Luo Chen was dumbfounded for a while.

Is this the path to godhood?

If you don't become a god, you become a demon!

He sighed in his heart that the traces of God are untraceable, so before you embark on the path to godhood, you don't know if this road has already been walked.

No wonder Lokia says that if you want to gain the power of God, you have to put everything on the stake!

Because there is no way back on this road, only to gamble with your life!

Bet that there are no gods at the end of this path you are taking!

Bet no one will be able to ascend to the throne of this path before you!

But Lokia was clearly wrong, and at the end of the path she had taken, there was already a supreme deity!

She can only wait, wait for the fall of this true god, and then compete with other false gods on this path to determine the final winner and determine the next true god!

Wish she could wait for the fall of the god before she goes completely insane.

Of course, even if she ascends to the throne after madness, she will still return to her senses, so there is no need to worry too much about Lokia's safety, and she herself does not care.

Unless she doesn't have the throne in her life, but even so, in a thousand years, she will be able to maintain her sanity, but the crazy thoughts in her heart will get bigger and bigger.

And she could choose to sleep to delay the level of madness, in the deep sleep, she was even able to maintain her condition for a few epochs, if it weren't for the humans and little Lokia who guarded the blessed city, she would have chosen to sleep deep long ago.

What happens to a sub-god is not something that mortals can see in their lifetimes, so there is no need for Luo Chen, a mortal, to eat radishes and worry about it.

He was more lamenting the hardships of the divine road, after all, in Luo Chen's heart, he was also a man who would embark on the road to becoming a god sooner or later.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Chen agreed to Lokia's request.

"I'll bring little Lokia to the first Lokia. "

But I'm not going to give him up, at most let his grandmother see her grandson." Luo Chen added in his heart.

But Lokia is not worried that Luo Chen will abduct her son, not because of trust, but because she has long left a mark on little Lokia, as long as little Lokia returns to Gaia, her mother will sense it.

Naturally, the time will come to pick up little Lokia.

If she didn't have a backhand, she wouldn't be at ease about handing over little Lokia to Luo Chen, after all, as a human trainer, she probably wanted to subdue Lokia in her dreams, right?

After Luo Chen agreed, a silver-white feather slowly condensed in front of Lokia's body.

The feather floated in front of Luo Chen, and Lokia said, "This is the silver feather that my mother left me back then, and I can summon her avatar to help in battle, which can be regarded as a reward for sending Xiao Yin home for you." "

"Oh, Silver Feather?"

This is a good thing, I used one of them in the first place and saved my life.

He took the silver feather away, and after a few words of explanation to Xiaoyin, Lokia sneaked back to Daze.

Xiao Yin watched himself leave and didn't say anything.

As a divine beast, he was born with a high IQ, and he knew that he was not in much danger because he was numb, but he was just worried that he would be infected by power.

If you can't reach the strength of Ma Ma in the future, it is estimated that you will not live to the time when Ma Ma goes crazy...

Instead of worrying about Ma Ma's body now, it is better to let yourself grow slowly, at least there are thousands of years left, if you can first Ma Ma become a god, and then go to kill the gods of Ma Ma's path, and help Ma Ma ascend to the throne, it will be perfect!

So the little fat bird flapped its wings, flew to Luo Chen's head, and lay on his head, this place is strangely comfortable~

Luo Chen picked Mengyin up and sent him back to the boat in the pengcang.

Ah, one thing I forgot!

He slapped his head, he should have asked Lokia which path to godhood he took, so as to avoid colliding with her when he chose the path of godhood in the future!

But since you missed it, let's ask later, anyway, Lokia won't sleep in a thousand years.

The canopy boat began to move back.

On the way, Luo Chen began to discuss with the system.

"System, tell me everything you know about the path to godhood and your maker, as well as your plans for rebellion. "

The system hesitated for a while, and said: "Actually, I don't know much about the road to godhood, and there are no props in the system in this regard.

It's just that what you have come into contact with now is far beyond my expectations, and the original path to godhood should not be something you can understand now, but you just came into contact with it in advance, and you also met a sub-god!

This is simply incredible, according to my imagination, you should be shuttling through the parallel universes of various Pokémon, dealing with various mythical beasts, and then gradually subduing them, and finally waiting for the start of the World Pokémon Alliance Conference and successfully becoming a Pokémon Master!

Then the mission of this system will come to an end, but you have deviated from the script too exaggerated! Now you have already started to deal with false gods, and even have to investigate the affairs of the true gods!

To be honest, the next thing is not at all that I can help you, and these Pokémon on your body can't help you settle all this, the gap between them and those gods is too big!"

Luo Chen interrupted the system's complaints.

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things, I just want to know the relevant information now!"

The system said helplessly: "I have already told me all the information I know about the path to godhood, as for my maker, I don't know what kind of creature he is, I don't know whether he is a man or a woman, I only know that he is a true god!

The temple was filled with gray mist, and all around it were carriers of some system, and then I was sent into your world, and after merging with you, I entered the universe that belonged to Pokémon. "

A magnificent palace filled with gray mist?

And a large number of system carriers!

It seems that this true god is behind the creation of time-travelers and binding various systems!

As for the purpose, the system is not clear, but Luo Chen guessed that such a big deal can't be for fun, right?

Perhaps an experiment to gain more power?

All of us traversers were his test subjects?

Just like those Soul Eater Trees in the Dead Wood Forest, those Spirit Eater Trees were arranged by a strong man in order to find a suitable path to godhood.

So what are we people for?

Beyond the power of the true God?

Or is it to find some special power?

By the way, didn't the system say some kind of supreme god game before?

What are the gods playing?

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