Boom –

Boom –

After dozens of violent explosions, the valley below was blown beyond recognition, and several hills were shattered, revealing the metal buildings inside.

Luo Chen stared into the distance, but the distance was too far away, and he could only see a puff of gunsmoke.

Where is the headquarters of the Hidden Society?

The army of the Alliance is hiding here, and they didn't find out?

Luo Chen thought about it carefully, and estimated that the army of the alliance was also slowly transferred by teleportation, and it didn't make much noise.

In addition, the surrounding terrain is complicated, and it is impossible to find the whereabouts of this army without patrolling around.

And as an illegal organization, let them send people out to patrol around openly, that is to embarrass them, and they wish they would not show up for the rest of their lives...

The explosion sounded, and the faces of many champion trainers on the cliff changed.

They listened to the explosions, looked at the billowing smoke in front of them, and looked down at the tens of thousands of troops in the valley.

At this moment, they have serious doubts about the effect that their group can achieve.

They even felt that they didn't need themselves here, so they let those planes bomb back and forth twice, and then let the army of tens of thousands of people sweep through.

What secret hidden society, what mutated Pokémon, it's all.

With a sweep of heavy machine guns and a blast of bazookas, hundreds of thousands of Alliance Pokémon stood in a row, bombarding them with long-range skills in front of them, and the mountains were all flattened for you!

Except for the mythical beasts, the others are all cannon fodder!

Even a divine beast, under the cover of this heavy firepower, can't last long.

The second-level gods with low defense will soon be beaten to the ground.

There are also second-level gods with outstanding defense and first-level gods who can resist, their physique is beyond imagination, and this kind of attack is estimated to be unable to break the defense...

After the explosions ceased, Minna gave the order for the whole army to set off, and the army was divided into three armies at the valley mouth, left, center, and right, and rushed towards the headquarters of the Hidden Society, two kilometers ahead.

The army in the air is also divided into three armies, echoing each other with the army on the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of Pokémon rushed up, which can be described as like a dragon, shaking the sky and the earth, and making people tremble.

At the front of the team are the champions of the Alliance, who lead their Pokémon as the vanguard, and will make the first contact with the enemies of the Hidden Society.

After giving the order, Minna descended to the command post in the valley, and she kept an eye on the images transmitted by the satellites, and the most difficult thing for the Secret Society was the Divine Beasts, which were the endless stream of mutated Pokémon.

The opponent may use the teleportation space door to teleport those mutant Pokémon to any place in the vicinity, which may be outside the opponent's headquarters, or on the route of the alliance army.

It could also be here, command headquarters!

But no matter where you are, you have already prepared a complete countermeasure!

The secret will be in danger!

Quinmien looked at Mierna who entered the command post, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there are few women in the world who can easily mobilize thousands of troops.

It's no wonder that she looks down on the Augustus family, although their family has money, there are some things that money can't buy, such as such an army.

If one day the Augustus family has something to do with the Alliance.

When the time comes, this army will go to their family, and let their family be rich and rival the country, and it will only be a wedding dress.

Just when he wanted to get into trouble, the horse wing in front of him also received the attack order from Mirna, and with a wave of his hand, he rushed to the front with the champion team.

And the people of the Secret Society also appeared on the battlefield.

In the valley where the Secret Hidden will be bombed, dozens of men in black appear in the metal building, and they release hundreds of Pokémon, all of which are Pokémon that can teleport!

This group of Pokémon is quickly distributed around.

Hundreds of portals have been opened.

A steady stream of mutated Pokémon poured out of the portal.

There are also many super-high-level Pokémon gradually appearing in the Secret Society.

The first wave of contact between the two sides has officially begun!

The Alliance's forward elite plunged into the mutated Pokémon group like sharp knives, slicing a gap in the tide of Pokémon and disrupting their impactful formation.

The army in the rear also quickly allowed the defensive Pokémon to build a temporary line of defense, and the Pokémon with freezing beams to build an ice wall at the front to ward off the oncoming onslaught.

After the two lines of defense, the trainers set up heavy machine guns, carried bazookas, and first covered with a wave of fire from rocket artillery, completely disrupting the formation of the opponent's Pokémon group.

And then there's the frantic strafing of heavy machine guns!

The trainers' Pokémon also bombarded with ranged skills behind the defensive line, but due to the formation, most of the trainers and Pokémon in the rear could not attack, so under the command of the commander, they began to slowly disperse to the wings and change into a formation more suitable for output.

Trainers and Pokémon in the sky are the main force of output, flying freely in the air, all units pouring bullets and rays downward.

Ma Yi rushed to the front with the champion trainers, and fought the super-high-level Pokémon sent by the Secret Society.

At the same time, he searched for the mutant Pokémon that performed brilliantly in the battlefield below, and when he saw a stronger one, he gathered fire and killed it.

Obviously, there are more high-end combat power on the alliance's side, and in the face of such a large-scale war, no Han Han is still following any knightly code.

If you can beat them together, you will never fight them alone.

So in this situation of fighting more and less, the super-high-level Pokémon of the Hidden Society was quickly defeated.

Although the army of mutant Pokémon below has broken through the two lines of defense of the alliance and is mixed with the alliance army, under the cover attack of the air army, these mutant Pokémon have not caused too much pressure on the alliance army.

And under the attack of the left and right armies, this group of mutant Pokémon was quickly surrounded, and the battle situation was already controlled by the alliance.

In the Secret Society, many high-ranking officials were also shocked by the sudden appearance of the alliance army.

The missile attack just now blew up several secondary bases around them, killing and wounding them heavily.

The other bases also had their own damage, and a lot of the equipment was blown up and failed.

These high-level officials quickly gathered in the same room, discussing countermeasures, and at the same time appealing to the members of the Hidden Society from all over the world, countless members of the Hidden Society were rushing to this side through the teleportation of various branches.

However, the high-level members of the Hidden Society all knew that under the elite army of the Alliance, the members of the Hidden Society who came to their aid could not achieve much success, and could only delay time.

In the first seat of the conference room, an old man with a somewhat gloomy face was crossing his fingers and supporting his chin.

His name is Ke Gu, the current boss of the Secret Society!

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