Looking at the oncoming tentacles, Mierna did not dodge or dodge, her eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice.

Xiao Ya beside her tilted her head slightly, looking at the evil woman in front of her with great interest.

Why did humans become like this?

When the spiky tentacles almost touched the tip of Minna's nose, the evil woman's body was frozen in the air by an inexplicable force.

The woman's snake pupils shrank.


His current strength is comparable to that of a level 70 Pokémon, and he was easily fixed in the air like this?

What a powerful telekinesis!

Is it a giant gold monster?

But with the Mega Monster as an opponent, how could Mirna's Mega Monster still have the strength to control itself? That Mega Monster didn't even have a Mega Evolution!

But when the corner of her eye swept to her Mega monster, she saw that he was also frozen in the air by a mental force, and his body trembled slightly from the violent struggle.

Mirna's Mega Monster looked at him with a smile, and from time to time he tapped his steel arm at the Mega Monster.

This is?

The Mega Monster is also controlled by telekinesis?

How can it be!

Minna sneered.

Xiao Ya's Heart Water Droplet has increased her special attack by 50%, and even without using meditation, her strength far exceeds that of ordinary super high Pokémon!

Although the Mega Monster is a quasi-god, it can't get rid of Xiao Ya's strong spiritual thoughts in a short period of time.

In the face of the three divine beasts, you are completely here to deliver food.

Xiao Ya's gaze scanned the strange body of the evil woman, and then looked at the struggling Mega Monster.

She whispered, "What is that gas they inhale? How can this happen?"

As she spoke, she raised her left hand slightly, and a ball of energy light around the misty feather appeared in Xiao Ya's hand, gradually becoming the size of a basketball.

It's Lateas' exclusive skill, the Mist Ball!

Not only is it powerful, but it also has a 50% chance to reduce the target Pokémon's special attack by 50%.

Xiao Ya waved his hand lightly, and the mist ball attacked towards the Mega Golden Monster.

With a bang, the body of the Mega Golden Monster was smashed into the air by the mist ball, crashing into the opposite cliff.

Then the energy of the mist ball exploded, and with a loud bang, the huge impact shook the body of the Mega Monster into the mountain, and the surrounding rocks fell off a large area.

The mountain is full of cracks.

The strong tremor caused the Union artillerymen on the cliff to stumble and fall.

Minna said softly, "Take it easy." "

The evil woman looked at Xiao Ya in disbelief.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through her brain.

Why is there such a powerful human being in the Alliance?

Are they also conducting genetic experiments?

And a major success faster than the Secret Society?

This little girl's strength has obviously reached the level of a divine beast, and she can use it freely, there is no danger of getting out of control, and there is no violent phenomenon!

Unlike their Secret Society, even if the strength of a human being is raised to the level of a high-level Pokémon, the body will be distorted, and reason will gradually disappear as the strength increases.

Test subjects whose strength has reached the level of divine beasts will face the danger of getting out of control, and they will wreak havoc on everything around them!

At present, the most stable is Subject 6, the woman codenamed 'Queen Mother'.

But even the Queen Mother is now unable to completely control her power and is still asleep.

But the league has already completed such an experiment?

Brought a girl who has completely mastered the combat power of the Divine Beast level to her eyes!

The alliance is really unfathomable!

There was a deep fear in the eyes of the evil woman, and a deep sense of fanaticism!

She stared at Xiao Ya deadly, her expression a little distorted by excitement.

Minna frowned as she looked at the woman like this.

But then he stretched his eyebrows, stepped forward, and began to grope the woman's body, looking for the props hidden on her body.

Eventually, Minna removed a metal bracelet from the woman's wrist.

This is obviously a woman's storage prop.

She searched the bracelet's storage space for a while, and soon pulled out three glass bottles containing dark purple gas.

She shook the glass bottle in front of the woman's eyes.

"This is the result of your research, isn't it? "

She took all these props, and then asked Xiao Ya to knock the woman unconscious.

This woman is obviously a boss-level figure, otherwise she wouldn't have owned a few super high-ranking Pokémon, and she also brought out the two Pokémon of the Secret Society.

Such a person is naturally going to be kept as a prisoner, and maybe he can torture some information from her mouth.

"Xiaoya, clean up all those Pokémon, it's best to use meditation, now some of the enemy's hole cards have been cleaned up by us, and this gas is one of the main purposes of our trip, and it has also arrived,

Next, you can prepare to attack with all your might, you and the Three Divine Pillars will be thrown into the battlefield, and the enemy's Divine Beast-level combat power should also appear! Without using meditation, it will be difficult to gain the upper hand in the subsequent battle.

And the other party won't let you strengthen it in battle, if the other party strengthens it and attacks us, you won't even have a chance to use the enhanced skills!"

Xiao Ya thought about it and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's leave it to us. "

She used two meditations directly on the spot, doubling her offense and defense.

Then he stretched out his hand to the crowd and Pokémon in front of him who were entangled with the Ice God Pillar and the Steel God Pillar, and released his spiritual strong thoughts indiscriminately.


Dozens of explosions rang out, and 13 genetic warriors and some Pokémon with slightly inferior strength were all shattered by the powerful telekinesis!

This bloody scene made Minna and the other alliance commanders frown.

Rao is that they are used to seeing life and death, and this kind of death that is directly shocked by mental power still makes them a little uncomfortable.

Then the remaining Pokémon were also quickly knocked down under Xiao Ya's strong telekinesis, except for those Pokémon with the strongest strength led by fossil pterosaurs, which were left behind to serve the Alliance, and the rest were all killed.

Those mutant Pokémon groups in the valley below were naturally wiped out under the siege of the three divine beasts, all the six portals were shattered, and the six natural birds and their trainers who maintained the portals were naturally also killed.

Naturally, the Mega monster didn't make much of a splash, and soon lay down with its owner.

Seeing that the battle here was over, Minna waved her hand lightly and personally rushed to the front line with the three divine beasts!

The final showdown is about to begin!

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