Boom, bomber?

Luo Chen's eyes widened.

"What kind of bomber? The one that fired the missile?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Chen regretted it, this is really a stupid question.

The one who can call a bomber must be the kind of fighter that sends missiles he knows, but this news shocked him a little, so he instinctively asked out loud.

Minna smiled slightly: "Yes, it's the one who threw the missile." "

Luo Chen couldn't help but smack his tongue.

"Where did you get that?"

Minna gently cocked Erlang's legs, winked at Luo Chen gently, and said, "Our alliance has even built a nuclear bomb, isn't it normal to send two teams of bombers?"

The Union has a nuclear bomb?

Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked directly: "Then why don't you just throw a few nuclear bombs over?" "

Minna said helplessly: "The nuclear bomb is indeed convenient, but the cost is high, and the second is that the harm is too great, the power of the nuclear bomb can be comparable to the attack of the full-state second-level god, and it can originally be used as a deterrent by force.

It's just that nuclear radiation is too harmful to the environment, unlike the attack of the divine beast, which can start to replant trees and start building new cities after the explosion.

Therefore, the use of nuclear bombs is forbidden in the world, unless you are bullied miserably, and you have to fight to the death..."

Luo Chen was amused by Milna's last slightly playful words.

"I see, I have forgotten the dangers of nuclear radiation, but the violent elemental fluctuations after the first-level gods fight each other will also make the battlefield unsurvivable, and I don't feel that the difference between the two is too big. "

Minna shook her head and said: "No, the gap is still very large, first of all, the battle between the first-level gods is rare, and it will not happen once in many years, and secondly, the battlefield after the battle of the first-level gods is not harmful to the environment, although the violent elemental residue makes it impossible for humans and other animals to get close,

However, plants will grow again inside the battlefield, and as long as you can flexibly avoid the remaining energy, you can still move inside, but the radiation will not survive at all. "


Luo Chen let out a long sigh and looked at Minna with admiration.

This girl is not only beautiful, but also knows a lot, Ness~

Minna was a little uncomfortable with Luo Chen's eyes.

She quietly pinched her thigh.

Scold yourself in your heart, Mirna, Mirna, when did you become so thin-skinned?

Isn't it just being stared at by someone who likes it a little?

What's the big deal?

The two then drank tea and chatted for more than an hour, until the staff came to call Minna to meet the alliance leader, and the two left separately.

Minna walked down the road to the alliance leader's office, putting on the black robe that Luo Chen had draped over her.

The two are of similar height, and Luo Chen's robe fits her very well, and she fastens the two buttons at the front of the robe.

The voluminous male robe was just enough to cover her plump figure, but it was still possible to see her grandeur.

The hem of the robe hung naturally to her sides as she walked, dancing gently, and the slender legs in battle suits loomed.

This trench coat-like robe was very much to her liking.

Arriving at the leader's office, Minna knocked on the door gently.

Luo Chen, on the other hand, set foot on the mountain road again, but this time the destination was the square on the mountainside.

Luo Chen took out his mobile phone and took a look, at 11:33, it was time to leave.

He asked the system, "Has Emperor Yan woken up?"

"Not yet, but soon..."

Luo Chen was a little helpless.

Let's hope he can transform into a first-level god and catch up with this battle.

After all, there is a first-level god on the other side, and in the case that Ipeltar cannot be exposed, only Emperor Yan, who has transformed into a first-level god, can justifiably protect himself.

As for the people of the alliance, what should they do if they are surprised by Emperor Yan's combat power at that time?

That's something that's easy to explain.

Adventures, cultivation, can be explained no matter what, and you can focus on protection, try to avoid direct confrontation with the opponent's first-level gods, as long as you block the opponent's attack that bombards you.

That way it doesn't get too noticeable.

After another ten minutes, Minna and Xiaoya flew down from the top of the mountain on the body of the giant golden monster, and four people on flying mounts followed by them.

In the plaza outside the teleportation platform, all the trainers quickly fell silent.

Minna stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, I am the deputy director of the operations department of the headquarters, Delaire Mirna, this operation to encircle and suppress the Secret Hidden Society is under my full command, the alliance's army has already moved towards the Secret Hidden Society last night, and when we pass, the battle will officially begin."

You are all champions everywhere, and you are also the main foreign aid in this battle, your duty is to bite the opponent's strong people of the same grade, and cooperate with the alliance's army to fight the opponent's main army, stronger than you, or weaker than you, all handed over to the alliance to deal with,

If there is no objection, go to the teleportation platform and prepare to go to the front line. "

An old man below immediately spoke: "Wait a minute! I heard that there seems to be a first-level god in the Secret Society, will the alliance send a first-level god here?"

This question is the concern of everyone present, in the battle of the Imperial Capital of Kyushu, it is no secret that the mysterious existence that the Secret Hidden Society has appeared in that wasteland that can easily resist the Yan Emperor.

Many forces know that the unknown existence is obviously a first-level god, and it is also the biggest threat in this battle.

If the alliance didn't send a first-level god here, wouldn't they be in vain?

While the league doesn't make such a mistake, what if?

After all, it's your own life, so it's best to ask.

Minna snorted.

"Hmph! I am one of the leaders of the War Department of the Headquarters! When it comes to leading the army to fight, there are no more than two in the entire alliance that are stronger than me! Ten alliance leaders are not as good as me!

As for the opponent's divine beasts, all of them are taken over by the alliance, you only need to fight with opponents with similar strength, and there are many of you, you can be outnumbered, and you can't turn around and run when you meet it.

When the time comes, the Alliance forces under my command will pay attention to the situation on the battlefield as they advance, and will support you at any time, so you don't have to worry about your own safety. "

The old man asked no more questions, and he had nothing more to say.

Mirna's meaning is very clear, as a foreign aid, you people don't need to work too hard, as long as you entangle the other party's king and champion, you can beat the group.

If you can't beat it, you will run, and leave the desperate matters to the army directly under the alliance to deal with.

They don't need to worry about the problem of the divine beast, and the alliance will naturally not forget about it.

Whether it is the number of combatants or the number of divine beasts, the alliance side has this absolute advantage!

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