Many people in the square saw Luo Chen sitting on the railing.

This kind of behavior was extremely rude in their opinion, but since the staff of the alliance did not stop it, they naturally did not want to say more.

The people who can come here are people with extraordinary backgrounds, although the young man is young, who knows which big family he is.

So even though there is some dissatisfaction and prejudice in my heart, I only put it in my heart.

Of course, there were also many people in the audience who recognized Luo Chen and knew that this was the young man with the divine beast.

Therefore, there is some understanding of his own behavior.

The words "young and famous", "arrogant", and "empty-eyed" flashed through their minds.

Soon after, a staff member came to Luo Chen's side and bowed and said, "Mr. Luo, Deputy Minister De Lais asked you to go to her office. "


Luo Chen was slightly stunned, and then thought that this was Mi'erna's surname.

He nodded, "I see." "

Then he walked slowly along the mountain path towards the Alliance Hall at the top of the mountain.

Outside Mina's office, Luo Chen knocked softly on the door.

"Come in. "

Minna's voice came out, and Luo Chen pushed open the door and saw the blonde beauty sitting behind the desk again.

Today, Mirna was dressed in a tight-fitting, white battle suit, and her long, wavy blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail.

Dressed as a petite woman, Latias was sitting on the sofa across from her desk and making tea by herself, when she saw Luo Chen coming in, she stretched out her hand and waved.

Luo Chen first greeted Latias, and then looked at Mina, who was a little surprised.

"You're going to war, too?"

Minna nodded naturally.

"Of course, this combat suit says it all. "

After speaking, she stood up, left the desk, walked over, and invited Luo Chen to sit on the sofa.

But when her perfect figure in tights slowly walked in front of Luo Chen, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel blood surging.

He swallowed as he watched her graceful and swaying figure walk past him, and the faint fragrance filled his nose.

Minna obviously heard the sound of Luo Chen's saliva, first turned her head to look at Luo Chen in a daze, and then her face turned red and glared at him.

But when she saw Luo Chen's eyes, she was shocked.

Those eyes that were quickly covered with bloodshot eyes were like beasts, revealing a deep, undisguised killing intent, which was a thick, bloodthirsty, killing desire!

Luo Chen's blood-red eyes kept looking at Mierna's body, and those bloody apocalyptic scenes in the illusion kept flashing in his mind, and a crazy and murderous impulse surged in his heart!

He wanted to shred this body, shredded to shreds!

"Uh!" a low muffled roar came from Luo Chen's throat.

Pacilitz and Latias looked at the strange Luochen at the same time.

An electric current instantly came out of Pachiliz's body, flowing through Luo Chen's body.


With a few thunderbolts, the bloody scene in Luo Chen's mind gradually subsided, and the bloodlust and madness in his heart were also cooling rapidly.

"Chipa!" Pachliz looked at Luo Chen with a nervous expression.

Luo Chen's rationality quickly returned.

He took a few heavy breaths to calm his mood and blood.

Am I like this?

I can barely control my desires, the hunting desire of a beast meets its prey!

What are the subsequent effects of those visions and eyeballs on you?

He looked up at Mirna, who was a little pale, and then at her delicate body.

Then he casually took out a black robe from the system space, and he walked over and draped it over Minna's body, covering her convex and backward body.

Minna also involuntarily wrapped her robe tightly, her palms and back were in a lot of cold sweat, and Luo Chen's appearance just now scared her a little.

Even Ladias didn't know when he came to her.

Luo Chen looked at the tall woman who was the same height as himself, reached out to support her fragrant shoulder, and pressed his head against Minna's forehead.

Minna stopped breathing instantly, and Latias was slightly stunned, then frowned.

After a long time, Luo Chen took two steps back and said in a half-joking tone: "To women of your size, don't dress too sexy, try to wear some loose and tightly wrapped clothes in the future,

This is especially important when dealing with a man. "

Minna eased her breathing, her somewhat evasive gaze gradually sharpened, and she asked questioningly, "Explain what you did just now!"

Luo Chen chuckled: "You are so beautiful and sexy, I almost didn't hold it~"

Mirna's heart throbbed, but she soon returned to normal.

Why do I think you're trying to kill me? She said in a cold tone: "As a gentleman, your actions and words are very abnormal! You just look like a pervert who hasn't seen a woman in 100 years! Perverted!"

'More like the devil!' she added in her mind.

Luo Chen looked directly into her eyes, bowed slightly, and said slowly: "I frightened you just now, I don't ask for your forgiveness, but please put this matter aside, I will apologize to you in the future, let's talk about the business first." "

Minna gritted her teeth.

You almost wanted to insult me!

No, you want to tear me apart!

Isn't that a serious thing?

Isn't it enough to pay attention?

Thanks to your quick recovery, and I still have a crush on you, otherwise I would have been called someone a long time ago!

But Luo Chen's actions just now made her a little disappointed, could it be that this man is a person with an extremely perverted desire for women?

The serious look he had last time was all fake?

Is that the real him just now?

But Lateas' voice reached her mind telepathically.

"He was very abnormal just now, his consciousness was almost out of control, he must have encountered something, his mind was greatly stimulated, and he had mental problems! Split personality? Or lost his mind? In short, there is something abnormal in his brain!

But now that it's back again, it looks like it should be an early symptom, and it's best to treat it promptly, otherwise the person you want to turn into a crazy, bloodthirsty demon!"

Mirna's brows furrowed, mentally ill?

She sat on the sofa and said to Luo Chen: "Okay, don't say it's useless, let's sit down and talk slowly." "

Luo Chen scratched his head and made it to the single sofa on Minna's right.

He put his arms around Pachliz and rubbed his head.

Minna looked at him with a solemn face and said, "Have you encountered something?" If there is anything depressed in your heart, you can tell me about it. "

Luo Chen said with a smile: "The head of the war department has been transferred to become a psychiatrist?"

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