitting, so it is undoubtedly the best choice to use this trick to support.

In a few breaths, this thunderbolt shell crossed the air and shot towards the emperor in a corner.

No matter how he dodges, he can't get out of the lock-on of the electromagnetic cannon!

In desperation, he could only swing a fist of flame to attack, detonating the power of the electromagnetic cannon.

Latias also took the opportunity to use the mist ball to attack, anyway, the attacks of the three god pillars have an automatic navigation function, so you don't have to worry about being injured by mistake.

Reggie Ace and Regis Chiru below also began to attack the mutant Pokémon, stacking the special attacks as soon as possible.

Thunderbolt beams killed a large number of mutant Pokémon, and the power of the two divine beasts became stronger and stronger!


On the other side, Luo Chen had already infiltrated the main building of the Secret Society.

According to the information he tortured, the upper floors of the pyramid were office areas and data rooms.

The conference room and the offices of the heads of various departments are on the middle and lower floors.

There are 5 floors of laboratories below.

Luo Chen thought about it and felt that the laboratory should be the most important place, and the treasure house should be equally important, so it is very likely that both of them are underground.

And even if you can't find the treasure trove, it's good to find some important experimental data!

The potions that can strengthen humans and Pokémon in the Secret Society, Luo Chen has always been very excited!

If you can get the experimental data of that drug, you can get a few more samples of the finished product.


It's beautiful to think about.

So Luo Chen began to walk downward.

He didn't dare to take the elevator, for fear of being recognized, so he could only turn left and right to find the stairs, and then walk down the stairs to the underground research institute.

There are unknown first-level gods in the Secret Society, and it is unknown whether there are other divine beasts, anyway, Luo Chen is very jealous.

So he didn't dare to rampage here.

After reaching the basement floor, Luo Chen saw that there were many members of the Secret Society in the corridor outside, who were quickly transferring supplies.

This made Luo Chen very excited.

He thought to himself.

The Hidden Society was caught off guard by the Alliance this time, and all the equipment and supplies were not transported away.

The high-level staff asked members from all over the country to support them, presumably to delay time so that the headquarters could transfer these important supplies.

As long as they follow these people who are transporting supplies, they will definitely be able to know the next foothold of the Secret Society, and their treasure trove will definitely be transferred there!

As long as you rob that place, your goal will be achieved!

Thinking of this, Luo Chen lowered the brim of his hat to cover his face slightly, but he didn't pull it too low, if he covered it too tightly, it would attract people's attention.

He walked to the material storage point, picked up some materials that had been sorted out in cardboard boxes, and then moved forward with the flow of people.

The person in charge of counting the supplies didn't pay attention to him, and at this time, everyone was a little flustered, and no one would carefully observe everyone around him.

Walking through the corridor, Luo Chen saw that there were many teams in each corridor around him, and everyone's goal was very consistent, which was a circular room in the center.

The building is pyramid-shaped, with a large room in the middle, surrounded by large and small areas, divided by partitions.

Each corridor leads to the room in between.

There were portals all around that room.

Luo Chen followed the people in front of him into the room and saw several men in black robes guarding around a portal.

Those men had a gloomy aura, and Luo Chen immediately thought of the mutated attackers he had met in the imperial capital.

These black-robed men are also mutants?

The portal is maintained by a hud.

After successfully entering the portal, a huge warehouse full of cardboard boxes appeared in Luo Chen's eyes.

There were a lot of men and women in black robes walking around, supervising these low-level members who carried goods.

There are also several portals next to it, and many members carry supplies out of the door.

That's how the Secret Society stored these materials in this warehouse?

Luo Chen secretly released his spiritual power, wanting to check the outside environment through the walls of the warehouse.

It would be nice to be able to identify the location.

But unfortunately, outside the warehouse was a thick stone wall, and Luo Chen's telekinesis could not penetrate it at all.

In the middle of a mountain?

It seems that this is the place where the Secret Society will make a comeback.

He scanned the items in the cardboard boxes around him with his mental power, most of them were some instruments and equipment, as well as some information documents and props.

and found no treasure in his heart.

But he found that behind a door in the distance, there was an equally large warehouse.

After the materials in the warehouse where Luo Chen was located were counted, they were all transported by the black-robed man to the warehouse next door.

And there is also a portal over there, and the black-robed people will send supplies to that spatial door.

But the warehouse doesn't allow the members of the lower floors to come close.

It seems that the Secret Society doesn't trust these low-level members very much.

Is it an undercover agent to prevent other forces from inserting in?

Then why don't you just let these black-robed people carry out the transportation of materials?

But soon when he saw Luo Chen, he thought of the reason.

The base is under attack, and there is a danger of being breached at any time.

And although the black-robed people are important members of the Secret Society, there are obviously not many.

There was no time to carry a large number of materials, so the low-level members could only move the materials here first to avoid falling into the hands of the alliance, and then the black-robed people would slowly transfer the materials to the next base.

It seems that this is just a transit point.

These guys from the Secret Society are quite vigilant.

Luo Chen didn't stop long, and returned to the secret hidden society base along the space gate.

He was going to go to the research institute on the basement floor first, and if there was no major discovery, he would go to the warehouse just now to do a wave of things!

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